
Kellogg's Frosted Pop-Tarts (R)

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Kellogg's lists 27 varieties of Pop-Tart on its website. The flavors listed are from the Kellogg's Frosted Pop-Tart product series - the most common Pop-Tart product.

If you fancy yourself a consumer of the exquisite yummy goodness of Pop-Tarts Frosted Pastries, please indicate which is your favorite flavor.

Otherwise, please choose one of the other answers.

Special note to Sunny - I intend to measure the mean, median, and standard deviation values for this study. If I find that the Cherry Pop-Tart receives an inordinate number of votes, I shall deem the collected data useless.
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Pop Tarts(TM) are quite possibly the most sinister of junk foods on the face of the planet. If you can pack more calories, carbs, and fat into one ready-to-eat package, I am unaware of it.

Naturally I'm a big fan. :)
CHERRY is just extraordinary. :P
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Who the heck would buy (on purpose) an unfrosted pop tart???

I agree that to purchase an unfrosted Pop-Tart would be without purpose.

However, Kellogg's boasts 5 flavors of Pop-Tart in its Plain - or unfrosted - product line.

- topher
"...there is a there out there..." - Tom Robbins

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If you can pack more calories, carbs, and fat into one ready-to-eat package, I am unaware of it.

Obviously, you've never consumed, or have chosen to forget that you've consumed, the MRE - or, Meal Ready to Eat. We're talking 2,000 Calories + in each one.

Note: The United States Marines consider MRE to stand for Meal Ready to Enjoy. Oooh Raah. Kill

- topher
"...there is a there out there..." - Tom Robbins

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If you can pack more calories, carbs, and fat into one ready-to-eat package, I am unaware of it.

Obviously, you've never consumed, or have chosen to forget that you've consumed, the MRE - or, Meal Ready to Eat. We're talking 2,000 Calories + in each one.

Note: The United States Marines consider MRE to stand for Meal Ready to Enjoy. Oooh Raah. Kill

- topher


You are absolutely correct...:P:S:( ICK!!! Gave new meaning to green eggs and ham...that 'omelet' sure didn't look like it came from any chicken...B|:S:P We were just happy if we got A few Starburst candies in ours...:P;) The ones my husband gets now-a-days are just funny...they each come with a heater and everything. I asked him where the pre-bottled Frappaccino was in his MRE?? :D:D
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Smores is my favorite. I once made the mistake of buying strawberry without the frosting. Man was I pissed when I opened one. Who the heck would buy (on purpose) an unfrosted pop tart???


Yep - Mom got them one day and I haven't eaten a pop tart since.[Barf]
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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Smores is my favorite. I once made the mistake of buying strawberry without the frosting. Man was I pissed when I opened one. Who the heck would buy (on purpose) an unfrosted pop tart???


I like the unfrosted strawberry ones! I don't know why... I think I'm just a freak.

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If you're a freak, I'm one too! :D Strawberry unfrosted are my fave. Next is chocolate fudge, which I like the frosting on. Something about the strawberry ones that is just better without the frosting.

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Dude, why you gotta be picking on sunny? She's such a nice girl.

Hey rodeochic, this really isn't fair, poor topher hasn't been around long enough to even understand this post.;):D:D:D:D

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Dude, why you gotta be picking on sunny? She's such a nice girl.

Hey rodeochic, this really isn't fair, poor topher hasn't been around long enough to even understand this post.;):D:D:D:D

LMFAO!! I have though!! Damn nice rack Rodeochic!!

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For me it's anything fruit-flavored and NOT FROSTED.

Why, oh, why do they frost them? And why do people put them in the vending machines? A flat shortbread pocket full of sugar with coloring and flavoring does NOT need an extra coating of sugar glaze. Ew.


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I'm sorry, but the words "cherry", "pop", and "tart" should never appear in the same food name. That's just fucking sick. :D

Edited to add: That's why I like strawberry toaster strudel. It's a much cleaner, more "wholesome" breakfast. :D


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