Darius11 12 #76 June 10, 2004 I think you missed my point. I don’t care what any one does or if they were a man woman what ever. But if I was going out with someone who I thought was a woman (I have seen a few that you could not tell no matter how hard you tried) had sex with her/him and then found out she/he lied to me then I would be pissed. It is not about intolerance it is about respect. I have never had a problem with any ones sexuality. My policy on life is let me be and I’ll let you be.I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leroydb 0 #77 June 10, 2004 this is not an ignorant question... can a female that is now a man get a hard on and have an orgasm? I dont know so don't flame me... no pun intendedLeroy ..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keith 0 #78 June 10, 2004 Quotecan a female that is now a man get a hard on and have an orgasm? I dont know so don't flame me... no pun intended No, he could not get an erection without an implant to cause the erection. It's similar to what they do for impotence.Keith Don't Fuck with me Keith - J. Mandeville Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ncrowe 0 #79 June 11, 2004 I know they can go from man to woman , but can they go from woman to man ?? Anyways to answer the questions, Nope and as a side note : Becker bwhahahahaha "Don't Mess Around With the Guy in Shades- Oh No!!! " Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deuce 1 #80 June 11, 2004 Nope. Way too much complication and drama. Imagine Thanksgiving with "her" parents. Oh the joy. "One Adam 12, see the man. Turkey through the front window at 332 Main Street. Ambulance and fire already en route." "But Mama! I love him!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CornishChris 5 #81 June 11, 2004 I have an interesting slant on thi. In Big Brother 27, or whatever we are on, here in Australia they are about to introduce a Transexual called Miriam into the house to "spice things up". Miriam is pseudo famous for having been on a show were 6 guys tried to win her/him not knowing the big secret. It is public knowledge she/he is a transexual. When they found out it cost GBP125,000 to each of the contestants from the production company to get the thing on the air. thread Now say they introduce Miriam into the BB house and one of the guys pulls her. Everyone on the outside knows this is a guy (pre-op) but they are keeping it secret from the people inside so the bloke hinks he is pulling a girl but all his family & friends know otherwise. What sort of a can of worms could this open?! The guy will get HELL from all his mates who know about this. They are being put in a potentially shattering position by the production company in the interests of audience figures. I, personally, think it is outrageous. Anyway I would be interested to hear others views and I also want it to be known i learnt all this info from the adverts to the show having not watched even a minute of Big brother... CJP Gods don't kill people. People with Gods kill people Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Squeak 17 #82 June 11, 2004 QuoteOk, say you really like someone and wanna date them. Then they tell you they used to the other sex. Could you date someone knowing that they had a sex change? YUP No problems at all As long as they are not psycho I don't care what you used to be. I used to be a fucked up drug addict and alchoholic wouyld ya date someone like that.? Narrow minded people are fucked upYou are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky) My Life ROCKS! How's yours doing? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AndyMan 7 #83 June 11, 2004 I don't think there are any easy answers when it comes to trans-gendered people. It's true that society isn't ready to accept them yet, but I think it's also true that there are a whole lot of issues that are inherient in being a trans-gendered person, or being with one. I don't think there's anyone who knows all the answers. I think anyone who claims they do are either lying, or they're not as smart as they think they are. All of our thoughts are based on our own experiences. To some degree, we're all ignorant. Of the trans-gendered people I've known, they've all seemed like they're on a road or a journey. I don't think I've ever met someone who's finished that journey. It always seems like there's something else they need to do to be happy. If they've had one surgery, then they need a second surgery. If they've had two, then there's something else that they need. I have a lot of sympathy for people in the trans-gendered community. All of the people I've met always seem to be chasing happiness, and I honestly feel that often they're likely never to find it. Lastly, being transgendered often involves lying. So many people hide the truth from their friends and families - even sometimes their spouses... I can't imagine living the llife of the lie, that so often comes up. I can easily see myself having meaningful, thoughtful, and supportive relationship with trans-gendered people. In fact, I have. That's easy. Dating is another story though, and adds a whole lot of complications, some of which start with me. I'm married, so this question is purely hypothetical, but no. I don't think I could ever date someone who'd gone through a sex change. _Am__ You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Squeak 17 #84 June 11, 2004 Quote Now say they introduce Miriam into the BB house and one of the guys pulls her. Everyone on the outside knows this is a guy (pre-op) but they are keeping it secret from the people inside so the bloke hinks he is pulling a girl but all his family & friends know otherwise. What sort of a can of worms could this open?! The guy will get HELL from all his mates who know about this. They are being put in a potentially shattering position by the production company in the interests of audience figures. Anyway I would be interested to hear others views Well since Miriam is only going to be in there for a day or so, I doubt anyone is going to "PULL" her and even is they did, so what, if the only reason they try is because of looks they get what they deserve. And BTW what sort of Dick puts themself on Big Broither to start with Ya pay ya money ya take ya chances .You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky) My Life ROCKS! How's yours doing? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sdgregory 0 #85 June 11, 2004 QuoteQuoteSo what's it called the other way around? A dickectomy? Kelly Lobotomy. \ stop my sides they hurt!I need air! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Squeak 17 #86 June 11, 2004 QuoteQuoteI just think that if you are born something, that is what you are meant to be. I was not meant to be born a goat. I was born a human female, and I was meant to be born a human female. And if you ask me, just because you have your hoo-hoo cut off does not make you a woman. You are still a man and always will be. So all the people born hermaphrodite should be classified as what exactly. QuoteYou cannot bear children, and there's no way around that. A woman who becomes a man cannot ejaculate sperm and impregnate a woman. So baring children is a requisite for womanhood, damn DONT be BORN genetically deficient people will have too much trouble slotting you into "THIER" pigeon holes QuoteI don't want to be with someone who is so unbelievably confused and thinks that that will help. For most of the trangenders the confusion STOPS after the operation.You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky) My Life ROCKS! How's yours doing? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Michele 1 #87 June 11, 2004 I don't think I could date or be romantically involved with a transgendered person. Friends? Sure, and why not? But not romance... I'm not sure why, either. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites sdgregory 0 #88 June 11, 2004 QuoteQuoteWhen your personal choices are the same as those of the vast majority of the members of your society ...they don't seem very personal. Just because many people make the same personal individual choice doesn't mean that they are doing it because everyone else does. I've seen you bring this subject up before. And it's been my experience that people who constantly rebel against what the rest of society is doing are having their choices controlled more by societal influence than those who don't care what the rest of society is doing. I'm with Philly Kev. Your statement makes it sound like anyone who has a belief that is similar to the vast majority then they are just following the herd and have no mind of their own. So if I like ice cream and 90% of America likes ice cream, then I only like ice cream because everyone else does. Right? It is not possible that I like ice cream because I like it? By your logic then you only have personal choices if they disagree with the vast majority of the population. THerefore you make your decisions based on the exact opposite of what the majority decides so you can make your choices personal and therefore your choices are completely controlled by popular choice. We can then control your choices by choosing the exact opposite of what we want you to choose so that you will then choose it. Yeah real personal there. Follow that logic. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites WrongWay 0 #89 June 11, 2004 NO. Wrong Way D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451 The wiser wolf prevails. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites sundevil777 102 #90 June 11, 2004 NO QuoteYes I would. You're going to get some pretty ignorant answers to this one I think it is VERY INTOLERANT of you to prejudge someone's preference for a lover to have always been the same gender.People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites lowtimer 0 #91 June 11, 2004 QuoteAnd keep changing sex, it keeps things exciting, solo, duo, trio, group, whatever sex you want Y'know, every time I walk through the vegetable section at Jewel I wish I was a woman. ---------------------------------- Successfully avoiding adult responsibility since 1978! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Lindsey 0 #92 June 11, 2004 Okay.....how about Jamie Lee Curtis? Somebody mentioned "hermaphrodite," and this is a little different.....but someone who is genetically a male but has the physical characteristics of a female. Could you....Would you....date Jamie Lee Curtis??? Peace~ Lindsey Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Squeak 17 #93 June 11, 2004 Does JLC have a male genome? Do you mean genetically XY or XXYYou are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky) My Life ROCKS! How's yours doing? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Byron03 0 #94 June 11, 2004 I just want to say that this is a really F-ed up thread to read 1st thing in the morning at work. and No. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites WrongWay 0 #95 June 11, 2004 Quoteno. just too creepy. if that makes me superficial or judgemental, i'll take the label. Um....sweetie.....I have.....um......something to tell you..... Sorry, had to do it, carry on. Wrong Way D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451 The wiser wolf prevails. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites winsor 236 #96 June 11, 2004 No. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Pawl 0 #97 June 11, 2004 Never ! (I'd rather give up jumping...and that's not going to happen any time soon)"Africa is not for sissies" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites crwmike 0 #98 June 11, 2004 QuoteQuoteQuoteWhen your personal choices are the same as those of the vast majority of the members of your society ...they don't seem very personal. I've seen you bring this subject up before. And it's been my experience that people who constantly rebel against what the rest of society is doing are having their choices controlled more by societal influence than those who don't care what the rest of society is doing. I'm with Philly Kev. Your statement makes it sound like anyone who has a belief that is similar to the vast majority then they are just following the herd and have no mind of their own. Well, you have a bunch of absolutes in there, but ...yep, pretty much. I'll go even further, people go out of their way to avoid freedom. People go with the flow, value what they are raised to value and give little thought to who they are, what part they play in our society and what they, individually, can do to contribute to our world. They want the illusion or trappings of freedom ... what object to buy to be seen as part of the tribal collective, where to go on vacation, and what style clothes to wear. The vast majority of our interactions with other people consist of ritualistic behaviors to identify everyone's place in the culture and to soothe and calm the natives. Go outside of those rituals (even worse, challenge them!) and you find yourself wasting time trying to explain the world to indignant natives who can't see past their own culturally imprinted ideas ...or running for you life! Here's a starting point. Keep a daily log of what you actually say to other people and what they say to you. Do it for a week, then sit down and analyze the content. Of course you'll lose all the ritualistic genuflections and such, but it should be enlightening. You know, I'm not crazy about the way the world is either but I refuse to deny the realities of our existence just cause they don't fit with what I was told to believe. Some people don't have what it takes to accept what they see when they look behind the curtain, some won't even take a peek, and some deny the existence of a curtain, but a few have the strength of character and the courage to look at the world around them with eyes untainted by what is 'supposed' to be. Now, I know you're not going to buy any of this, but WTF, I had to give it a shot. Peace, Michael One never receives his convictions about values through intellectual debates. The things in a person's life which he actually does value--his children and his love for them and theirs for him, the pleasure he has in drama or listening to music or playing golf, the pride he has in his work--all these he accepts as realities...In actual life the real value is something we experience as connected with the reality of our activity, and any verbal discussion is on quite a secondary level. -Rollo May "..freedom has a twofold meaning for modern man: that he has been freed from traditional authorities and has become an 'individual,' but that at the same time he has become isolated, powerless and an instrument of purposes outside of himself, alienated from himself and others; furthermore, that this state undermines his self, weakens and frightens him, and makes him ready for submission to new kinds of bondage. Positive freedom on the other hand is identical with the full realization of the individual's potentialities, together with his ability to live actively and spontaneously." Eric Fromm Escape from Freedom Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Remster 30 #99 June 11, 2004 Quotewe don't like frogs. When did this turn into french bashing? Remster Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites D22369 0 #100 June 11, 2004 we don't like frogs When did this turn into french bashing? *** ooooooooo, now you did it.........frogs and frenchmen in the same sentence........dem frogs aint gonna like it......... Roy RoyThey say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Prev 1 2 3 4 5 Next Page 4 of 5 Join the conversation You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. 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Michele 1 #87 June 11, 2004 I don't think I could date or be romantically involved with a transgendered person. Friends? Sure, and why not? But not romance... I'm not sure why, either. Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sdgregory 0 #88 June 11, 2004 QuoteQuoteWhen your personal choices are the same as those of the vast majority of the members of your society ...they don't seem very personal. Just because many people make the same personal individual choice doesn't mean that they are doing it because everyone else does. I've seen you bring this subject up before. And it's been my experience that people who constantly rebel against what the rest of society is doing are having their choices controlled more by societal influence than those who don't care what the rest of society is doing. I'm with Philly Kev. Your statement makes it sound like anyone who has a belief that is similar to the vast majority then they are just following the herd and have no mind of their own. So if I like ice cream and 90% of America likes ice cream, then I only like ice cream because everyone else does. Right? It is not possible that I like ice cream because I like it? By your logic then you only have personal choices if they disagree with the vast majority of the population. THerefore you make your decisions based on the exact opposite of what the majority decides so you can make your choices personal and therefore your choices are completely controlled by popular choice. We can then control your choices by choosing the exact opposite of what we want you to choose so that you will then choose it. Yeah real personal there. Follow that logic. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WrongWay 0 #89 June 11, 2004 NO. Wrong Way D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451 The wiser wolf prevails. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sundevil777 102 #90 June 11, 2004 NO QuoteYes I would. You're going to get some pretty ignorant answers to this one I think it is VERY INTOLERANT of you to prejudge someone's preference for a lover to have always been the same gender.People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lowtimer 0 #91 June 11, 2004 QuoteAnd keep changing sex, it keeps things exciting, solo, duo, trio, group, whatever sex you want Y'know, every time I walk through the vegetable section at Jewel I wish I was a woman. ---------------------------------- Successfully avoiding adult responsibility since 1978! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lindsey 0 #92 June 11, 2004 Okay.....how about Jamie Lee Curtis? Somebody mentioned "hermaphrodite," and this is a little different.....but someone who is genetically a male but has the physical characteristics of a female. Could you....Would you....date Jamie Lee Curtis??? Peace~ Lindsey Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Squeak 17 #93 June 11, 2004 Does JLC have a male genome? Do you mean genetically XY or XXYYou are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky) My Life ROCKS! How's yours doing? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Byron03 0 #94 June 11, 2004 I just want to say that this is a really F-ed up thread to read 1st thing in the morning at work. and No. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WrongWay 0 #95 June 11, 2004 Quoteno. just too creepy. if that makes me superficial or judgemental, i'll take the label. Um....sweetie.....I have.....um......something to tell you..... Sorry, had to do it, carry on. Wrong Way D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451 The wiser wolf prevails. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pawl 0 #97 June 11, 2004 Never ! (I'd rather give up jumping...and that's not going to happen any time soon)"Africa is not for sissies" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crwmike 0 #98 June 11, 2004 QuoteQuoteQuoteWhen your personal choices are the same as those of the vast majority of the members of your society ...they don't seem very personal. I've seen you bring this subject up before. And it's been my experience that people who constantly rebel against what the rest of society is doing are having their choices controlled more by societal influence than those who don't care what the rest of society is doing. I'm with Philly Kev. Your statement makes it sound like anyone who has a belief that is similar to the vast majority then they are just following the herd and have no mind of their own. Well, you have a bunch of absolutes in there, but ...yep, pretty much. I'll go even further, people go out of their way to avoid freedom. People go with the flow, value what they are raised to value and give little thought to who they are, what part they play in our society and what they, individually, can do to contribute to our world. They want the illusion or trappings of freedom ... what object to buy to be seen as part of the tribal collective, where to go on vacation, and what style clothes to wear. The vast majority of our interactions with other people consist of ritualistic behaviors to identify everyone's place in the culture and to soothe and calm the natives. Go outside of those rituals (even worse, challenge them!) and you find yourself wasting time trying to explain the world to indignant natives who can't see past their own culturally imprinted ideas ...or running for you life! Here's a starting point. Keep a daily log of what you actually say to other people and what they say to you. Do it for a week, then sit down and analyze the content. Of course you'll lose all the ritualistic genuflections and such, but it should be enlightening. You know, I'm not crazy about the way the world is either but I refuse to deny the realities of our existence just cause they don't fit with what I was told to believe. Some people don't have what it takes to accept what they see when they look behind the curtain, some won't even take a peek, and some deny the existence of a curtain, but a few have the strength of character and the courage to look at the world around them with eyes untainted by what is 'supposed' to be. Now, I know you're not going to buy any of this, but WTF, I had to give it a shot. Peace, Michael One never receives his convictions about values through intellectual debates. The things in a person's life which he actually does value--his children and his love for them and theirs for him, the pleasure he has in drama or listening to music or playing golf, the pride he has in his work--all these he accepts as realities...In actual life the real value is something we experience as connected with the reality of our activity, and any verbal discussion is on quite a secondary level. -Rollo May "..freedom has a twofold meaning for modern man: that he has been freed from traditional authorities and has become an 'individual,' but that at the same time he has become isolated, powerless and an instrument of purposes outside of himself, alienated from himself and others; furthermore, that this state undermines his self, weakens and frightens him, and makes him ready for submission to new kinds of bondage. Positive freedom on the other hand is identical with the full realization of the individual's potentialities, together with his ability to live actively and spontaneously." Eric Fromm Escape from Freedom Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Remster 30 #99 June 11, 2004 Quotewe don't like frogs. When did this turn into french bashing? Remster Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
D22369 0 #100 June 11, 2004 we don't like frogs When did this turn into french bashing? *** ooooooooo, now you did it.........frogs and frenchmen in the same sentence........dem frogs aint gonna like it......... Roy RoyThey say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites