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ive watched every skydiving video i own.for the last 3 weeks ive been stuck at home with a infection in my ankle joint.watching the quincy 2001 video for the umptheenth time.with my little 2lb13oz yorkie in my lap.(he has been in my lap all this time too)hopefully i will go back to work monday.this sitting at home sucks.

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with my little 2lb13oz yorkie

Holy schamoly, that is a tiny tiny animal. I mean, my cats outweigh that dog, by three times his body weight (for the smallest cat, no less). Darn, the hair on my head weighs more than that.

How do you even know he's on your lap? :S

Hope you get to feeling better soon!


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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well he is the boss and for as small as he is he takes up a lot of room.he sure has the cute thing down though.his akc name is little jack rabbit.i just call him jackie paul.and he thinks that he weighs 150 pounds.its funny to watch him chase a 17 pound siamese cat that thinks he weighs 150

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its funny to watch him chase a 17 pound siamese cat that thinks he weighs 150


My 17 lb cat was terrified of Pie, a 6 pound kitten, when I brought Pie home. Esse had never seen a small cat that I know of, and Esse just lost it. Ended up sending me to the Dr....lol...

Pie, OTOH, would look at Jack Paul and think "hrm....a new squeaky toy for me to play with!!!" That kitty is fearless. Or stupid. Or both. LOLOL!


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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and he thinks that he weighs 150 pounds.its funny to watch him chase a 17 pound siamese cat that thinks he weighs 150

My mom breeds Yorkies, and I've seen this. Her 2 lb alpha male tried to take on a ton and a half brahma bull. The bull has a mildly amused look about him while this happened.

"If you end up in an alligator's jaws, naked, you probably did something to deserve it."

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