
Ideas on selling gear

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Looking for thoughts on selling my gear. I'm military and have been out of the US since 2004, last jump in '04 as well. I've got an Eclipse container, Spectre 190 main and Tempo 170 reserve, and a Cypres that's rapidly approaching it's 12 year point. Equipment has @ 100 jumps total. I'm going to get it inpected and repacked but not sure about replacing the Cypres, maybe just try to sell it without?! Regardless, especially since I've been out of the sport for quite some time, I'm looking for some advice on what y'all think is the best way to get my rig sold. Thanks!!


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No reason for you to buy a new cypres just to pass the cost on. And then lose time on it while your waiting to sell. Sell it as is and let the buyer use the cypres trade in if they want.

Check the classifieds for pricing guidance and ask the rigger that inspects it. Don't have it packed unless you want to let people test jump it. Should be no need with a Spectre. Any buyer will want it inspected by a third party rigger.

Several of us on here have acted as a third party. Seller and buyer make a deal and decide who pays shipping and rigger inspection fee. Seller sends gear to third party rigger. Rigger inspects it and reports condition and any deficiences to both parties. If they decide to complete the deal buyer sends money to seller. Rigger holds rig until released by seller and then sends to buyer. Dedide who pays all of the shipping costs in each situation ahead of time.

Everybody happy.

Only reason to open reserve now is to see if cypres battery leaked in the last 6 years.:|

IF you plan on letting people make test jumps it gets trickier. Who pays for malfunction costs (repack, lost gear) and who holds the money. A few dealers buy gear outright to resell or take it on consignment. I haven't done that so I'll let others talk about who might do that.

I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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I've given that some thought for sure, but had shoulder surgery a short time back and am still doing therapy to get range of motion back. [:/] If all goes well I should be back to 100% by the end of the year.

I'm right there with you. Surgery was Dec 15th, and I hope to be jumping in June. Good luck to ya.:)

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Good luck to you too! Physical therapy has been kicking my butt!>:( But there's light at the end of the tunnel cause I can definitely seen a difference in range of motion compared to earlier on in therapy. Take care!


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