
Why does my rig smell new after 2 years?

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There is no such thing as a 'new' smell to a rig. It smells like nylon unless you get it dirty or otherwise contaminated, and then it smells like whatever got it dirty. If you never get it dirty, it will always smell like nylon.

The concept of a 'new' smell comes from cars, where the manufacturer treats the interior with a scent to cover up the odors being released by the different types of plastic and coatings used in the interior. This smell will eventually wear off, but by that time the interior components are done emitting odors, and the car smells like whatever you put in it.

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Is this really a gear and rigging thread?

Anyways... I always thought the "new-smell" in cars, came from the plastics itself, and if you want to sell an used car, you use this scent, to psychologically make the car "newer"... ?
The trouble with skydiving; If you stink at it and continue to jump, you'll die. If you're good at it and continue to jump, you'll see a lot of friends die...

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