Luv2Fall 0 #101 June 11, 2004 QuoteQuote that person is, in two words, FUCKED UP Aren't we all fucked up to a degree? I guess there are some people who do have "issues" but from what I've read and seen there seems to be some evidence that these people are really born into the wrong bodies. That something happens during the development of the embryo and the brain goes one direction and the body goes another. That physically they are one sex but mentally they are another. Oprah had a show about it not too long ago and there were children who were just so uncomfortable in their own skin... It was extremely interesting. Now as far as would I date someone who is dealing with this, I don't know. Like someone else said, relationships are hard enough as it is. I really don't think you can compare cross dressing with someone being transgendered though. That's completely different. I agree there is evidence also........I know of one personally and I haven't a doubt in the world that this can and does happen. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keith 0 #102 June 11, 2004 Quote -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Reply To -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes I would. You're going to get some pretty ignorant answers to this one -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think it is VERY INTOLERANT of you to prejudge someone's preference for a lover to have always been the same gender. You're showing your ignorance. Look up ignorant in the dictionary before you call me intolerant and prejudging. Oh, here I'll do it for you: ig·no·rant ( P ) Pronunciation Key (gnr-nt) adj. 1. Lacking education or knowledge. 2. Showing or arising from a lack of education or knowledge: an ignorant mistake. 3. Unaware or uninformed By the way, had you read this thread you'd have seen that this was cleared up already.Keith Don't Fuck with me Keith - J. Mandeville Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rhino 0 #103 June 11, 2004 QuoteThis person is going to have WAY too many self identity issues for me to deal with. Not necessarily.. Jamie Lee Curtis was born with boy and girl parts...... Things that make you go hmmmm.......... Most men on here would bone Jamie Lee Curtis.... lol Rhino Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Luv2Fall 0 #104 June 11, 2004 QuoteQuoteThis person is going to have WAY too many self identity issues for me to deal with. Not necessarily.. Jamie Lee Curtis was born with boy and girl parts...... Things that make you go hmmmm.......... Most men on here would bone Jamie Lee Curtis.... lol Rhino I would! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EdC 0 #105 June 11, 2004 No, the wife would be pissed if she found out. Big Ed Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
happythoughts 0 #106 June 11, 2004 How do people know they haven't? That skinny guy could have been a "she" formerly and the dating never got to the point of finding out... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sdgregory 0 #107 June 11, 2004 QuoteQuoteQuoteThis person is going to have WAY too many self identity issues for me to deal with. Not necessarily.. Jamie Lee Curtis was born with boy and girl parts...... Things that make you go hmmmm.......... Most men on here would bone Jamie Lee Curtis.... lol Rhino I would! Are we just repeating trash we heard or does somebody really have some proff that JLC was born intergendered? I have done some research and this very well could be an urban legend. It amazes me that people repeat things as truth without ever checking the validity of the statement first. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nightingale 0 #108 June 11, 2004 Ms Curtis, according to snopes, will neither confirm nor deny this rumor. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sdgregory 0 #109 June 11, 2004 QuoteMs Curtis, according to snopes, will neither confirm nor deny this rumor. Which means we should not be repeating it as if it is true. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kelel01 1 #110 June 11, 2004 OMG. Is she your sister-brother? Now we're defending movie stars who have probably never even heard of You know, OJ was never "convicted" in the criminal case, yet people still refer to yesterday as the 10-year anniversary of "when OJ murdered his wife." Kelly Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mardigrasbob 0 #111 June 11, 2004 QuoteMs Curtis, according to snopes, will neither confirm nor deny this rumor. I feel vinicated. I was crucified for saying bad things about Jamie's testonorone levels. SEE: - Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ManBird 0 #112 June 11, 2004 QuoteOk, say you really like someone and wanna date them. Then they tell you they used to the other sex. Could you date someone knowing that they had a sex change?Only if they've had two sex changes."¯"`-._.-¯) ManBird (¯-._.-´"¯" Click Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Muenkel 0 #113 June 12, 2004 QuoteYou know, OJ was never "convicted" in the criminal case, yet people still refer to yesterday as the 10-year anniversary of "when OJ murdered his wife." First in answer to the original question, no way it's too weird! Now in answer to the hijack. I think the anniversary of the murders is June 14th. Anyway, that's not my point. I think people still refer to OJ as the murderer because he hasn't yet found the real killer. He's been looking real hard down there on all the golf courses in Florida. Give the man a break, those sand traps can be a real bitch. _________________________________________ Chris Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sdgregory 0 #114 June 12, 2004 QuoteOMG. Is she your sister-brother? Now we're defending movie stars who have probably never even heard of You know, OJ was never "convicted" in the criminal case, yet people still refer to yesterday as the 10-year anniversary of "when OJ murdered his wife." Kelly Guess that makes every thing right. What was I thinking? Flame away. I, on the other hand, would want to know if I was repeating information as fact that had no basis of proof. Maybe that's just me. It has nothing to do with defending JLC but more to do with a trend I see of people repeating everything they hear without ever finding out if it has any truth to it. Oh and on the OJ comment, there was an entire trial that was on TV for what seemed like forever in which a billion people saw much of the evidence of the case, and people think OJ got away with double murder because they saw much of what the jury saw and therefore drew conclusions based on evidence just as the jury did. If you don't see the difference well . . . Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Faber 0 #115 June 12, 2004 i couldnt care less,i mean if my gf want to try the same sex(as her) its ok by me,aslong as im a part of it(atleast be at the place).if not she would be unfaithful to me and have nothing to do whith a relationship to do.. I would only allow it as long as its the same sex as them(i see boys as the enemy in that point)so if i can have two girls at one time,then HELL yeah.. Stay safe Stefan Faber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pajarito 0 #116 June 12, 2004 Uhhhh..........NO! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kelel01 1 #117 June 12, 2004 JLC will neither confirm nor deny the rumor . . . if people were accusing me of being a hermaphrodite, I would sure as fuck deny. And OJ denies being the murderer, so let's apply all rules to everyone equally or not at all. Kelly Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
meatmissile 0 #118 June 12, 2004 No, but I could be friends with someone like that. -- ZZZzzzz.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lindsey 0 #119 June 12, 2004 The supposed JLC situation is that she has androgen insensitivity. Here's the deal with that. It takes a Y chromosome for a person to develop testes rather than ovaries and a uterus, and it requires testosterone for a person to develop a penis rather than a vagina. Any person will naturally develop a female phenotype without those things. So a person with a Y chromosome (male) will develop testes. If he isn't for some reason sensitive to the testosterone that he produces, he will naturally develop the lower 2/3 of the vagina, but no cervix and no uterus. A person would probably not be aware of this problem until he/she hit puberty and didn't start a period.'s not a problem of ambiguous genitalia or something when a person's parents choose to make their child into a case folks were getting that idea. QuoteJLC will neither confirm nor deny the rumor . . . if people were accusing me of being a hermaphrodite, I would sure as fuck deny. And OJ denies being the murderer, so let's apply all rules to everyone equally or not at all. Kelly Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Faber 0 #120 June 13, 2004 ha ha,i just realice that i totaly misunderstanded this tread,i read it as if my gf wanted to try another girl,not if she were a boy to start whith.. he he If she/he were that and you couldnt see the diff i probaly wouldnt care but i guess they cant make it that good Still think your a cool guy Keith Stay safe Stefan Faber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sdgregory 0 #121 June 13, 2004 QuoteJLC will neither confirm nor deny the rumor . . . if people were accusing me of being a hermaphrodite, I would sure as fuck deny. And OJ denies being the murderer, so let's apply all rules to everyone equally or not at all. Kelly Hmm let's see, JLC neither confirms or denies being intergendered, something she should not have to confirm nor deny. By being intergendered, if she is, she has committed no crime. It is personal and part of her right to privacy. Because you would vehemently deny it does not mean she has to in order to prove to you she isn't. Maybe she is thinking, I am not going to even dignify this with an answer. OJ on the other hand, may have committed a crime. That is not covered under anyones right to privacy. That is something he has to answer for and therefore the "rules" as you put it do not apply. I cannot believe that you actually equate these two concepts. But we will have to agree to disagree. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tbrown 26 #122 June 13, 2004 QuoteNo, but I could be friends with someone like that. I would hope we could all at least be friends. Dating, relationships, and sex are more personal matters and you can't really judge or blame someone for saying yes or no to the question. People are complicated and the whole is equal to more than the parts. We might be comfortable with one transexual person and not another because of any number of issues, that may or may not include the transexual issue itself. It is obviously an issue that our culture is clearly not comfortable with. But so are race, age, and gender issues, where's there's been progress, so who knows what another generation may bring ? Guess it all comes down to what this person means to you in your life. Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity ! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Damion 0 #123 June 13, 2004 this one should have had a poll :) but i would say no. i think it is easier for girls to say yes. :) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,044 #124 June 13, 2004 >Not necessarily.. Jamie Lee Curtis was born with boy and girl parts...... True hermaphrodites are incredibly rare. You'd have to basically develop as a conjoined twin in just one area; it would be as unusual as being born with three legs or two heads. Since male and female parts all come from the same basic tissue, it's not a matter of having both estrogen and testosterone produced during development, it requires having two entire sets of pre-genitals and having each one get opposite chemical messages during development. Not impossible but massively unlikely. There are a lot of other possibilities. Turner's Syndrome is a defect in the X chromosome pair that results in failure to develop some secondary sexual characteristics. Klinefelter's syndrome results from a developmental problem that leads to genetically female/ambiguous humans (XX or XXY) developing as males. Some are even mosaics, where some cells express one set of sex chromosomes but others express the other sex or an ambiguous sex. And some are simply developmental anomalies where an XY develops as a female. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,044 #125 June 14, 2004 > I just think that if you are born something, that is what you are meant to be. If you had a child with a harelip, or a minor heart defect, or had conjoined children - you wouldn't have the problem corrected because "that's how they were meant to be?" >And if you ask me, just because you have your hoo-hoo cut off does not >make you a woman. You are still a man and always will be. Suppose you have a small penis, poorly developed gonads where ovaries normally are and have XX chromosomes (i.e. are genetically female.) You can't produce sperm or eggs. What are you then? > I don't want to be with someone who is so unbelievably confused and >thinks that that will help. I've met a few transgendered people and they're not confused at all. They knew what they wanted, they did it and were happy with it. Sort of the opposite of confused. I wouldn't want to do it, but that's just me. ps. Isn't hoo-hoo slang for vagina? I can never keep these things straight. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites