
I broke my ankle today.

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Damn Rosa – I am so sorry to hear about this sweetie. :( That really sucks. [:/]

Sending you oodles of transatlantic ((((((((VIBES)))))))) and hugs.

I’ll be thinking of you sweetie – heres hoping for a quick recovery… and can someone who’s nearby please make sure Rosa gets some chocolate (and pain meds?!).

Rosa - you’ll be back in the air before you know it and I know the next few weeks will be tough, but you’re strong and you’ll get there. PM me if there's anything I can do to help or if you need to vent.


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hmm.... where is the rolling eye icon when you need it?


Before I was injured people used to always come running up to me when I arrived on the DZ to ask if I wanted to get on the next load, and everyone wanted me to sign their logbook.

You're kidding right? Get over yerself :S

Sorry to hijack your thread Rosa - just hate to see someone take a thread that was supposed to be uplifiting to you and fill it with trash.

Arianna Frances

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Sunny, I love ya so much, girlie. Thank you sooooo much for calling me.

I remember how sad/depressed i was with my ankle broken, i don't want you to go through the same thing. I'm so sorry i had to get off the phone, but i had to work. Ugh, i ended up going home and falling asleep right after work last night. I will try and call you again soon. Spirits up little one!! Now where the fuck is the kissy face icon so i can blow you kisses?? :)


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Hey hun,
I'm so sorry to hear about it. I totally feel your pain!!! I fractured my talus in March and I just had my first jump back 3 months later. Its not a bone you want to mess with and rush back into anything high impact (even slidding on your butt) I'm not to sure how much you know about it, but PM me if you want any info. I was on crutches for 8 weeks and no weight bearing...then i was allowed to walk on it, just no running or bike riding....basically swimming was the best thing.

Please PM me if you have any questions, I can tell you all i know from what just happened to me (and it was a pitiful landing as well. In fact I did another jump on it cause I thought i only bruised it)

Get better soon hun and keep your spirit high B|

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." - Albert Einstein

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Awww, my girl, I hate to hear this. But you will be back playing in the sky very soon. Just take care of yourself so you can heal quickly. Much love and eat lots of Ben and Jerry's. :)
PMS#28, Pelogrande Rodriguez#1074
My Pink M

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relax, Ro... your break was a minor one, according to the doc.

have you called an orthopedist yet? or made an appointment with your regular doc? try to see someone today to make sure the x-rays were read right, and to find out about treatment options and all that.

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have you called an orthopedist yet? or made an appointment with your regular doc?

Yes, I called and have an afternoon appointment to see my regular doctor, who wanted to see me before she referred me to a specialist. I am fucking dying of pain, though. I do not want to worry my family, but I am just dying here, so I am calling my mommy soon. I can't take it, anymore.

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The problem with fracturing your talus is that it is such an important bone in your foot. This is the bone that connects and supplies your foot with the blood supply. Since circulation is already limited in that area...thats why it takes a little longer than most. The other thing about it where you might have fractured/broke it. If its in the dome of the bone it will take a little longer then say the back side of it.
Anytime you are dealing with blood supply and bones, its not something i want to rush into sports with. The best person to go and see is a specialist in feet and ankles. They will send you for an MRI and thats when you will be able to see the true damage that you might have caused. Honestly if it means 3 months of no jumping vs. never being able to walk again....I would take the 3 months. I don't mean to scare you, but its better then not knowingt he truth.
Listen to your doctors and don't push it. There will always be more jumps and blue skies, but you only have one foot (well actually 2, but one on that side:P) Keep your head up and big smiles!!!

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." - Albert Einstein

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have you talked with your canopy coach about that? I know you heard from many people that you were ready for the downsize. it seemed like a freak accident to me.

Mentally, I will not feel comfortable going back to a new, smaller canopy after my accident. I am going to do what feels right to me and err on the conservative side. Of course, I will talk to Tigger about it, as well. I want to upsize again for another hundred or so more jumps because I think that, mentally, I will be more confident. That can only lead to better landings in the future, and I know that I will not fear hurting my ankle at all. With all the lead that I wear for 4-way, it is really painful to biff in. I am very confident that I will not have any issues landing, even in the worst conditions, when I upsize back to my old canopy size.

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ok. I was just making sure you'd thought it through, rather than just a gut reaction because you'd had an injury on a fairly new canopy. sounds like you've thought it over, and now, you've got a month or two to sell your old canopy and find a new one you like.

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Sorry for your misfortune. Hope you heal up quickly. Maybe find something else to do that is fun, to help keep your mind off of jumping until your ankle gets better. Posting here may help also. Hope you're not in too much pain....Steve1

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It'll be ok -

All you need is some TLC.

Turtle Loving and Care

I'm not feeling the love here.[:/]
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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