Sebazz1 2 #26 August 27, 2003 TitaniumLegs (Peter) had a double femur incident. Happened right in front of me. Send him a PM. But yeah that guy is definitely in the club. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
racer42 0 #27 August 27, 2003 fibula....with plateL.A.S.T. #24 Co-Founder Biscuit Brothers Freefly Team Electric Toaster #3 Co-Founder Team Non Sequitor Co-Founder Team Happy Sock Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TitaniumLegs 8 #28 August 27, 2003 Yeah, like Sebezz said, count me in. High-speed, both femurs. Titanium still in both. Got the 95mm knee-fixing screws out a couple months after since the Ilial-tibial band was rubbing on the heads of them. Still have both rods and one 75mm screw on the upper left. I was back on jump status a little less than 6 months after impact. That was femurs #3 and #4 for Skydive Monterey Bay. Kiwi Matt is #1 and Chris deBar is #2. I'd like to get the rods out. Partly because they are a liability at this point, but also because I want to mount them on a plaque like crossed swords in the military! Wings of nylon - Legs of Titanium. (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lewmonst 0 #29 August 28, 2003 wow, these are some crazy stories! It's good to hear from all of you who are back jumping now as the most frustrating thing is being on a dropzone and not being able to walk much less jump. thank you all for sharing. I have a little 1" scar on my knee and a 5" scar on my hip. The funny thing is how my ass has atrophied... just ask Cajones... I mean, I don't have much of an ass to begin with, but the decent muscle I had there is now gone, and I have no ass. Oh well, that too I'm sure will come back. peace lew has anyone seen my ass? it's disappeared! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bbarnhouse 0 #30 August 28, 2003 Quote has anyone seen my ass? it's disappeared Jeez Lew take some of mine...puhleeeeeeez! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lewmonst 0 #31 August 28, 2003 Bets dear, you know I'll do anything for you! Ship it to me at Elsinore and I'd be happy to take yours! peace lew Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bbarnhouse 0 #32 August 28, 2003 Quote you know I'll do anything for you! Ship it to me at Elsinore and I'd be happy to take yours! Lew hon you are just way too good to me! Have I told you latey how wonderful I think you are? xoxox BB Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
flyangel2 2 #33 August 28, 2003 You can take some of mine too. But not the boobs, I need all I can get.May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MattyBoy 0 #34 August 28, 2003 Count me in, 5 years old, playing football (real football...not he US version of a load of big girls wearing padding!) Funnily enough, when I did AFF, it turned out my left leg (the one I broke) acted slightly differently to my right during freefall ie. lots of flapping around etc. I wondered if that was due to the must have affected my development as I couldn't walk on it for nearly a year I may be gullible but at least I have a magic fish Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RevJim 0 #35 August 28, 2003 Quote You can take some of mine too. But not the boobs, I need all I can get. Oh no they can't! You are wonderful just the way you are, so don't go trying to give any of it away!!! It's your life, live it! Karma RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TitaniumLegs 8 #36 August 28, 2003 So, you should start a numbering system. Give everybody a couple weeks to send in the dates and an xray or two, then issue #s in order of accident date for the first batch, then in order of the date they tell you about it. Then start a web site! Eventually, we could have a femur load record! Kinda like pieces of 8, but without the same visual. (I can see it coming: Somebody's gonna flame me for creating another "Look how dangerous skydiving is!" web site.) (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RevJim 0 #37 August 28, 2003 Quote (I can see it coming: Somebody's gonna flame me for creating another "Look how dangerous skydiving is!" web site.) Hell, no flames here! i think that's one of the best ideas I heard here in a long time. Those with a false sense of security due to the pussification of this sport (thanks Treetop, I love that word) need a wake up call. It's not safe. Never has been. Never will be. The "Femur club" is just another way to prove it. Thankfully, I'm not a member, and I hope to never be a member either. I do accept the fact that it could happen, all too easily, through no choice of my own. That's the part that reaches out and bites ya. The "I did everything right" injuries. Shit happens. It's skydiving, it ain't safe, and you gotta know that (or get out while ya can).It's your life, live it! Karma RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tonto 1 #38 August 28, 2003 Quote So, you should start a numbering system. Give everybody a couple weeks to send in the dates and an xray or two, then issue #s in order of accident date for the first batch, then in order of the date they tell you about it. Then start a web site! Good idea, but on I think the injuries should be from skydiving! You dudes that fell off horses or playing football can register on etc. Maybe my 15 min of fame is coming up! Will a pic of the scar and a few of the screws do? How many X rays do you have from Valintines day, 14 February 1987... tIt's the year of the Pig. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BikerBabe 0 #39 August 28, 2003 Hey Lew, you're looking at the newest member of the femur club! Gawd, I am an idiot. Yeah, it hurts. I think I'm going to make one or two posts, then go elevate it again. they put a rod in it, told me I can put all my weight on it already...which seems weird to me. I'm still getting over the surgery...not fun. I guess we'll see how it goes.Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SkyDolphin 0 #40 August 28, 2003 Memorial Day 1999. Elsinore at a PD Free For All. A dust devil took me out at 15 feet. I have a video of it because my husband landed before me and videoing my landing. I was lucky it was a clean break and 3 months later I was walking without crutches (although I still have a slight limp today). I remember being on the field cracking jokes. The thing that I remember the most about that day is, one of my friends stood by me and watched the paramedics cut off my $300.00 jump suit and my $2,000.00 rig with no reaction and totally freaked when they started to cut off my $20.00 Old Navy Cargo pants. That and my husband passing out in the hospital. I had the rod removed in November of 2000. Living in Seattle with all the rain and dampness in the winter, I couldn't deal with the constant knawing ache. Rhonda Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lewmonst 0 #41 August 28, 2003 Quote So, you should start a numbering system. Give everybody a couple weeks to send in the dates and an xray or two, then issue #s in order of accident date for the first batch, then in order of the date they tell you about it. Then start a web site! Eventually, we could have a femur load record! Kinda like pieces of 8, but without the same visual. (I can see it coming: Somebody's gonna flame me for creating another "Look how dangerous skydiving is!" web site.) That's funny... a femur club record... I can see it now. Ok, let's plan to do that at WFFC next year. As for numbers and all that, my computer isn't connected to the web yet, i'm on the dz one. I suppose I could collect info and start giving out numbers, it would be quite funny actually. But I'm not sure about the debate someone brought up about doing it some other way than skydiving. I don't care, i think a broken femur sucks no matter how you do it, so everyone can have a number, as long as they are skydivers too. So can I be FC#1 since i started this whole thing, although I know most of you did yours before me. whateva. I know while i was sitting around last week I found which is kinda funny... ok i must do something else now... bikerbabe, welcome to the club! Oh yeah, I know encourage everyone to post their xrays and scars if you've got them... I posted mine here peace lew Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skybeergodd 0 #42 August 28, 2003 Well I'll admit to being in the femur rod club....jump #497 and it ended with a big HOOK and BANG. Left femur fracture midshaft. But I do have to admit that the pain meds were great Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pyke 0 #43 August 28, 2003 ooh, ooooh, me...ME - pick ME!! Yup, joined that *club* on 12/9/2001. First FF (serves me is the bloody dark side!) - nailed the sit - held it for the whole dive...went low - turned and tracked after break off (stupidly - only other person was miles off!). Realized how low I was, pulled and wasn't going to make it back. Landed off in - what I thought was a big enough field - and had to turn just before final. Didn't get the angle of my final right and had to turn a little too much for my final. Came in hot under a new elliptical that I had barely 30 jumps on... Was relaxed all the way through impact (probably a good thing)! Heard the "pop" and thought it was my ribs initially. Looked down to see one leg normal, and one leg the size of, well, two! Got the rod, and two pins. The one pin that was supposed to be removed broke during the initial healing stages and so only 1/2 of it came out. I guess I'm going to have the rod forever, but it's also the reason I have one leg approx. 1 1/2" longer than that other. (they say anything below 2" is standard....WHATEVER!! it wasn't that long before - what makes you think it "should" be that long now??) Hardest part of rehab was regaining mobility to it. You wouldn't think it would atrophe so quickly, but it does!! All I can say is keep stretching...even when you don't want to!! And trust me - you won't! Was out of the sport 5 months 19 days...and then only did 10 over the next 9-10 months after that. Now, I'm back with a vengence!! Hang in there Lew - you'll skate through and wonder why the hell it even bothered you in the first place! {{{{HUGS}}}}}'re DEFINATELY not alone! Kahurangi e Mahearangi, Kiwi, RB #926, AFF-I, FAA Snr. Rigger, RN/BSN/Paramedic Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TitaniumLegs 8 #44 August 28, 2003 Quote So can I be FC#1 since i started this whole thing, OK, then I wanna be FC#2! I'll post mine when I get out of this meeting... (>o|-< If you don't believe me, ask me. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
livendive 8 #45 August 28, 2003 Quote Six weeks later I had a bone graft done to fill in the big empty space and let me tell you, the donor site for that hurt worse than the shattered femur! Iliac crest? That's where they harvested bone for my shoulder, and yes it did hurt worse than the shoulder afterwards. I posted a picture of the bruising/staples here. They're not all that remarkable until you consider there was nothing wrong with my hip! Blues, Dave"I AM A PROFESSIONAL EXTREME ATHLETE!" (drink Mountain Dew) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pyke 0 #46 August 28, 2003 Quote Quote So can I be FC#1 since i started this whole thing, OK, then I wanna be FC#2! FC #3 ! I've got my X-rays at my desk, and the dz, but I've given my details here (e.g. date, etc!) Time was approx. 5:30 pm. Upper-mid femur Fx 4 places, with a butterfly piece!! Xrays tell such a wicked story!! Kahurangi e Mahearangi, Kiwi, RB #926, AFF-I, FAA Snr. Rigger, RN/BSN/Paramedic Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jceman 1 #47 August 28, 2003 Quote Quote Six weeks later I had a bone graft done to fill in the big empty space and let me tell you, the donor site for that hurt worse than the shattered femur! Iliac crest? That's where they harvested bone for my shoulder, and yes it did hurt worse than the shoulder afterwards. I posted a picture of the bruising/staples here. They're not all that remarkable until you consider there was nothing wrong with my hip! Yep. Iliac crest. Damn it hurts just to think about it. At least with the femur I got Versed... Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, more money. Why do they call it "Tourist Season" if we can't shoot them? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lewmonst 0 #48 October 7, 2003 just thought i'd bump to give a little update... I saw a good doc at UCLA today. He said "no impact sports" (he meant running- i chuckled) for at least 6 weeks. We'll xray again then and I'll probably be cleared to do whateva... New xrays show a ton of bone growth at the fracture site, it's literally about twice as thick as the rest of my femur shaft, and it's healing very well he said. Kudos to my doc in Champaign that put me back together, he did a good job. he recommended having it out in about a year and a half. every day is getting easier :) but I am very tired from partying at Chicks Rock... NO MORE CRUTCHES!!!!!!!!!! Woooohooooooo! peace lew OH yeah, and many many many thanks and love for cajones for helping me with everything... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shark 0 #49 October 7, 2003 Quote NO MORE CRUTCHES!!!!!!!!!! Woooohooooooo! Hi Lew, I have to say you are making your way around the dz pretty well, too! You'll be airborne again soon. Quote every day is getting easier :) but I am very tired from partying at Chicks Rock... yep, me too. still catching up on sleep. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CrazyThomas 0 #50 October 7, 2003 Yep, that club too. It was 4 months wait to the next jump. Ummmm.....left in. Can always be taken out later. "NON-Skydiving related". It will heal, and you will jump again. It's just a matter of time and vitamins. Thomas Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites