
VanillaSkyGirl is having a Birthday. . .

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And I LOVE you all!!!! Gia ~ Are you bringing your famous jello shots that Shannon mentioned?

Yes, you must bring some Jello shots. . .they are marvelous and lead to much debauchery. . .B|
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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Happy Birthday, Rosa! :)
I wish I could be there for your party, but I'll be hopping on a plane to North Carolina on Saturday morning. Oh, and I'll also be celebrating my 33rd birthday just a few days later - on June 23rd. Ha Ha, you are older than me! :P:P

I hope you have a great time, and I'm sending you some virtual birthday hugs and kisses! :)

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Hey Rosa long time no see. I've been on and off speratic. Was sorry to hear that you got an ouchy. But the girls are right you will be up and flying in no time. Heck Elfanie will testify to that. She has jumped since her ankle thing, and she is healing very well. Hey Pretty lady, Happy Birthday, and keep your spirits up. You give others such a smile in their day. Especially me!-Caress:)
I've learned.... That being kind is more important than being

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Have a very HAPPY birthday Rosa. I would buy you a new ankle, but how would we attach it???

I would give you mine....but I only have one thats usable.

Well, have a happy birthday anyhow....and smile...it makes the swelling go down.

All the very best to you.

Bill Cole D-41

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Have a very HAPPY birthday Rosa. I would buy you a new ankle, but how would we attach it???

Easy, just have the doc rebuild it with metal. Mine was the bargain price of $8000.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Happy Birthday little one. Hope you have a great day.

I agree you should do a tandem and let everyone build a speed star on you. It makes for great pic and you'll get jumped on your birthday!:o:D

Happy Birthday Hugs and Kisses...one of you cute guys pass them on from me and I'll pay up on my next visit to CA!


Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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I have to admit, i'm a little dissapointed ur turnin 33, when i saw u i figured u were around my age.

Wth does THAT mean? :ph34r: :P I guess that I am old and decrepid, then. (Lol...where is Jeannie?)

Loudawg ~

Oh, and just look out for the tall guy there, and it'll most likely be me

Just how TALL are you? I am only 5 ft....EVERYONE is "tall" compared to me...:ph34r:

Lifewithoutanet ~ Colin, I have already flown with Dom a few times...;)

Layton ~

somebody should take her on a tandem that way she could keep her feet up on landing and still jump on her birthday

Ahem...I have never done a "tandem" before...any volumteers? :$ Am I bad to be secretly dreaming of this? I am pretty tiny...and I could keep my legs up on landing...I promise. :$ :)
Betsy~ Yes, nig-noggery will be had. I can also bring some alcohol and ingredients for drinks, perhaps? Does the DZ have a blender? :)

Keely ~ Yes, I am older, dammit! :P Oooo...what's in North Carolina, girl? Btw, I still have your wingsuit...:$

Ivanrockon ~ Muchas gracias, mi amigo! Que tengas un fin de semana muy feliz! ;)

Sunny ~ Thanks for the "kiss", sweetie! :)
Caress ~ You are such a sweeheart...thank you!!! :)
Mouth ~

I agree you should do a tandem and let everyone build a speed star on you. It makes for great pic and you'll get jumped on your birthday!

That sounds AWESOME!!! Also, I could initiate Pink Mafia chickies ...YAYAYAY!!!

Happythoughts ~ Yes, I'm legal...:)

Cocheese and Sublimebreeze ~ Thank you for calling me "sweet". You guys really know how to make a girl smile...:)
Chuteless ~ You get better, too, my friend! B|

Everyone ~ I LOVE you all...and I think of you all with much love...

Clay ~

Wish I was there to spread cake all over you and

Wow, sweetie, the thought of you spreading cake all over me killed this thread...:ph34r: :$ :P

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