
gas prices?

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$2.39 here.

Cost of a 2004 Prius: $20,510
Cost of a Ford Explorer: $26,000

Annual gas cost for a Prius driven 10,000 miles a year: $478
Annual gas cost for an Explorer, same usage:$1493

Number of additional skydives you can afford by buying the Prius over the Explorer: 360 first year, 56/year after that

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I live in Lake Tahoe and it's over $2.50 a gallon. In a way I am glad my truck has been in the shop for the last two month so I haven't had to buy gas.
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You having a clean thought is like billyvance having a clean post.iluvtofly

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Oh let me just tell you guys how much my position sucks on this whole topic. It just broke the $2.00 mark here in Alabama last week. Well, I own a Pest Control Company. I DRIVE FOR A LIVING!!! I have to fill up my freakin' S-10, (*Yeah, had to give up the Dodge Ram 1500, 360 V-8 that gets 11 miles to the gallon) on average, 2 or 3 times a week, what should be about $18-$24 to fill, is costing me over freakin' $30.00 a pop. That is $90.00 a freakin' week just for freakin' gas. Can everyone sense that bitterness that I through in there, cause I was laying it on pretty thick!!!!
Unknowing attempting to take out all 4 wheeled vehicles remotely close to the landing area!

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lol sorry my stupidity, didnt know

yeah gas should be about the same in houstin as is here.

Both have two of the largest oil refineries in the world
Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

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$1.98 low grade 87 octane - ethanol enhanced
$2.03 mid grade 89 octane - no ethanol in fuel

as I recall yesterday - Central Illinois. OPEC was apparently meeting today (?) or this week about increasing production to bring the cost per barrel down. The don't want to decrease dependence on oil long term. (e.g. they don't want to affect their bank statements)

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Just filled up a rental van Saturday and was unpleasantly surprized to see prices had gone up another dime in the last week, putting them around $2.10/gallon in my corner of eastern Washington. Tonight I get to fill up my daily driver pickup to the tune of ~$50. Although I only get 16-18 mpg, at least I only live 6 miles from work!

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Cost of a 2004 Prius: $20,510
Cost of a Ford Explorer: $26,000

Annual gas cost for a Prius driven 10,000 miles a year: $478
Annual gas cost for an Explorer, same usage:$1493

Number of additional skydives you can afford by buying the Prius over the Explorer: 360 first year, 56/year after that

Comparing a Prius to an Explorer seems a bit disingenuous. Wouldn't a Corolla or Echo (i.e. a compact or sub-compact passenger car) be a bit more appropriate?

We did that math when buying our commuter car, comparing a Civic to an Insight. Best I can remember, it would have taken nearly 10 years for the savings on gas dollars to add up to the difference in purchase price, and that doesn't include any specialized mechanical work the hybrid might need in it's first decade (if any). So we went with the Civic and its 38 mpg.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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>Comparing a Prius to an Explorer seems a bit disingenuous.
> Wouldn't a Corolla or Echo (i.e. a compact or sub-compact
> passenger car) be a bit more appropriate?

Depends. If you compare a hybrid to an old Honda CRX HF there's very little difference in MPG - but then again many people don't want a tiny two-seater. Since the Prius is a mid-size car it would probably be more appropriate to compare it to a Saturn L300. It gets an average of 28mpg, and costs around $3000 less than the Prius. In that case it would pay for itself in three years (less if gas prices continue to rise.)

Also - I can tell you from personal experience that a Honda Civic Hybrid gets three people to the DZ with all their gear as well as a big SUV! Even with the mud bogs and gravel roads of the notorious Perris back lot. And it's nice to only pay $5 for the gas (round trip.)

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Cost of a 2004 Prius: $20,510
Cost of a Ford Explorer: $26,000

Annual gas cost for a Prius driven 10,000 miles a year: $478
Annual gas cost for an Explorer, same usage:$1493

Comparing a Prius to an Explorer seems a bit disingenuous. Wouldn't a Corolla or Echo (i.e. a compact or sub-compact passenger car) be a bit more appropriate?

Yes and no. The cars aren't the best comparison, but the reasoning still holds up. People have little reluctance to spend 35-50k on higher end SUVs (esp the Dodge line) with poor fuel economy when there are better choices from a utility standpoint. People buy them because they want to, not because they need to. Most people need minivans and station wagons when they choose the more stylish SUVs. Few need 4WD, or 255 sized tires.

It's a bit irrational to then get so upset over a $500/yr increase due to increasing gas prices. We'll drive an extra 5 miles out of our way to save 15cents a gallon? If only we spend as much time with our investments or other shopping decisions. Just human nature - we buy gas a lot, the others things less frequently.

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I do really like the Prius...one concern though is whether or not maintenance costs are higher than regular vehicles. I haven't been able to find any figures on average maintenance/repairs costs for the Prius.

I drive 37 miles each way to work, a hybrid would be really nice!

Do you own one, billvon?

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>Do you own one, billvon?

No, I have a hybrid Civic. No unusual maintenance so far after 30,000 miles. It does take 0 weight oil, which about 1 in 4 oil change shops have a problem with. I wouldn't have bought the old Prius, but they did a really good job on the 2004 Prius - more power, better fuel economy and larger inside.

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Something near and dear to my heart. I'm the first person to bitch but the last person heard. Why? Because I drive a tanker here in NW Pennsylvania. Live right here in town with the damm refinery, and we pay the highest price's in the state. We are right about $1.87 for reg no-lead. Super is up to over $2.00 a gal. Yeah, you that live in the S. Cal area are sucking it up a lot more then we are, and therefore the higher cost per gal. The rising cost of crude is what is driving it up...all supply and we demand stuff. Plus with the world situation as it is, who knows what will be going on Politically in the next year to keep the prices up, or help bringing them back down.
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Its 5 o'clock somewhere
POPS #9344

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$6.99 for Nascar racing fuel (103 octane)...and I get about 4 miles to the gallon but who cares, :P. As a disabled vet, other people's taxes pays for it all :P:D...


Pay your taxes on time, folks. It pays for my partying :D

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