
Weekend Numbers...

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I'm done jumping for the weekend so I'll start it..

Fun weekend.. :S:17:0

5 tandem video jumps including Saturday sunset load.. Our pilot Dave did his first jump.. Also, got to video Skye's level 2. Unfortuanately, she gets to try again.. [:/] Those and a couple coaching dives, a couple tracking dives, some freeflying, and a hybrid made for a very nice weekend of jumping.. B| And.. there were no winds in Byron on Sunday so the swoop course was back up.. Yahooo!!! B| Today I spend with my sweetie.. :P;):)
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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Absolutely kick ass weekend!

SGC Boogie rawked!B|


got three jumps on Friday and 9 on Saturday.

And yep you read it right . . . 7 firsts!

1st CASA Jump and 1st Hybrid (same jump)

1st Tracking Dive

1st Speed Star dive

1st High Speed Casa Jump

1st raft jump

1st jump with ten or more people.

Oh and 1st hug from Sunshine. Next time we jump, Sunny one:P.

This weekend was an absolute blast. Next time I am staying the whole weekend.

And I took care of my beer dues with a bottle of Tequila and a bottle of Jack.B|

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Shitty weather made for interesting hop and pops.
Never underestimate the boredness of freefliers and what we can do from 4000'. Hanging from knees off wing and taking right hand grip with guy on the wheel makes for a interesting 2 way.:D In the end.....

0:2:1 (frist knee hang off Cessna)

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Finally finished AFF!!! YAY! got my three hop and pops done and did my first fun jump... yes I bought beer. B|


And you shed not a single tear for the things that you didn't need
'Cause you knew you were finally free - Death Cab For Cutie

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5 soccer games:0:0

No skydiving, it was the last soccer tournament weekend. Our team won! B| My son didn't get to play much because he has a sore back. He only went in for a few minutes in each game before it would give out. In the final game today, he scored the only goal of the game for either side. Pretty good for a guy who usually plays sweeper! Yes, I'm a proud soccermama today. :)
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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i moved into my new house saturday, then had horid weather on sunday, and way high winds today..... so intother words... a boring weekend
Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

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1 shot of a red-headed slut did me in. Damn I'm a lightweight.

I am coming out of my shell a little more at the dropzone. I'm not being so introverted quite as much as I used to be.

Was at the dropzone the whole weekend and the clouds just did not want to cooperate with me. Finally about mid-afternoon on Sunday I finally got to jump! YAY!

I did my first jump out of the casa. It also happened to be my first 4-way! WHOOP! I got my Falcon award on that jump!

Then I did a solo out of the casa. Worked on my front and back loops.

Did my first speed star on my last jump of the day. I was the base because I fall like a freaking rock. That was sooo much fun. I absolutely loved it!

I would like to say right now that Tami Carbone ROCKS! She is helping me so much in becoming a better skydiver. I had so much fun jumping with her yesterday! You're the best Tami!
I'm so funny I crack my head open!

P.M.S. #102

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The 3 being:

1 really bad ground strike under canopy that would have busted me up pretty bad if I hadn't done a very solid PLF.
1 bruised ego.
1 pained pride.

But tattered ego and pride won't keep me from jumping again next weekend ;)

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30 minutes of tunnel time
17 jumps (includes Thursday)
First time I did my 1000th jump and first time I turned 6 points on a 16 way (those were on the same jump so only one case is owed :P)
First time I've missed my flight home cuz I was having too much fun. :D

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Oh and 1st hug from Sunshine. Next time we jump, Sunny one

The weather just didn't cooperate for us to get to jump. Definately get ya next time. I'll see ya sooner than you think. ;)


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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I'm a good boy :):3:1

Drove 600 miles round trip on the Ducati Supersport to SDC (the first). Convinced friend/co-worker to ride her Yamaha FZ1 600 miles round trip as well to meet me there for her first 2 tandems. 'Hey Mikey, I think she likes it!'

Eener got to experience that bike as a passenger - that thing is bejezuz fast - especially with that particular friend/co-worker as the operator. My first ride on back of it, all I could think was - to hell with the 620, I want a 999, dammit!

3 more camera jumps added. Time to get some freefly coaching - need many corrections.

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Beer for my first hybrid. Looked kinda like that one in the L&B ad in Parachutist, but more rickety.


Beer for being in that hybrid and for taking out a speed star :):P
Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me.
Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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2 hop and pops, a six way, and a seven way today in between thunder storms. This weather sucks. It could have been 10 jumps. I was at the DZ for 10 hours.

Beer owed for first jump on my new Sabre 2 and for my first canopy ride in the rain. That Sabre 2 sure packs up easier when it's wet.

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