
Jumping from a Cessna is nice

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Twin Otter, Cessna. . ? They both beat the H#%$ out of a Twin Beech!

Hey Mister.. I like the Twin Beech D-18 that I have a couple hundred jumps out of....I also love the DC-3 and will jump one ANY time that I can.. its like a Cessna.. as far as the speed to Alti.. but with 30 to 40 of your friends.

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Chuck, I know I'm new to the sport; but, otters that climb as slow as 182's?????:o

I'm not naming names because the DZ that owns it is one of the best I've ever been to, and I wouldn't want to say anything to keep people away. But their Otter climbs as slow as a 182 (and the local jumpers are the first to admit it). You'll just have to go to all the Otter DZs to find out where it's at.

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Most importantly though, only from a Cessna can you kiss the pilot on your way out the door. :D

I'm glad thats not the only cool thing about them B|
I dont want to kiss Dave Price and I expect that if I tried to he would punch me B|

My mighty steed

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There is this small button "Check Spelling" or Microsoft Word for more suggestions of spellings.

i know that but as i get loads of surgestions of what i really tryed to type(and we has to assume i spelled it the way i thourght it should be)then its a dead end..

i mean if you realice that the shit you just wrote aint right,then you get 3 choices per word.. hmm its more easy that you guys just ask me what the f u c k im trying to say:P


I'm just teasin

no worryes i know;) i just explained why i personaly actualy never use the spell chek... take it as i tease you guys for not speaking danish:ph34r::D

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Chuck, I know I'm new to the sport; but, otters that climb as slow as 182's?????:o

Either all 22 people were VERY FAT or it is a plane I would truly be happy to have my rig on.

So much for the perfectly good airplane questions.;)

I've been in an otter that took over 30 minutes to get to altitude. First the stall warning goes off on take off then after 30 minutes and still another 2000 feet to go to "full altitude", we are told we have to get out cause they are out of gas.

Our Cessna 195 gets to 12,500 in about 15-18 minutes.

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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Chuck, I know I'm new to the sport; but, otters that climb as slow as 182's?????:o

Either all 22 people were VERY FAT or it is a plane I would truly be happy to have my rig on.

So much for the perfectly good airplane questions.;)

So I guess you have never been on a full competition load with the Critical Mass boys, (from St George) in the slow *polar bear* otter on a hot day..That was what i call slow! We were loving it just for the fun factor of the ride up to altitude:)

You are led through your lifetime by the inner learning creature, the playful spiritual being that is your real self.-Richard Bach

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Most importantly though, only from a Cessna can you kiss the pilot on your way out the door. :D

I'm glad thats not the only cool thing about them B|
I dont want to kiss Dave Price and I expect that if I tried to he would punch me B|

Nah, he'd probably just throw you out of the plane.


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I would like to take this opportunity to point out that the Caravan (or Grand Caravan) is a Cessna. Cessna 208.

So far, this is my favorite plane.
And if Kapowsin is watching, thank you SOOOO much for letting us borrow yours!


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no kidding... arg..

sure, cessnas can be fun.. a couple of you talked about going back and forth being fun, and i would agree, but when cessnas are the only thing around they can get pretty old. I started on totters, so when i jumped out a cessna it was fun, but after a bit you really miss the turbines.

-Seth :)

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But their Otter climbs as slow as a 182

this isn't the one that used to fly at emerald coast in alabama is it?? serial number something like 22 or close to that...... that thing was sooooo slow.......

and who ever was dissing a t-bone.. hecki['d rather jump one of those anyday over a cessna....... so much faster and lots more leg/head room!!!!!! well that is if you fit only 9 people in it...... never been in it with any more.....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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After jumping from Cessna 182's, 205's, a Caravan, the TwinOtter, TwinBeech, and others I can't remember ... I've decided the air outside the plane feels the same no matter which machine got me up there.

Being 6'2". the 182 is a bit cramped when it's fully loaded. But it's fun to hang from the strut.

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Oh Yeah. Our 182 regularly goes to 14k in a faster time than our 206 can get to 12. Although our 206 can get to 12k MUCh faster than the Otter I jumped last weekend (not a Super Otter). And the Cessna's are a lot more comfortable to me - the Otters unless I'm lucky enough to be sitting on the floor by the door you invariably have someone sitting on top of you squashing you to death and causing you dire pain. Cessna's are a thousand times more comforrtable....


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And the farting in the Otter. We get to 14k in a little under 20 minutes with a full load. In that time, the intestinal pressure relief valve will release pressure at least twice.

The only thing I hate about the large groups is the farting. With 22 people who were out late Saturday night, the Otter cannot get to altitude fast enough.

The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.

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Of course the vaaaaast majority of my jumps have been from Cessnas. My favorite was board jumps (back when I did that)....and maneuvering from the back when I had to sit there....takes some (ahem) flexibility....lol!


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if you wanna jump any plane, come to switz and jump the Super Connie...

Uh do you have a picture of that???

If its what I think it is.. that was the very first airplane I ever flew on.....a TWA Super Constellation.. one of the most magnificent airplanes ever built.. such gracefull flowing lines.

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we have a 182 with a nice big 520 engine.280 hp. i think it is the fastest prop 182 in the country.been getting a grand a minute.of course i have never seen it but roumor has it that this plane can do a barrell roll.***stay tuned for my next episode

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Are you joking?

Hell no! It's fun to try to lauch a 4 way from 7k. But, the best part of a little Cessna is that it takes off with a helluva lot less jumpers than a turbine. We used to have a 206 for $16 to 12k. Two jumpers $24 each and we fly! It sure beats watching sitting on the couch.

Want to have some fun from a Cessna try letting the spotter just exit and everyone else get off there butt or whatever & scramble out the door after them. A 4 way is very doable from 7k with a little practice.

All jumpers less than 300 jumps, try it you might like it!


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Twin Otter, Cessna. . ? They both beat the H#%$ out of a Twin Beech!:o

OMFG anything but a twin beech. I.m not sure if it's the pilot or the plane. It would be interesting to hear from Diver driver about the # of D-18 crash's flying jumpers and lives lost.

I sure there are some excellent d-18's and pilot's but I'll pass.


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if you wanna jump any plane, come to switz and jump the Super Connie...

Uh do you have a picture of that???

If its what I think it is.. that was the very first airplane I ever flew on.....a TWA Super Constellation.. one of the most magnificent airplanes ever built.. such gracefull flowing lines.

we should be able to jump it this summer during www.swisspops.ch during a transfer flight between Basel and Geneva... But for the moment there are not enough people to fill the plane. We will have other historical planes like a Ju52
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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