
If you don't behave I'm taking your toys away!

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Dad- “what did you use this corkscrew for?”

Son-  “To open the beer.”

Dad-  “What about this cork?”

Son-  “What cork?”

Dad-  “This cork.”

Son   “Oh, THAT cork. I drank some wine too.”

Dad-  “Well I hope you enjoyed that because it cost $120.00 a  bottle!”

LET THE YELLING BEGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That’s right my 13 year old son drank a bottle of Dom Perignon champagne- 1995. PUT IT BACK IN THE FRIDGE WITH PART OF A CORK AND THE LITTLE METAL THING BACK ON TOP! -$120.00.

I have it on good authority that you don't need a corkscrew to open a bottle of champagne.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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man that's nothing. i've had my rig taken away before, on more than one occasion. but they never have sold it...........yet[:/]. but then again, they may have tried, but it's kind of hard to sell a 85 vx, or my old canopy an 84 fx. :D

i've had my cut away handle taken before, but i just found another in the back and put it in, and got on the next load:D

and my friend vern, before he turne 18, his dad put a lock around the reserve handle on the harness, so vern gets a pair of bolt cutter's and cuts the fucker off, and jumps the rest of the day :D


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I think that's an excellent punishment! Good for the parents. But it would be wise to fix all the grammatical errors in that story before claiming to be smarter than the child. I know obviously the parents are, but come on, I've known 12 year olds that could write with much more quality. :S

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"I have it on good authority that you don't need a corkscrew to open a bottle of champagne."

I'll second that, also once the cork is out for any period of time, its damn tricky to get it back in.
Unless the bottle came with a plastic 'cork', but I doubt that Dom Perignon from 95 has this type of cork.

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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fix all the grammatical errors in that story before claiming to be smarter


Thank you for making this observation.

I've always loved people that write, "Your stupid" on bathroom walls or the like. It's always gotten a chuckle out of me.

- topher

"...there is a there out there..." - Tom Robbins

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I can vouch for that. The kid could have used a cork screw but it would have been a waste of time. It is very diffucult to put the cork back into a bottle of Dom Perignon. I have tried. Ended up buying a plastic cork made for those types of bottles.

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