
Allergies suck!

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I'm sitting here, barely able to see, sinuses on fire, all because of my shitty genes. I pop 5 pills daily just to stay ahead of this hay fever, sometimes that doesn't even work. Shots did not do a damn thing... This is why the USAF refused to let my fly...fuck this sucks...

I just hope that my new place in New Mexico will be better than KS when it comes to allergens...[/venting]

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I assume you've been to the doctor and tried all kinds of things, but I'll ask anyway.....

Have you tried Flonase? That stuff works wonders for me! Singulair? Also worked quite well.

I feel you pain, honest I do.......

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My son suffers from allergies. He's not as bad as you, but one trick that helps him is that I change his pillow case every day. Think about it. You're out and about all day, all that stuff that gets to you, gets stuck in your hair. Then you go to bed and lay your head on the pillow, were you rub your face in it. Even if you shower in the evenings, the pillow still picks up the junk that makes you feel shitty. Just get some really cheap pillow cases, and change them out. It's not going to cure you, but every little bit will help.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Thats what you get for all the mean things you say about cats...

I had cats for the first 10 years of my life. Sister was declared asthmatic/allergic to cats. Remove cats, suddenly develop allergy to them. If I'm in a house/apt with a cat for more than a hour or so, I have to stick myself with an epinepherine autoinjector...

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I share your pain. Mine aren't that bad in Ohio but I'm sure FL will turn me into a walking zombie :S I'm sorry you are all stuffed up and miserable. Hope you find refuge. I know the only thing to kill my sinus headaches/migranes is sleep. Feel better soon:)
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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I share your pain. Mine aren't that bad in Ohio but I'm sure FL will turn me into a walking zombie :S ... Feel better soon:)

I lived in FL before...Was either the greatest place in the world, or hell on earth for allergy sufferers...

Moving to NM, hoping the Desert is nicer on allergies...

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Moving to NM, hoping the Desert is nicer on allergies...

AZ was way easy on the allergies for me. Hopefully, NM will be the same for you. Best of luck with it!
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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Agreed. They SUCK! Just sitting here contemplating taking a pill to stop my eyes from watering, my nose from exploding, my head from detaching itself from my body with the next sneeze. (Need a sneezing emoticon here!)

And I don't have bad hayfever.[:/] Mine will pass, and life will return to normal. Including jumping, I ground myself during allergy season.:(

I empathise with those of you who suffer bad with them.

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.
-Robert A. Heinlein

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What are you allergic to?
My scratch test results: pollen, birch, alder, grass, dust, cat hair, cigarette smoke,..... allergies seasonal- starting in Feb. and runs through to Aug. Have learned to start anti allergy pills a few weeks early so body builds up, at height of season I am also allergic to some foods--need Flonase also by April- (sure helps breathing at night & snoring) vacuum alot using clean filters & bags- including my mattress, change pillow slip & bedding often- use frebreeze (anti -allergen) on drapes & furniture. Since ripping up all my carpets and putting in wood floors- have noticed big difference.........also living close to ocean.....on and on


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What are you allergic to?

Ragweed, pollen (grass, tree & Flower) Cats, dogs, mold, Cigarette smoke (why I'm a militant anti-smoking law proponent) and so on...

The house I'm moving into is in Albuquerque--the Sandia mtns...rock lawn (no grass pollen), and desert climate. I'm hoping desert living will help ease this shite...

I have no pets, nor did the previous occupant of the house I'm renting.

Can anyone recommend a good HEPA filter?

Will ask the MDG to give me Flonase, as much as I hate nasal sprays...


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You need an air purifier, not a HEPA filter. Filters can only take particles and allergens out of the air that actually pass through the filter (which is usually only about 30% of the air in a home). The purifier in our home purifies the air for up to 3000 sq. ft. and has helped my husband's allergies tremendously. Email me at rachiesue@hotmail.com and I'll get you purifier info. It's been a lifesaver for us!

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You need an air purifier, not a HEPA filter. Filters can only take particles and allergens out of the air that actually pass through the filter (which is usually only about 30% of the air in a home). The purifier in our home purifies the air for up to 3000 sq. ft. and has helped my husband's allergies tremendously. Email me at rachiesue@hotmail.com and I'll get you purifier info. It's been a lifesaver for us!

Email sent. :)

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