
Are you a bionic skydiver

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I should love it that a woman wants to let me feel her screws

hehehehe - I thought that was funny too :)

You shouldn't say that to someone within driving distance.:P:)


yea, baby, I'll let me feel my screws if you let me feel yours - ooooh, even better, i'd like to see your half screw :)

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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I think I can hang - 126 stitches, one 12x3 skin graft, one 12x3 scar from the donor site on the front of my left thigh, one stainless steel plate, and seven pins. That's just my leg - I also had a steel plate and 4 pins in my right arm but they were taken out after 6 months. It's a bitch making my way through the airport......

No more shark diving for me...... not until next summer anyway:S

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Two plates, fourteen screws, right ulna & radius. Downsized (way) to soon, loaded Sabre 170 at 1.2 @ 50 jumps :)
Went to get them out @ five years later 'cause one of the screws was annoying (and work was paying for it!) - bone had grafted over the plates and screws - permanent features now!

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I'm diggin' the bone stimulator. I'm gonna bitch out my orto sureon. How come I didn't get one?

Be careful what you wish for. This one is riding on top of the muscle and causes some discomfort from time to time. On the positive side, I can usually pickup several radio stations on a good day. I just wish I had some sort of volume control!

Jack Gramley
Computer Consultant

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I don't want to touch this one with a ten foot pole......

Don't have to silly.....that's what the bone stimulator is for

One side note. When the doctor initially told my wife that during my operation he was implanting a bone stimulator she was ecstatic. Then she found out it would only work on the bone in my arm. She's never forgiven him for that....

Jack Gramley
Computer Consultant

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I don't want to touch this one with a ten foot pole......

Don't have to silly.....that's what the bone stimulator is for

One side note. When the doctor initially told my wife that during my operation he was implanting a bone stimulator she was ecstatic. Then she found out it would only work on the bone in my arm. She's never forgiven him for that....


~R+R:)...Ok, I enjoyed that one waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much...:ph34r:...
Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~...

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Be careful what you wish for. This one is riding on top of the muscle and causes some discomfort from time to time. On the positive side, I can usually pickup several radio stations on a good day. I just wish I had some sort of volume control!

Well, this bone causes discomfort from time to time too...... I think a stimulator implant sounds like the greatest of ideas. Must be a bitch changing the batteries though:S

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I have 2 titanium screws and washers...with part of my hamstring tendon acting as my ACL...Skiing, nice bail in the bumps at A-Basin.

Nothing to do with this thread but A-Basin was a sweet resort, I loved the low key local atmopshere very nice after fighting the crowds at vail

"Don't Mess Around With the Guy in Shades- Oh No!!! "

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Well, I've got some steel wrapped around my jaw and two screws, but nothing skydiving related.

Everything else (and there's been a bit) has healed with nothing more than a cast. No pins or plates or surgery from accidents (other than the mouth).
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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One whole screw to repair a detached left bicep...but it is good enough to get me on the heavy metal load at LP.
Lesson learned: If you injure yourself slightly aloowing yourself time to heal is a good thing...
Trying to heal by doing more of the same to an injury: Bad.

"Call me Darth Balls"

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