
Control Freak?

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Do you consider yourself a Control Freak?

Can someone please explain why is it such a problem to be one?

Honestly, I think everybody is a Control Freak once in a while, right?

I mean, do you really give a shit if somebody takes over, or does it bother you?
I took this quiz: http://msn.match.com/msn/article.aspx?articleid=1828&TrackingID=516311&BannerID=544657>1=3391

I can`t take it when suddenly you lose control of your stuff, your life or your decissions>:(

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I guess you are right.
But if you are used to having a routine in your day, and out of the blue something happens and it goes out of order of you can`t do the things you are used to (and look forward to, like jogging in the morning, before going to work), or somebody arrives and disorganizes your things or uses them and then he/she doesn`t put them back... and you get pissed of, ...isn`t that being a control freak?[:/]

I just hate when that happens. I don`t like to have my day messed up or my stuff>:(

I don`t know[:/]...I guess when I have a child, and he runs my life, I`ll no longer have control over most of my stuff.

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That's so cute! You think -that's- being a control freak . . . ahhhh.

No, what you're experiencing is called being normal -- not even assertive, just normal.

A control freak (wait a minute, I gotta be careful she's not reading this), ok, like I was saying . . . a control freak . . . (what? No, I'm just typing on the computer, just a little web post) . . . anyway, like I was . . . (WHAT? No, I don't think the TV is too loud) . . . a cont . . . (Yes, I'm going to do the dishes in a minute, just let me fin
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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im in one of those 12 step programs.now what you said about some one using your stuff or making changes in your day is what im talking about.we have no control over what happens around us.we like to think that we do because it gives us a warm secure feeling that makes us happy.this is an illusion.we have control over what we do and only what we do.if we do right more times than not others will do the same.when i was using i was a felony looking for a place to happen.my behavior was very bad.today i dont do things to people that i dont want done to me.i dont like making amends for pulling off addict behavior.our behavior decides whether we walk free in society or whether we are locked up for acting out.these are just some of the things that i have learned since i have been cleran.i know the old saying rehab is for quitters but i prefer to say that i surrendered.before i got clean the only thing i knew about surrender was standing with my hands above my head.geez i kinda got off on t riff didnt i?

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I am a control freak when it comes to my own life.



As far as everyone else is concerned, I could give a crap less what people do as long as it doesn't affect me in a negative way.

At least you are sincere!:o

But when it comes to my life I need to have control over it.
Ej: My dog pisses on the floor. I know I`m the onel who has to clean it up, because if Julio does,...he sucks at it. He just wipes it of w/ a piece of papaer, but doesn`t really clean it.
Oh, well!....Guess I`m not alone on this;)

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I'm not as bad as i thought - But I wasn't quite sure how to organize the pantie and bra thing - [:/]

2 drawers - one socks - one boxers

anyway - scored an 11 - Thought for sure I'd be a -5
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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You suck at picking movies though...hehe :P

Damnit sunshine, we got stuck with House of the Dead ONLY because Texas Chainsaw Massacre was sold out. Not my fault!!! B|B|B|

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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I'm definitely a control freak. I think it runs in the family; I see my three year old nephew doing things that others just don't understand, but I get (like, he needs to have his trains arranged in just the right way. If you switch them up, oh...you better watch out! He gets pissed!!!)

I was definitely more laid back when I was in college. I think it was the beer. :D
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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I think that most relationships are easier when you are young because people are more ready to compromise.

Older people, who have been single for a while, tend to get set in their ways and do not wish to compromise.

I know a lot of older women with "my car, my furniture, my stuff, my cat". They like it that way and don't want the complications of someone living with them and re-arranging their stuff.

Also, the test doesn't have an answer for "I don't own drawers to put stuff in". I don't.

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Good for you Layton :)
Yes I tend to be a control freak at times, but when I notice it I say the short version of the serenity prayer (FUCK IT) and life goes much easier;)

Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.

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Do you consider yourself a Control Freak?

Can someone please explain why is it such a problem to be one?

Honestly, I think everybody is a Control Freak once in a while, right?

I mean, do you really give a shit if somebody takes over, or does it bother you?
I took this quiz: http://msn.match.com/msn/article.aspx?articleid=1828&TrackingID=516311&BannerID=544657>1=3391

I can`t take it when suddenly you lose control of your stuff, your life or your decissions>:(

Everyone is a control freak. One of the most effective means to control anyone is to go limp and make them carry you.


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I'm definitely a control freak. I think it runs in the family; I see my three year old nephew doing things that others just don't understand, but I get (like, he needs to have his trains arranged in just the right way. If you switch them up, oh...you better watch out! He gets pissed!!!)

I was definitely more laid back when I was in college. I think it was the beer. :D

Knock knock ...now say, "who's there"?

who's there?

Control Freak ...now say "control freak who"? ;)

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I think that most relationships are easier when you are young because people are more ready to compromise.

Interesting. I guess I must be growing younger by the day! :P

At the University (read 22 years ago), I was extremely focused and controlling of my time and surroundings. My friends even remind me how my b/f was kept in tow.

However, now that time has gone by and more life experiences have traveled across the bridge, I find myself alot more tolerant and understanding of others behavior...understanding that they can be different and that's great!

I put the control on myself, but not on others. Life has too much to offer than to be stuck in one place, with set patterns of behavior for the rest of your life.


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Damnit sunshine, we got stuck with House of the Dead ONLY because Texas Chainsaw Massacre was sold out. Not my fault!!!

I know, but it's still fun to tease you. I rented the massacre last week, it wasn't very good, but far better than house of the dead.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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