
I'm buying a laptop... opinions?

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I'm thinking toshiba. I'm open to suggestions, though. I don't want a dell...don't like their keyboards. I tried out toshiba, dell, and HP at best buy, and liked the toshibas, best.

What I need:

512 meg of ram
good quality graphics/video card (nvidia or radeon, I think)
lots of hard drive space (60 gig or so)
good quality, fast processor
wireless internet capable
able to plug in an external mouse (I hate trackpads!)

I'm going to be using it for MS Office (word, powerpoint, excel, mostly) and gaming (Everquest and Diablo II, probably).

I'm figuring that many of you know more than I do about stuff like this. I've got about $2000.00 to spend.

so... this is what I'm thinking of:

Toshiba Tecra M2 (customized)

Intel Pentium M Processor 1.70 GHz
512 MB PC2700 DDR333 SDRAM (256 MB x 2)
14.1" XGA display (1024x768)
60 GB HDD (5400 RPM)
Intel Wireless LAN (802.11g)
NVIDIA Graphics w/64MB, Gigabit Ethernet, Firewire port, bluetooth

Weight: 4.76 lbs with battery
PCABS/Magnesium Alloy case


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lol - I'm doing the same thing!

I'm buying a laptop for the school semester and have been doing a TON of research.

The one I decided on was:

Dell Inspiron 8600

Lots of cool features, and a DVD+R B|

The Compaq Preseario X1000 is really good too though... decisions, decisions, decisions....

Edit to add: For what your listing in the toshiba, the price seems a bit high, unless your getting like a 3 year warranty.

Arianna Frances

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Oh ya, Kris... forgot to add...

Some really great reviews and pricing guidelines here:


Not sure if you're looking at the laptop as a replacement for your desktop or not, cause thats what I'm looking to do.

Good Luck! Lemme know which you get, and how you like it. I'll be looking to get one at the end of August.

Arianna Frances

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A laptop is a great for law school. i'd obviously recommend against having games on it. It's hard enough avoiding a game of free cell.

I susupect you'll be taking notes and writing papers on it in a couple of months. Get a keyboard you are comfortable with. Also, you may wish to avoid getting one of those with a huge screen, since table resources may be lacking, and you don't want to impinge on others' space. You may also need something small enough so that you can store books.

If you can get a package with Microsoft Office on it, then go for it. Itherwise, you may want to wait until you start school and get the student package.

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Toshiba makes pretty good laptops.

I have recomended both toshiba and dell to people that I know who are getting them. I personally have an IBM but I don't know if my next laptop will be one because they lack the 3d Card support.

I am very picky about keyboards on laptops and for that reason I would never personally buy a dell (just like you said)

Toshiba are pretty good though.
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I already own microsoft office 2000 professional, so I'm all set in that respect.

Chapman's law school is brand new, with tons of individual space... Lots of table space, and two students per table, so no worry there.

The only games I'll be installing are Everquest and Diablo II, and neither of those would tempt me in class at all... they require 100% of my attention... not games you can play off and on, like solitaire.

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*jaw drops open* So let me get this straight.......Your a beautiful woman who plays EQ, runs her own server, and can whip the ever living hell out of most people? Wow James you lucky dog!:D:D:D
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if you havn't looked at the mac's please do so they make awsome laptops!!

Ouch....if you want to sell a kidney to pay for it.

you have two of them silly.:D:)
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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I don't run the server, its just the one I log on to! EQ has PC accessible and MAC accessible ones, and I started six years ago on a PC server, so I've got some fairly high end characters there, and they're non-transferrable to MAC servers (plus, then I wouldn't be able to play them on my desktop PC).

only sony can run the EQ servers. they don't let private parties do that like you can with Diablo.

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only sony can run the EQ servers. they don't let private parties do that like you can with Diablo.

or so they say
Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me.
Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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I just went thought this exercise last weekend. As always there's a bunch of trade-offs. Size, power, cost, screen size etc. I ended up buying this HP for a combination of three reasons.

It was the only laptop I could find that was awarded an 8 or above by CNet, for which 94% of the people who bought it gave a thumbs up (that's pretty rare - check some others), and finally it was in stock! ;)

Not the smallest laptop, not the biggest either. I liked the fact that it has the Centrino chip. The specific model I bought is the ZT3280us. I needed a new "primary computer". I have 2 other laptops so it didn't have to be the most portable. Still pretty thin and slick for a desktop replacement.

Very happy with it so far. B|
Safe swoops

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If you already have a good desktop, I wouldn't bother with such a high end video card. They use a lot of power and generate a lot of heat. The laptop version are of course not as bad (or as powerful) as the desktop versions, but still, you'll probably be able to get more battery life with a less powerful video card.


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Ouch....if you want to sell a kidney to pay for it.

That's a myth. Apple's laptops are comparable to or cheaper than most PC laptops. Check it out. It's true. Oh, and unlike high-end PC laptops, they get more than 20 minutes of battery life. B|

Now the desktops, THOSE are a lot more expensive. ;)

My advice to Kris on this was simple: If you have to get a PC laptop (which she has decided she does), get an IBM, Sony, or a Toshiba. If you get the toshiba, get an extra battery - for some reason, Toshiba has never had decent battery life.

Avoid Dell at all costs - they used to make good laptops (I had one for several years) but have gone downhill lately, and since their customer service was outsourced to India, it's completely horrible - we've wasted hundreds of person-hours at my company trying to get the damn things working properly and it's just a joke.
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