
skydiving and non skydiving girl/boyfriends

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just over 3 years, we've been living together nearly 2. which would mean (you'd think) that we would be sick of each other, but the weekends are the time that we have proper time together.
how would you feel if your other half suddenly said that out of 2 weekend mornings they would not be around?

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Any relationship can work... or it might not. Thats for you and your SO to figure out together. There are plently of married couples, plenty of divorced couples and plenty of married skydiving couples out there.
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Some relationships work, some don't...if skydiving is the reason the relationship falls apart, then how strong was it really in the first place?

Sounds like this is something you should talk to you SO about, expressing this is something that you really want to do. You never know, your SO might get into it or might get another hobby to do while you're jumping. Something like Paintball or Mt. Biking or Baking, you never know.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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how would you feel if your other half suddenly said that out of 2 weekend mornings they would not be around?

2 mornings in the weekend is probably the time you'll spend in the beginning, but if you become a real addict, 2 mornings in the weekends per month will probably be all your girfriend wil ever see of you in the weekends if she's lucky ;)

Not to worry you or anythingB|:P
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It's always nice when you can grow together with someone. Who's to say that your other half wont support you?

Besides it's not till february, your other half has all that time to appreciate your interests and excitement in the sport.

And you at the same time have all that time to recognize his/her concerns

I travel the land, Work in the ocean, Play in the sky

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I have dealt with this since I started jumping 3 years ago and we just got engaged. It definitely can work, but it needs compromises on both ends. I don't jump every weekend because we like to do things together when we have "proper" time together, but she understands that skydiving is very important to me so she deals with my participation in something she does not like at all.


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The simple rule is to get involved with your skydiving relationship first, then your significant other. Do it backward and they will always hold it over you, especially when those weekends start disappearing rapidly!

But, some are more flexible than others. My wife walked into our relationship when i had over 550 jumps, so she knew what she was getting herself into. Yours isn't so fortunate, this lifestyle may be thrust upon her without her consent...keep that in mind, hope it works!

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am feeling concerned, about to do my AFF in feb and will be thowing myself at this new thing im doing, but my other half isn't interested at all...
seriously, has anyone got anything to say re this?

The way I see it is.....
You have until Feb to hang out at the DZ every weekend from 1st load till all the beer is gone....
If she stays with you after that, she may just stay together with you after you start really jumping?:)gear, beer and jump tickets?:P
Good Luck!

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I tend to skydive everyother w/e (weather allowing) and that seems to work ok for us. When you first do your Aff training you will need to go nearly very w/e to keep current and pass. Once your past your cat 8 you will be able to jump less often (although it will drive you crazy when the weather is good and your not diving). If your lucky you may convince them to take it up once your commited.

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I'm going to divulge secret guy thoughts here:

Whenever a couple comes onto the dropzone and the girl is jumping and the guy isn't, it goes like this.

The girls says "That was incredibly awesome, I want to do that again", while jumping up and down.

The guy says, "It's just not my thing. Not interested." and thinks "We won't be back here again."

The dz guys hear all this and think "Sweeeeet, we won't be seeing him again and we'll shortly have a new single chickie on the dz."

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well thanks guys, sorry ive not been about the last 12 hours to respond to your thoughts, diff time zone you see!
im actually off doing my aff in spain- going on my own and planning on doing the consolidation jumps out there too. not only will i be going on my own, my boyf slightly worried bout me travelling on my own.
when in return i'll get comfy at my nearest DZ and think bout getting myself a rig of my own....
now that you're all aware im not a guy and this is the other way round do you think differently???
sorry i didnt mean to confuse
i think it is the whole beer, jumps good time that hes worried about

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I'm going to divulge secret guy thoughts here:

Whenever a couple comes onto the dropzone and the girl is jumping and the guy isn't, it goes like this.

The girls says "That was incredibly awesome, I want to do that again", while jumping up and down.

The guy says, "It's just not my thing. Not interested." and thinks "We won't be back here again."

The dz guys hear all this and think "Sweeeeet, we won't be seeing him again and we'll shortly have a new single chickie on the dz."

You forgot the last line:

"Let the games begin!!!!"
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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now that you're all aware im not a guy and this is the other way round do you think differently???
sorry i didnt mean to confuse
i think it is the whole beer, jumps good time that hes worried about

Yes, now everyone thinks exactly like this...

"The dz guys hear all this and think "Sweeeeet, we won't be seeing him again and we'll shortly have a new single chickie on the dz." "

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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i think it is the whole beer, jumps good time that hes worried about

One of the weirdest things about people is that they can be insecure if they are not the source of all happiness for their SO.

If he was out enjoying himself doing and you were watching him, it would be ok. That should work for you too. It isn't "all about me" all the time.

You have to be comfortable and sit back and watch a SO enjoy life even when you are not the center of attention. A lot of people have isssues with that.

Even if he doesn't jump, you can include him in the after-jumping party stuff. That should help the comfort level.

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hhmm yes
i think it basically goes back to whole basic thing that men do (men, please feel free to retaliate!!!). now im off going to do this thing he suddenly thinks "what happens if she meets some hunky guy that she has this amazing thing in common with, they'll start talking about the size of their canopies and i'll be dropped..."
you see....???
our relationship is very secure, but i suppose if he was off doing something with big groups of girls i would be slightly concerned too that they would be having their hands on my man!
possesiveness, jealosy - basic instincts i guess

and its funny what you say happythoughts, cos im quite introverted, not really liking the whole centre of attention thing!!
different horses for different courses as they say...

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i suppose if he was off doing something with big groups of girls

Good thing that there isn't any girls in other parts of his life. ;) Do the both of you live in a cave most of the time? :D

Basically, the problem is always there. (1)exposure to the opposite sex and (2) a socially accepted mechanism to make contact (a common interest).

This happens in college classes where people talk after class about the subject. At work, there is contact with the opposite sex (unless you work on a submarine at sea). In most sports.

The complexity for skydiving comes from the possible exclusion of the SO and the fact that it is fun.

People start to compare things like this:
When I see my SO, we have experiences in real life. When I see my skydiving buddy, we have experiences. When I see my skydiving buddy, we are always smiling and happy.

People start to unconsciously think that the rest of their life is like that because 100% of their exposure to that person is fun. That is the relationship danger.

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I've tried both dude. The SO thing worked well for a long time, we had our "Together time" and then on every second weekend we'd either be apard or she'd be hanging out with my second family at the DZ. Then the world went to shit. It wasn't a skydiving thing, we just broke up, but life seems to be alot easier now! More time to concentrate on whe I want to do. Relationships come and go....but family is family forever.

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than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

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