VanillaSkyGirl 6 #1 June 5, 2004 I am really bummed out. I want to cry. I'm so embarrassed, too. I broke a piece of my talus off today with a pathetic landing (which I don't feel like talking about at all). Oddly enough, another guy broke his ankle very badly not too long after I did in the same landing area as I, and another sprained his, yesterday. WTF? Yes, the winds were constantly changing, too. The thing is...I have jumped in these conditions before without issue. Anyhoo, my ankle broke while on my first jump today...ironically, it was a Canopy control course hop'n'pop. I guess my ankle took the "pop" part a little too seriously. It was so pathetic of me...a downwinder into huge brush. I was such an idiot about it...our of fear and indecisiveness, I guess. It's like suddenly last weekend and today...I can't land worth a poop. It's a weird mental thing that I have begun to do to myself regarding landings, esp. the videoed ones. I have a sudden mental block and fear of landing...maybe from recent grave injuries of a very experienced skydiver (whom I admire) under canopy. I don't know... This is Elsinore's Bridge the Gap weekend. Obviously, I am not able to attend this, anymore. I had to give up my 10 minutes of Bridge the Gap tunnel time, too. That was going to be such a good $$$ deal. Also...I was going to try to jump in the SSL on June 19th, which is my birthday. It would have been such a great birthday. A long time ago, I was asked by Melanie of Elsinore's Adrenaline to be a part of her 6-way team for the Poker Run Meet on June 26th. That's out for me, too. I was planning to go to a Big Way Formation Skill Building Camp for women at CSS on July 4th weekend...I guess that I am not attending that either. I would be ok with this if I could at least spend some quality time with my parents or brothers while my ankle healed, but almost everyone is going on a vacation to Peru (our birthplace) in a couple of weeks. Also, I hate the thought of telling my parents and brothers about my injury. They live an hour away from me, and I know that this only makes them more uncomfortable with the idea of me jumping. Right now, I am having a hard time with this, but I have to look at the bright side. Things always happen for a reason, right? Something amazing must be on the horizon for me to balance this out, right? Things always seem to work out for the best...eventually, when I stay positive. I just have to give it some time. It's really hard to stay positive, right now. Can anyone help me out by sending me some love, prayers, vibes, support. I need it right now. This fucking sucks. P.S. Kris ~ You are such a love. Thank you for me to the ER. Darcy, thank you for helping me with my bags and things. I love you both very much! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BASE813 0 #2 June 5, 2004 hey! yep it fucking sucks! i am into week 3 of recovery after shattering my leg and busting my ankle in a high force dislocated break............. I have around 4 months of not being able to walk and 2 surgerys......... the worse thing about it is the bordom and the feelings of being useful for nothing....... just keep your spirits up, do everything the consultants tell you and take time out to recover.............. ups and downs are a part of the healing process - just ride it out.............. recover fast............ keep smiling! my thoughts to you Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brodes 0 #3 June 5, 2004 These things happen, just call them a good learning experience Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Tinkerbelle 5 #4 June 5, 2004 The good news is that you broke it rather than spraining it. You'll be up and about in no time. Bones heal fast! I sprained my ankle landing on some railroad ties hidden in the grass years ago, and it still hurts. About a year later some guy broke his leg, or ankle, I forget which, and 4 weeks later, he was doing better than I. Bones heal, ligaments and tendons don't seem to like to. That's why I say, screw the calcium! Better to have the weak point be the bone than the joints. If the bones are too strong, the joints will give! Good luck! Tinkerbelle Rehab is for quitters. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Raefordite 0 #5 June 5, 2004 QuoteI broke a piece of my talus off today Hang in there girl! And listen to your doctor. The talus does not have the "best" circulation to it, so don't rush it and it will heal fine. Best of luck and start a piggy bank for those skydives when you are healed. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skymama 37 #6 June 5, 2004 Aw, Rosa, I can't believe this! I'm so sorry to hear that you're going to be down on the ground for awhile and not being able to participate in the activities you had planned. Just try to stay positive and remember that this too shall pass. Lots of hugs and vibes for you, girl! She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man, because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites SeaKev 0 #7 June 5, 2004 Sorry to hear this, Rosa. Jeanne and I were talking last night about all the fun you gals had in Perris. Don't rush the healing process. You'll be back in the air soon enough. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Michele 1 #8 June 5, 2004 Quotesending me some love, prayers, vibes, support. I need it right now. Much love to you, little one! Many prayers to you, my friend! Tons of vibes to you, my sister! Much support to you, Rosagirl! I understand about mental blocks...I had a huge one it took many jumps to get around. The good part is once you get around it, you'll be fine. In the meantime, while grounded, there is a lot you can do...and remember, it's only temporary. You will make it through, and be back in the air soon. But don't rush it, all right? The sky - and your friends - will wait. Hugs! Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites RoadRash 0 #9 June 5, 2004 Honey, I have been there and done that...I had a terrible landing and promptly performed a tib/fib with a little dislocation in for variety. Trust me, bones will heal, physical therapy will be work, and you will be back up and jumping in no time! Stay cool and don't get bummed, I know how you feel and that the down time will suck, but learn from mistakes and ::hugs, kisses, and vibes::. SMILE! You will heal faster if you do! ~R+R~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites VanillaSkyGirl 6 #10 June 5, 2004 Thank you, everyone. About an hour ago, I awoke and leg. That is the worst feeling, when you awaken and realize that it wasn't just a nightmare. Well, I guess that I will just have to wait until next month to hit jump 200...and to wear the wingsuit that Keely lent to me...that actually fit. Waaaah...I know that I'm pathetic. On the up side, I have good friends that have helped me. Although I initially walked on my leg after REALLY, REALLY hurt. I think that my instructor who was sitting in the nearby golf cart as I cried when I walked towards him must have thought that I was just being a girl or something when the tears began to fill my eyes with every step that I took. (I was even wearing a weight belt with about 13 lbs of lead.) I knew that I was hurt, but I had no idea that it was broken. I have a VERY, VERY high pain threshold. Well, we assumed that it was sprained & iced it. Although it began to bruise up right away, I wasn't really complaining much. Sadly, I was hoping that I would still be able to at least go into the tunnel this weekend. WTF was I thinking? Also, I have such narrow ankles that people (myself included) were confused by how much it was actually swollen, unless we compared the other one to it. An instructor (Doug) looked at it & thought that it looked broken to him. He suggested that I go to the hospital. Ed (Island cool) carried me to the car. Kris (Nightingale) drove me to the ER and even gave me a piggyback ride from her car to the ER. We parked far. She then spent a few hours with me. (She is getting at least one jump ticket on me today.) Darcy (Skyyhi) helped me numerous times walking back and forth with my bags and gear, etc. She really, really made sure that I was OK. I gave Darcy my tunnel time (soooo excited for her), and she will pay me in a week. YAY! She gets to be coached in the tunnel at a great price. Sadly, I will be missing her 100th today. Ugh. P.S. Sorry for complaining so much... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites crzjp20 0 #11 June 5, 2004 aww im so sorry to hear about that. do you have to have any surgery?? your right everything does happen for a reason so just keep looking for the gift inside all this. Get well soon its a rough idea to think of a great girl like you grounded cause of a freaking broken bone. Anyway wasy, get better fast!!-------------------------------------------------- Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Kramer 0 #12 June 5, 2004 This is sad!! Hey...there's a bright side to everything...think of all the money you're going to save up sittin on your bum recoverin! <<<>>>> The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites themitchyone 0 #13 June 5, 2004 Oh, no Rosa!! This sucks!!! I'm so sorry about your ankle. I'm sending big hugs your way along with may vibes and prayers to feel better soon. -Michele p.s. check your dz e-mail"If the Bible has taught us nothing else, and it hasn't, it's that girls should stick to girl's sports such as hot oil wrestling and foxy boxing." - Homer Simpson Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites BASE813 0 #14 June 5, 2004 Quotebroken ankles go by fast i wish................ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites tigra 0 #15 June 5, 2004 Sorry to hear that, Rosa. I just got back in the air last week after I broke mine (tib/fib w/ dislocation, etc) in November. It was also during a canopy control class, the last jump of the day and I was determined to stand up my landing. But changing light and depth perception was a problem and I flared too high. Crunch!!! I think there are a few of us who managed to get "broken" during a canopy control course! Ironinc, isn't it? Anyway, I hope you heal quickly! What's the prognosis? Will you need surgery? Do you know if there's any ligament damage? Chances are the bones will heal quicker than the tendons and ligaments. That's been true in my case anyway! Best to you! maura Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites mailin 0 #16 June 5, 2004 Oh no! That sux Rosa - sorry to hear that. I have zero pain tolerance, couldn't imagine going through that! Stay strong, you'll be back soon enough! Sending healing vibes your way!! You're in my thoughts and prayers. JenArianna Frances Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites dropdeded 0 #17 June 5, 2004 Well crap Rosa Take care of yourself, and just consider it a lesson, take something positive from it. dropdeded------------------------------------------ The Dude Abides. - Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites alanab 0 #18 June 5, 2004 ROSA, NOOOOO! It's OK though. you will heal fast, you are a strong woman. get better soon:) hugs and kisses! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites sundevil777 102 #19 June 5, 2004 So sorry Why the downwind landing? Mangnesium and zinc supplements can help bones to heal. Also some extra C.People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites bkdice 0 #20 June 5, 2004 oh no! ro! that sucks! i'm so sorry sweetie. i can imagine your disappointment with all those awesome plans. the good news is that it is just an ankle and as someone else said, depending on the break, it's usually better than a really bad sprain. you will be back in the air before you even know it girly - and you will not miss the whole summer of fun. besides, there is always next year, and the year after, and the year after. and yes, my dear rosa, everything happens for a reason. i believe that too. you might not know what that reason is right now, but have faith that its something. sending you big hugs and lotsa love from VA.... xo b Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites sunshine 2 #21 June 5, 2004 Oh rosa, i'm so sorry. Now you can join the ankle club....not exactly fun to be a member. Listen to the doc and baby yourself. Anytime you need to complain, we're here for you. *hugs* ___________________________________________ meow I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites laurie 0 #22 June 5, 2004 Oh, Rosa, what a bummer I'm soooo sorry this happened to you!!! Just when your flying was improving by leaps & bounds!!! You'll be back in the sky soon!!! Love ya honey!!! Good fast healing vibes sent your way!! laurie Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites slug 1 #23 June 5, 2004 Hi VSG Any pictures or x-rays?Of course you could have turned at the last minute to prevent the downwinder and made things a lot worse. . So IMO you did ok, welcome to the club. R.I.P. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites YahooLV 0 #24 June 5, 2004 Good vibes to you! I CAN relate to your broken ankle. There is a reason you haven't seen me lately...I'm recovering from a broken tib/fib compound fracture. (rod and 3 screws). I miss Perris a lot! We'll hang out together and make fun of the bi-pedal creatures running around! Best wishes, fast recovery! Curt "The camera guy" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites airgord 1 #25 June 5, 2004 Sorry to to hear about your injury, I can sympathize as I was out for two months with a broken back last year. Now is the time time to knock off the being sad about it and being positive for your healing, I missed a lot too but being sad and depressed made it much, much worse. Hang in there little sis!!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Prev 1 2 3 4 5 Next Page 1 of 5 Join the conversation You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Reply to this topic... × Pasted as rich text. Paste as plain text instead Only 75 emoji are allowed. × Your link has been automatically embedded. 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Tinkerbelle 5 #4 June 5, 2004 The good news is that you broke it rather than spraining it. You'll be up and about in no time. Bones heal fast! I sprained my ankle landing on some railroad ties hidden in the grass years ago, and it still hurts. About a year later some guy broke his leg, or ankle, I forget which, and 4 weeks later, he was doing better than I. Bones heal, ligaments and tendons don't seem to like to. That's why I say, screw the calcium! Better to have the weak point be the bone than the joints. If the bones are too strong, the joints will give! Good luck! Tinkerbelle Rehab is for quitters. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Raefordite 0 #5 June 5, 2004 QuoteI broke a piece of my talus off today Hang in there girl! And listen to your doctor. The talus does not have the "best" circulation to it, so don't rush it and it will heal fine. Best of luck and start a piggy bank for those skydives when you are healed. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skymama 37 #6 June 5, 2004 Aw, Rosa, I can't believe this! I'm so sorry to hear that you're going to be down on the ground for awhile and not being able to participate in the activities you had planned. Just try to stay positive and remember that this too shall pass. Lots of hugs and vibes for you, girl! She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man, because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SeaKev 0 #7 June 5, 2004 Sorry to hear this, Rosa. Jeanne and I were talking last night about all the fun you gals had in Perris. Don't rush the healing process. You'll be back in the air soon enough. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Michele 1 #8 June 5, 2004 Quotesending me some love, prayers, vibes, support. I need it right now. Much love to you, little one! Many prayers to you, my friend! Tons of vibes to you, my sister! Much support to you, Rosagirl! I understand about mental blocks...I had a huge one it took many jumps to get around. The good part is once you get around it, you'll be fine. In the meantime, while grounded, there is a lot you can do...and remember, it's only temporary. You will make it through, and be back in the air soon. But don't rush it, all right? The sky - and your friends - will wait. Hugs! Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RoadRash 0 #9 June 5, 2004 Honey, I have been there and done that...I had a terrible landing and promptly performed a tib/fib with a little dislocation in for variety. Trust me, bones will heal, physical therapy will be work, and you will be back up and jumping in no time! Stay cool and don't get bummed, I know how you feel and that the down time will suck, but learn from mistakes and ::hugs, kisses, and vibes::. SMILE! You will heal faster if you do! ~R+R~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VanillaSkyGirl 6 #10 June 5, 2004 Thank you, everyone. About an hour ago, I awoke and leg. That is the worst feeling, when you awaken and realize that it wasn't just a nightmare. Well, I guess that I will just have to wait until next month to hit jump 200...and to wear the wingsuit that Keely lent to me...that actually fit. Waaaah...I know that I'm pathetic. On the up side, I have good friends that have helped me. Although I initially walked on my leg after REALLY, REALLY hurt. I think that my instructor who was sitting in the nearby golf cart as I cried when I walked towards him must have thought that I was just being a girl or something when the tears began to fill my eyes with every step that I took. (I was even wearing a weight belt with about 13 lbs of lead.) I knew that I was hurt, but I had no idea that it was broken. I have a VERY, VERY high pain threshold. Well, we assumed that it was sprained & iced it. Although it began to bruise up right away, I wasn't really complaining much. Sadly, I was hoping that I would still be able to at least go into the tunnel this weekend. WTF was I thinking? Also, I have such narrow ankles that people (myself included) were confused by how much it was actually swollen, unless we compared the other one to it. An instructor (Doug) looked at it & thought that it looked broken to him. He suggested that I go to the hospital. Ed (Island cool) carried me to the car. Kris (Nightingale) drove me to the ER and even gave me a piggyback ride from her car to the ER. We parked far. She then spent a few hours with me. (She is getting at least one jump ticket on me today.) Darcy (Skyyhi) helped me numerous times walking back and forth with my bags and gear, etc. She really, really made sure that I was OK. I gave Darcy my tunnel time (soooo excited for her), and she will pay me in a week. YAY! She gets to be coached in the tunnel at a great price. Sadly, I will be missing her 100th today. Ugh. P.S. Sorry for complaining so much... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crzjp20 0 #11 June 5, 2004 aww im so sorry to hear about that. do you have to have any surgery?? your right everything does happen for a reason so just keep looking for the gift inside all this. Get well soon its a rough idea to think of a great girl like you grounded cause of a freaking broken bone. Anyway wasy, get better fast!!-------------------------------------------------- Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kramer 0 #12 June 5, 2004 This is sad!! Hey...there's a bright side to everything...think of all the money you're going to save up sittin on your bum recoverin! <<<>>>> The FAKE KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMER!!!!!!!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
themitchyone 0 #13 June 5, 2004 Oh, no Rosa!! This sucks!!! I'm so sorry about your ankle. I'm sending big hugs your way along with may vibes and prayers to feel better soon. -Michele p.s. check your dz e-mail"If the Bible has taught us nothing else, and it hasn't, it's that girls should stick to girl's sports such as hot oil wrestling and foxy boxing." - Homer Simpson Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BASE813 0 #14 June 5, 2004 Quotebroken ankles go by fast i wish................ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tigra 0 #15 June 5, 2004 Sorry to hear that, Rosa. I just got back in the air last week after I broke mine (tib/fib w/ dislocation, etc) in November. It was also during a canopy control class, the last jump of the day and I was determined to stand up my landing. But changing light and depth perception was a problem and I flared too high. Crunch!!! I think there are a few of us who managed to get "broken" during a canopy control course! Ironinc, isn't it? Anyway, I hope you heal quickly! What's the prognosis? Will you need surgery? Do you know if there's any ligament damage? Chances are the bones will heal quicker than the tendons and ligaments. That's been true in my case anyway! Best to you! maura Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mailin 0 #16 June 5, 2004 Oh no! That sux Rosa - sorry to hear that. I have zero pain tolerance, couldn't imagine going through that! Stay strong, you'll be back soon enough! Sending healing vibes your way!! You're in my thoughts and prayers. JenArianna Frances Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dropdeded 0 #17 June 5, 2004 Well crap Rosa Take care of yourself, and just consider it a lesson, take something positive from it. dropdeded------------------------------------------ The Dude Abides. - Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alanab 0 #18 June 5, 2004 ROSA, NOOOOO! It's OK though. you will heal fast, you are a strong woman. get better soon:) hugs and kisses! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sundevil777 102 #19 June 5, 2004 So sorry Why the downwind landing? Mangnesium and zinc supplements can help bones to heal. Also some extra C.People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bkdice 0 #20 June 5, 2004 oh no! ro! that sucks! i'm so sorry sweetie. i can imagine your disappointment with all those awesome plans. the good news is that it is just an ankle and as someone else said, depending on the break, it's usually better than a really bad sprain. you will be back in the air before you even know it girly - and you will not miss the whole summer of fun. besides, there is always next year, and the year after, and the year after. and yes, my dear rosa, everything happens for a reason. i believe that too. you might not know what that reason is right now, but have faith that its something. sending you big hugs and lotsa love from VA.... xo b Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sunshine 2 #21 June 5, 2004 Oh rosa, i'm so sorry. Now you can join the ankle club....not exactly fun to be a member. Listen to the doc and baby yourself. Anytime you need to complain, we're here for you. *hugs* ___________________________________________ meow I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
laurie 0 #22 June 5, 2004 Oh, Rosa, what a bummer I'm soooo sorry this happened to you!!! Just when your flying was improving by leaps & bounds!!! You'll be back in the sky soon!!! Love ya honey!!! Good fast healing vibes sent your way!! laurie Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slug 1 #23 June 5, 2004 Hi VSG Any pictures or x-rays?Of course you could have turned at the last minute to prevent the downwinder and made things a lot worse. . So IMO you did ok, welcome to the club. R.I.P. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
YahooLV 0 #24 June 5, 2004 Good vibes to you! I CAN relate to your broken ankle. There is a reason you haven't seen me lately...I'm recovering from a broken tib/fib compound fracture. (rod and 3 screws). I miss Perris a lot! We'll hang out together and make fun of the bi-pedal creatures running around! Best wishes, fast recovery! Curt "The camera guy" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airgord 1 #25 June 5, 2004 Sorry to to hear about your injury, I can sympathize as I was out for two months with a broken back last year. Now is the time time to knock off the being sad about it and being positive for your healing, I missed a lot too but being sad and depressed made it much, much worse. Hang in there little sis!!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites