
Hangover cures

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a hangover is basically dehyrdration, especially if you've been puking.
part of it can also be the remaining alcohol in your system, if you were drinking really really heavily.

the number one thing you should do is rehydrate yourself... water, gatorade, pedialyte, just sip it if you feel like you gonna puke it up.

you can also take stuff like asprin or advil for the pain. and i've heard that anti-seasickness stuff, dranamine, helps keep you from throwing up. but get the non-drowsy kind if you have to do something during the day.

MB 3528, RB 1182

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Hi TUNA! Tis' el peludoB|. Certainly agree with your post. :):) I (try to manage this) just like being on liberty long ago!!:D:D:D JUST STAY DRUNK and when out of booze...
.... live with the thought:( gotta' pay the piper' for the fine performance attended.:D:D:D:D:D...... sometimes' ya' gotta get trashed!!!:P:D:D:D:D
el peludoB| Moderation so they say. To all:
don't forget a snappy tom and cold beer! aka; a tall

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What is going to get me thogh the day ? help ! B|

I don't have any sure fire remedies. I don't beleive in taking all these tablets and shit.. I've been hard enough on my body the night before don't wanna fill it with more crap. I figure I drunk then i gotta cop the consequences.
The best thing to rehydrate you after a big night, especially if you managed to taste the same beer twice, is Mizone.. Not sure if its only an Australian thing but its the shit! Ohh and Solo is the route of all that is evil! Made me hardcore puke once when hungover..... :(:S

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What U needed was a bit of the DOG (that bit YA")...
to bad we do not live close. I have a BODEGA' De La
mas fina... MAS FINA TEQUILA...aged in OAK Casking and ........:) sssSSSMMmmooooTH!
tastes like candy. Then;a fine maiden, shall lay you to your chamber..... too many single babes in my den.:o El PeludoB| para' espaniol...
the hair or hairy one. POP AN FOR ME!!!
sincerely,k:) El Peludo

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I always go with the ounce of prevention approach. Although it won't help you now, it might in the future.

1) Activated Charcoal (GNC $5.95) 2 six hours prior, and 2 one hour prior

2) Two 500mg Vitamin C (1 hour prior)

3) One Centrum Multi Vitamin (1 hour prior)

4) Two Advil (1 hour prior)

5) 1 litre water(1 hour prior)

6) 1 litre water if possible prior to passing out

7) Handfull of Tums prior to passing out

8) Two more Advil prior to passing out

I kow it sounds like a lot, but if fucking well works like a champ. I've put a lot of time and research in the R&D of this little process.

Coming soon to a bowl of Wheaties near you!!

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In addition to the normal cures (water, eating breakfast, B vitamins, etc.) I also find physical activity helps.

Get your ass outta bed, throw some clothes on, put on yer sunglasses and go outside and just WALK. walking is the best cure.

oh no wait, morning sex is the best cure.

Speed Racer

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