
My Tandem Master put his hand on my $#@! just before Exit

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It's just a standard safety check with female passengers and because of their usually wider hips to make sure that the leg straps coming from the hips, over the buttocks, and under the crotch aren't too tight and aren't twisted and that it won't cut off circulation under canopy. It's taught in the course. It's not our fault. Yeah....that's it.

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It's just a standard safety check with female passengers and because of their usually wider hips to make sure that the leg straps coming from the hips,

Dayum dude. There are easier ways to die.......

Ooooooo yer gonna get it!
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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its a part of the gear check dont worry:P


No,no...That's only part of the gear check in BASE

hmm i only jumped whith 2 girls in BASE,and you know what?? i guess it would be more safe to put a hand on a big sailor in the pub than on thouse girls.. thet really kick ass:P
besides i only saw 1(on video)tandem BASE,and i didnt see any actions like that on the vid.. he he

its a skydive thing,i tell you;):D

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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So there are assholes in the sky as well?

Dude, that was my first jump ever. It meant a lot to me, but you apparently just enjoyed shitting all over it.

I can appreciate sarcasm as well as the next guy, but what you posted (without even any comment) was uncalled for. Are you trolling here or what?

My DZ rocks!. My Tandem Master Johan rocks! The Otter rocks!

You, motherhucker do not rock.

You suck.


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MH is a god among men, one of the few that speaks his mind. B|

There are more assholes in the sky then anywhere else, get used to it. 95% of the people at a DZ are assholes in some shape or form. HEY ASSHOLE!!! :D

Serious question...

You say "My DZ rocks!. My Tandem Master Johan rocks! The Otter rocks!"

How many DZ's have you compared it to? How many TM's have you seen and got to know? How many jump planes have you been in? I'm wondering because it seems that I'm yet to hear anyone say that their DZ sucks after their first jump.
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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So there are assholes in the sky as well?

Dude, that was my first jump ever. It meant a lot to me, but you apparently just enjoyed shitting all over it.

I can appreciate sarcasm as well as the next guy, but what you posted (without even any comment) was uncalled for. Are you trolling here or what?

My DZ rocks!. My Tandem Master Johan rocks! The Otter rocks!

You, motherhucker do not rock.

You suck.


Chill!! - I thought it was pretty funny! :P

Peace out.B|

Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.

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Sorry! This is not a reply to damion 75. Basically it is a reply to anyone who has the same attiitude as the OP. I came here asking for help. and most of you were very supportive and welcoming. I just didn't expect this.

Great welcome to the sky.

I guess I understand why the post got moved here, but I expected more than what he posted.

I really felt cared for up there, and because my TM took that extra trouble, I'll be back.

He made me feel so at ease, pre-flight, free-fall, chute and post flight. He took the trouble to talk and listen to me, and no I haven't checked out any other TM's, DZ's , airplanes, etc. But I liked everything about this DZ and how they took care of me, so what's the deal? I traveled 25 miles to get to this one, where else do you want me to go?

So is this usual practice here at dropzone.com? To take someone's "thank you" and shit on it?

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Not everyone knows what thread or post you are talking about, Quasi. THIS was not necessarily read by everyone online. That guy's joke was upsetting to you because it was in your eyes a play or joke on you and your experience, but I don't think that he meant to hurt you, personally. He was making a joke and not realizing how you may feel about it. I assure you that it was most likely nothing personal because you two don't even know each other.

Maybe just calm down a little.

I understand what you are feeling, though. Skydiving is a very emotional experience for people...the first time is pretty mindblowing. Please just know that you are being emotional because you really were moved and feel as though someone's taking away that validation that you were feeling with the skydive.

I understand how you feel. Know that no matter how other people react, that feeling that you felt was real. That is why you are going to become a skydiver. You were moved and felt taken care of, even protected by and bonded to the tandem master. I have never done a tandem, but I felt a strong bond with my instructors and continue to feel strong bonds with people whom I jump with. I still marvel at the beauty of it all. :)

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Not everyone knows what thread or post you are talking about, Quasi. THIS was not necessarily read by everyone online. That guy's joke was upsetting to you because it was in your eyes a play or joke on you and your experience, but I don't think that he meant to hurt you, personally. He was making a joke and not realizing how you may feel about it. I assure you that it was most likely nothing personal because you two don't even know each other.

Maybe just calm down a little.

I understand what you are feeling, though. Skydiving is a very emotional experience for people...the first time is pretty mindblowing. Please just know that you are being emotional because you really were moved and feel as though someone's taking away that validation that you were feeling with the skydive.

I understand how you feel. Know that no matter how other people react, that feeling that you felt was real. That is why you are going to become a skydiver. You were moved and felt taken care of, even protected by and bonded to the tandem master. I have never done a tandem, but I felt a strong bond with my instructors and continue to feel strong bonds with people whom I jump with. I still marvel at the beauty of it all. :)

I couldn't have (and didn't!) put it better myself...

Quasimodem, I am delighted that you had a great tandem experience and I really hope that you will continue. None of this is personal, or intended to lessen what you had to say in your thread (which I did read and thought was cool) - it's just a bit of fun!! :PB|

Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.

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Thank you! Thanks very much. I have never trusted my life to another person, and yes, it was very emotional for me. I will always remember the experience and remember my TM.

Guess I need to get a sense of humor, huh? ;)

I do love you guys and I wouldn't trade last Saturday morning for anything in the world.

My apology to motherhucker and blue skies to all of ya'!


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> I traveled 25 miles to get to this one, where else do you want me to go?

25 miles? I wish my DZ was that close. Try 75 miles for the one, 370 miles for the second and 620 miles for the third one.

Check out the Farm down there too. Hans is running a great DZ from all acounts.
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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