
T-Mobile Ad

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I don't know if this ad has been mentioned yet, but if you haven't seen the T-Mobile ad with the two skydivers and the tandem pair hanging from the treetops, keep your eyes open for it. It's pretty funny.

I don't have an M.D. or a law degree. I have bachelor's in kicking ass and taking names.

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just ditched TMobile today. TOo many places with no service or really spotty service. Hurray verizon!


I have T-' No bell" and you're right...
spotty at best.

But went to them from Verizon because of V's
constant billing SNAFUS.

One month $50.00..
The next $3500.00!
For the same usage time and type!

Get THAT 1/2 way straightened out...
next month 1600.00,
and we'd shut the phones OFF because of the problems!

Then ANOTHER $2500.00 bill!
It was CRAZY!!!!!!:S

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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i saw the add tonight on the WB and it was funny as hell!!!!!! i was just doing a search before i checked or i was gona start a thread about it too.... and i think you are safe,i didn't find anythng about one in my search.. i did however find that 3g mobile signals can cause nausea......lol....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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I've had T- Mobile for a year w/ no probs but I live in the L.A. area. When I go to the mountains I have no sig but neither does anyone else. Unless you're at the top.
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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Hurray verizon!

Verizon lied to me when I got my first Blackberry...said it could do what I needed to do. Only problem was, they were charging me for services that would not be available for another 6 months at least. Then they had the gumption to tell me that they could leave me signed up for the services I had signed up for, then I'd be all set for when the service was available.
Hmmm...60$ a month for services that don't even exist yet. I don't think so...

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lol... I just saw that commercial tonight. It was pretty darn funny. I use to have T-mobile for a few years (work phone, it was free) and the service sucked. I have verizon now and the service is great. I love my phone B|
TPM Sister#130ONTIG#1
I love vodka.I love vodka cause it rhymes with Tuaca~LisaH
You having a clean thought is like billyvance having a clean post.iluvtofly

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I don't know if this ad has been mentioned yet, but if you haven't seen the T-Mobile ad with the two skydivers and the tandem pair hanging from the treetops, keep your eyes open for it. It's pretty funny.


I SAW it and I wanted to start a thread too, but didn't know if it had been done...its HYSTERICAL!!!

But you know what's MORE fun? search the trees for more jumpers feet. I saw at least 2 more jumpers in the background just chilling out waiting for help. I hope they keep that commercial running for a LONG time~~its great~~April

Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

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I use to have T-mobile for a few years (work phone, it was free) and the service sucked

i used a diffrent area of the parent company.... deutsch telekom.... best cell servie i've had anywhere.... never had a lost call unles i was gong throgh a tunneland someof the really long ones had repeaters in them.... can't remeber where though....... thing is thogh this was in germany....lol.....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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T-Mobile must love Texas. I get great service and one of the only ones on the dz to get reception.

I used to date a woman who worked for verizon and she even said they suck. She could put her verizon and t-mobile phone side by side and the verizon would be dead in downtown Houston.

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I have had tmobile for a few years now and I get service most everywhere (even at the dz, but I have to walk out to a certain spot under a tree...). The only place I haven't had service was in West Virginia, but who needs a phone when you are at Bridge day ? ;)
The mind is like a parachute--it works better when it is open. JUMP.

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I'm in the same situation - had it for 2 years now and I love it. Covers New England fairly well... and we travel alot (internationally and all over the US) and have never had any problem at all. We have the family plan and its been great.

Best rates in this area too.

Arianna Frances

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