
Bachelor parties: How far is too far?

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The whipped cream went two places-- the stripper's cooch and her a-hole. And some of the party participants were more than happy to partake of both. :S



Gee, let's go down on some crazy hooker who'll let just anybody at random eat whipped cream out of her a-hole! How much tequila does it take to make that seem like a good idea? :o
7CP#1 | BTR#2 | Payaso en fuego Rodriguez
"I want hot chicks in my boobies!"- McBeth

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Where I come from, anyone with any sort of recording equipment of ANY kind at a bachelor party is summarily ejected and/or beaten sensless.

That might be a good rule at WFFC too.

Not that I've ever done anything at Rantoul that I wouldn't want recorded on video (or even audio)... ;):ph34r:

Hey, what happens at Rantoul, stays in Rantoul.. Oh, do you have any spare handcuff keys? ;)
7CP#1 | BTR#2 | Payaso en fuego Rodriguez
"I want hot chicks in my boobies!"- McBeth

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the "no cameras at bachelor parties" thing is kinda iffy...

I don't think so. Even people who's SOs are fine with the idea of strippers may be seriously traumatized by having to watch the video, even if the groom (or other attendee in question) didn't do anything wrong. I've had friends who had pictures from the bachelor party surface years later and cause serious marital strife, even though they stayed within pre-defined limits set with the SO at the time.

It's just not a friendly thing to do, and anyone bringing a recording device to a bachelor party I was at would be summarily beaten and shaved. ;)
7CP#1 | BTR#2 | Payaso en fuego Rodriguez
"I want hot chicks in my boobies!"- McBeth

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IMO The no camera thing is old tech.

When the blushng bride and groom come down with the same STD someone is going to be very upset.

If the STD doesn't kill them, one partner might do in the other. We had a recent case locally were some stud muffin knowingly infected a bunch of women.

The guy's going to jail for years and the women who are infected will have to see how good the meds are or if they have a death sentence.>:(

Who knows If monica gave something to slick willy maybe he gave it to Hillary. :)
Stay tuned slick willy may die at a early age from a "bad cold".

The world sure got messed up somewhere:( BTW if your about to be raped be responsiable and tell the other person you got the crud:)

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...was NOT into it at all. He was pretty pissed actually that his friends had put him up to all of it. You could see it in his face. He told me that he felt like he might as well be cheating on the woman he loved.

I don't think that anyone should go down on a stripper. YUK! I'd rather eat a chunk of rotten bleu cheese.

Unless your friend is the one going down on these skanks I don't see the big deal. From experience, if he was upset about it all, I'd say that your friend probably isn't the kind of guy who frequents strip clubs in the first place. Perhaps it's simply THAT he's COMPLETELY devoted to someone who would finds strip clubs inexcusable...or maybe indulging in eye-candy is considered "cheating" to him, or a number of other things...

It has been my own decision to NOT go to strip clubs or get into crap like that. MEN getting hot for a stripper, to me, is an act of despiration at physical attraction. GIRLS who are ok with unclothing (or fucking) in front of others typically have low self-esteem but nice asses. It's a system that works for the two categories well.

It sounds like he only has good intensions by being upset about it all. Although, I think your friend should learn to trust his own feelings. I mean, he's about to let someone else trust his feelings for the rest of his life. :o

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By the third strip club, Trish and I were drinking heavily and trying to laugh as much as possible, while the boys were one-by-one going off for their "private shows."

I was replying to weegegirls post. And in this context of "strippers" I would consider the actions of these people skanky. If we are talking about only removing clothes, then half of the people at my DZ would be considered skanks.

Respecting your statement Skybytch... I hereby declare the empirical representation of strippers NOT skanky. However, those strippers who also engage in further physical acts and/or sexual favors are, going forward, the only strippers to be considered skanks. Thanks for pointing it out. :)

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I am with you skyb....I dated a stripper just after my senior year in HS and she was a very nice, and down to earth girl. She just found it awesome making like $700+ a night.

Not all are bad, just the bad label all.

And Kelly I have talked to some of my female friends who have attended strip clubs and they say that the men are a lot better than the woman on most occations. Men sit there and place the dollar bill, where as women tend to get right up on stage and grope the stripper. behind closed doors there are women who are just as bad if not worst than most men. I think either male or female they need to follow guidelines set by themselves NOT by their SO. If they have to follow guidelines set by the SO then they arent ready for marrage. You should have enough class and respect for your SO not to do anything to place strain on the relationship by doing something dumb.

I was the best man at my brothers wedding and the party I planned was awesome. Everyone came up to me and said they loved it. No strippers nothing.....just a big huge game of paintball followed by a private room ata local classy pool hall that was catered.

For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
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So, I'm confused. Are you agreeing, disagreeing or neither? My basic point was that some of the acts performed on one's last night of "singlehood" (and I say it like that because it's only that in the very technical, legal, heartless sense of the word) are reprehensible. And if a bachelorette gives a male stripper a BJ, she's no better than any of the guys I mentioned in my prior posts.

But I actually happen to be a woman who has seen male strippers live, and I lived with guys who had female strippers in our house, and I'll tell you, all we did was watch the boys dance and put $$$ in their g-strings. The things these guys did with these "strippers" (more like hookers) were absolutely disgusting. Now, if you wanna eat out some stripper's ass, as long as you're not my SO, go for it. Just make sure to brush your teeth afterwards, and maybe get a rabies shot.


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And I happen to BE a male who has seen strippers and have done nothing butput money in their money strap.

I am agreeing with you that things are Bachelor/Balchelorette parties can and sometimes do get out of hand......hence the statement.

"You should have enough class and respect for your SO not to do anything to place strain on the relationship by doing something dumb."

IE: Oral/sex/ being a putz.

For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
Pedro Offers you his Protection.

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Now, if you wanna eat out some stripper's ass, as long as you're not my SO, go for it. Just make sure to brush your teeth afterwards, and maybe get a rabies shot.

I hope you don't say taht because they're strippers, but just because they are "unknown" females...
I know strippers from which this could be done with no risk, but there is only one who can do it and its her boyfriend (lucky bastard). The other people (clients) can just watch... and she's a sight fore sore eyes... I personnally prefer go out for a drink or a movie with her, she's soooo cool
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Oh yeah....I my explanation was bad but the middle part of my post was actually from my friend Kim. I should have quoted her, but I didnt. My B

I agree with the post above mine....dont know the name of the dude, but I know and dated a stripper who was probably one of the coolest young ladies on the planet that I have me so far. Ahh Mimi....lol

For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
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I know strippers from which this could be done with no risk

Just a minor point . . . NO RISK does not exist. And yes, I meant the nastiness of unknown women who would let someone do that, not necessarily strippers. But political correctness can go out the window as far as I'm concerned. Call a spade a spade.


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Am I taking that point the wrong way or is that a gross generalization that you are making Kelly?:|

For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
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these skanks

I know a few women who've worked in strip clubs. None of them deserve the label "skank", imho.

Hey, please don't get me wrong here... I know some strippers that I've been friends with over the years that are NOT skanks. However, performing sexual acts in private shows with people you don't know... that's just sketchy to me. Maybe the word "skank" is a bit harsh, but that's just my opinion. As far as just stripping for entertainment... that's cool... it's a job... and a fun one for some from what I hear. So, to respond to your post, I was NOT calling all strippers skanks... just the ones that go too far.

And to Vertifly... Hey bud, my friend wasn't totally devistated by the party... it just wasn't his thing. And you're right... he's not the type that frequents strip clubs to begin with. He had told everyone that he wasn't interested in that kind of entertainment, and then it was more or less shoved down his throat (well, not in the literal sense :D.) Explaining the whip marks all over his body to his newlywed wife the next day... I hear that was interesting. :S Oh, well... that's just my story. If a couple has equal understanding and they are not offended by that sort of adventure... well, sweet... more power to em.

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I don't know what point you're referring to, but if you're referring to "NO RISK", if you think that having sex or oral sex with anyone on this planet ever involves no risk, you are seriously naive. So when piifish said that he has stripper firends that you could go down on with no risk whatsoever, I was just pointing out that that does not exist.

Not a gross overgeneralization, just a fact-- one that people are content to ignore, as if STD's don't exist or only happen to really dirty people.


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..To an extent the subject here is not the moral behavior levels of the "guests" or the entertainment " at such events..... But of the Husband to be,,, or in the case of a Bachelorette,, the soon to be Bride....

Not sure where stripper concept became a requirement for a bachelor party....It may have come from the "single " guys who generally get all "fraternity-like" with excitement and encourage such things... The bachelor in question may or may not be "with" the idea however,,, and My guess is that a man with his priorities in order is most likely Not going to go for it...
"when we were kids we behaved as Kids'... Now we are men.".. Sure the chronically single guys may find it to be fun.... and there is not really anything wrong with such clubs and those who work there.....
However the Last Bash for a guy should never be a scenario where control is lost ( due to either alcohol. peer pressure, or stupidity ) and which then results in embarassing behavior, a HUGE headache
( literally AND figuratively) and some real fast talking to the S O . It just ain't necessary...
many many years ago I did enjoy it when My friends, my future brothers-in-law, and my jumping buddies expressed the desire to have a bachelor Party for me..... I agreed but stipulated that it should occur at a nice B|
Steak place which we frequented...from time to time
A couple of dozen of us got together,,, had some laughs a couple of beers,,, and a fine fine Dinner...
I finished the evening with a full stomach, a full heart( thanks to all the good wishes from my pals,) a clear conscience....Very goooood!!! and enough coin left in my wallet to take My Fiance' out for another splendid meal... later that same week.
..... To each his own..... But if you wouldn't usually engage in stripper/customer shennanigans Prior to a bachelor party..... It makes sense
to me Not to "blow it"...( or else Let it get blown !!! ):o;).... during the time immediately
leading up to a marriage....
...Maturity often goes unnoticed,,, but Stupidity can stand out like a Beacon.... for a long long time...]

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So when piifish said that he has stripper firends that you could go down on with no risk whatsoever, I was just pointing out that that does not exist

I said the only person who could go down on her is her boyfriend... Maybe my statement was not precise enough...
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Ok, well, I didn't read your whole post to be honest.

But this wasn't about a stripper's boyfriend going down on her . . . it was about people at a bachelor party going down on a stripper. So I think we have officially talked ourselves into oblivion.


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First off I said I agree with you about the actions that take place at both bachelor/bachelorette parties being over the line and gross.

Obviously there is risk in volved whenever sexual conduct takes place. Hello in case you dont remember how I was back when we met? The fact that you think I would be naive enough to the think that anyone on this planet can go down on anyone else and not run the risk of getting an STD is probably the stupidest thing I have ever heard you say.

My point was that you seem to be labelling all strippers into that "skank, slut, whore" area when we know that is not true and a gross generalization.

For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
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Do not put words into my mouth!

When I am explicitly talking about bachelor/bachelorette parties, I do not feel the need to use the term "any unknown woman", when clearly the woman I am talking about is a stripper.

I never used the term skank, whore, or slut, and the only term I even saw mentioned in this thread AT ALL was skank-- once.

I did no generalizing, but you are certainly trying to pick a fight with me for some reason or another.


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At any point throughout my thread did I say that YOU said skank, slut, or whore? I did not....all I said was that you seem to have this idea that all strippers are *insert words kelli said* Hookers.:P

Why would I have a reason to pic a fight with you? Agrueing over the internet is the dumbest thing in the world....next to going down on an unknown person.

For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
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At any point throughout my thread did I say that YOU said skank, slut, or whore?


My point was that you seem to be labelling all strippers into that "skank, slut, whore" area when we know that is not true and a gross generalization.

And not all strippers are hookers, and I never said that or even alluded to that. I did say outright that the women I was referring to at this specific party certainly seemed more like hookers than strippers. Any girl who accepts money for sex or oral sex is a prostitue, for lack of a nicer word. And yes, that includes your everyday golddigger, just so there's no confusion.


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You are correct young lady! The strippers at this party seem to be a bit sketchy. Prostitute is a fine word that fits the description well. Golddiggers...............ehhh...If I am 90 and some 25 year old hottie wants a piece of me even though its for my money...she can have me. I am going out with a bang.:P:ph34r:

For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
Pedro Offers you his Protection.

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