
Bachelor parties: How far is too far?

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I don't know what point you're referring to, but if you're referring to "NO RISK", if you think that having sex or oral sex with anyone on this planet ever involves no risk, you are seriously naive. So when piifish said that he has stripper firends that you could go down on with no risk whatsoever, I was just pointing out that that does not exist.

Not a gross overgeneralization, just a fact-- one that people are content to ignore, as if STD's don't exist or only happen to really dirty people.


Hi Kelly

I agree with what your saying 99.9999%

I've been in a long term relationship with my S.O.
for 30 plus yr's. Im my relationship I'm confident to say that there is no risk by having unprotected sex with my S.O. (The wife aka the boss)

Of course never say never but I would be very disapointed if I came down with a STD. Those damn toilet seats:S

Back in the day while serving my country overseas in foreign exotic places we used to check the local STD rate with the local G.I.'s a 105% infection rate was not unheard of:o


Stay safe pull high and wear a cypress, altimeter and dytter.

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Back in the day while serving my country overseas in foreign exotic places we used to check the local STD rate with the local G.I.'s a 105% infection rate was not unheard of:o

105%? How is that possible?
7CP#1 | BTR#2 | Payaso en fuego Rodriguez
"I want hot chicks in my boobies!"- McBeth

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Not that I will EVER get married again but my vote was for "Anything Goes." Of course......if you are getting married......I can't see wanting strippers, hookers, or "strange" in general. Because if you are getting married.....you best be PLENTY satisfied with your same cheese sandwich forever. ;)

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Because if you are getting married.....you best be PLENTY satisfied with your same cheese sandwich forever. ;)

The same goes for the woman. Btw, if someone is not going to be happy with a "cheese sandwhich" (lol), perhaps he/she shouldn't go for something so cheap and easy. My answer to that problem is to go for the filet mignon. :P

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My answer to that problem is to go for the filet mignon.

That reminds me...........I had a conversation about you the other night while sitting at a restaurant in Newark, NJ. I was complimenting this guy from Peru on the seeming top notch quality of the women in his country. ;)

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My answer to that problem is to go for the filet mignon.

That reminds me...........I had a conversation about you the other night while sitting at a restaurant in Newark, NJ. I was complimenting this guy from Peru on the seeming top notch quality of the women in his country. ;)

Omg...you did it again, Clay. You made me blush. :$ Thank you. That is sooo sweet. :$

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First and Foremost - What happens at a Bachelor Party is not to be revealed to any involved women, only harm can come of it.

Second - Trust is important. If you can't turn your back for a couple days of partying and let the boys be boys, then marriage should be reconsidered.

Lastly - At least he didn't do the unmentionable acts AFTER the wedding!

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Lastly - At least he didn't do the unmentionable acts AFTER the wedding!

a wedding is one day and a peice of paper. why should things just snap and change right at that moment? it should just be a day to cellebrate the love you share.... not some contract that changes all. :S guess i just have a distorted idea of what "marriage" should be. :P

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