
Congrats Michele!!! 100 Skydives!!!!!

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Way to go Michele! Wish I could have been out there to jump with ya, but I was there in spirit... I offered some helpful hints to help ensure you were Well and Truly Pied. [;-)]

Nice work, Pie Squad! ;)
7CP#1 | BTR#2 | Payaso en fuego Rodriguez
"I want hot chicks in my boobies!"- McBeth

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Oh, BTW...don't think that those of us who were NOT there don't have a nice pie up their sleeves to GET you with. You are gonna get PIED again when I see you in Georgia!!!
Congrats, girlie, but 'wuffo' you sat IN the pies??? lol..they phucked you UP...lol
Jenn, I had the weekends mixed up and you can send me a pm about all that WHEN you get home...IF you get home...booooooooooowhahahahhaaaaaa~~~April

Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

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Proof Michele can be in a 9-way.

I -believe- that this was her largest skydive to date.

As you can see, the spot is a little bit off. Sparky (in his traditional orange) was totally correct in his spotting talents and wanted to climb out a LOT earlier, but we weren't getting a green from the pilot so I was holding him back. I think 7 out of 9 made it back.

Top of the skydive went ok despite a couple of firm docks, but those did cause a bit o' counter clockwise rotation. In the photo, Michele, in blue, -should- have ended up in the north quad as that was up line of flight, but like I said a bit ' rotation started and it just never let up. So, anyway what you're seeing in the photo is point 1.

We actually made a second point, but waves, wiggles and level issues prevented me from getting the on-level shot I really wanted.

Still, nice skydive. At the very bottom of the skydive, things kinda had to end a bit early because of some thin white puffies. Michele pulled out of the center in a nice little hole, but some of us ended up logging some actual.

Anyway, enough about the skydive. Michele is now officially a 100 jump wonder and congratulations go out to her on that dubious distiction. ;)

Seriously. Good job.

Think about what I said in the team room.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Bay hales, quade??? Bay hales. 100 way bay hales.;):)
Um....the photo?

And what is an "actual"? I've got a whole heck of a lot of learning to do...I've wracked my poor 100 jump wonder brain trying to figure that one out.


Proof Michele can be in a 12-way.

Oh good grief - who'd we leave on the plane? Or were we counting Jen and her TM in sort of a staggered exit thing with the second pass?


I -believe- that this was her largest skydive to date.

True dat, but I thought it was only a -9- way plus 2 cameras...;).

It was great working with, and jumping with, you this weekend!


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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"Actual" is pilot speak.

Pilots can fly in "simulated" instrument conditions or "actual" instrument conditions. "Simulated" is with some kind of view limiting device to simulate flying through a cloud.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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"Actual" is pilot speak.

Oh. Good thing I don't fly the planes...


Seriously. Good job.

:$coming from you, that's high praise. Thanks! (and I'm being serious.)


Think about what I said in the team room.

Great comments...even in the Bombshelter. No doubt. I have been thinking, and will continue to do so, until I understand it in a zen kinda way. And then - watch out, world, cause here I come flying!

That is a phenomenal shot. Lotsa pink, the blue stands out, and the orange is pretty cute too. Just a great shot. Thanks. Far more the preferred one than some of the pie photos....;).

Thanks for sharing such a big milestone with me. You rock. Sorta. Can't let your head get too big...;););) (Please note the excessive and exaggerated use of winkie icons....)


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Wow, that's just AWESOME!!! I knew that you'd be doing it this weekend. So, how does it feel to finally hit jump 100, Michele? :P Uh...nevermind, picture #1 explains it all!!! B| Very nice pie job, too, Kris... ;)

What a BEAUTIFUL picture of Michele's 100th skydive. Quade's photos are ALWAYS amazing! :)
Btw, can you please name the lovely ladies (and Sparky:P) who are in Quade's pic? :)

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Proof Michele can be in a 9-way.
I -believe- that this was her largest skydive to date.

Congrats sweetie.
So you DID get to see Pammys grin in freefallB|
Im so glad that you got to share your 100th with such a fabulous gang.

And tunnel time too.....what a lucky gal! Are ya hooked now?;)

With lavender laced hugs

You are led through your lifetime by the inner learning creature, the playful spiritual being that is your real self.-Richard Bach

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Michele made her 100th jump at Perris today.

Number: wow! hugs!

Location: :::double-take:::


If I remember right, you had some good jumps this weekend. Nice flying my friend.
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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