
How badly do you want to "Cutaway" from Society?

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It's not all it's cracked up to be. I would love to be somewhere letting someone else do the bookkeeping/secretary work/technical work/treasury work etc. etc. etc.

Amen to that. Don't forget purchasing, accounts rec., accounts payable, . . . . :D

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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No way.

I have no desire to work at a DZ. I loath the thought of getting wrapped up in the politics, doing without the things I'm accustomed to, and turning something I enjoy into a chore. Not to mention, it isn't a great way to support a family. It can be done, but it is a rough road I wouldn't choose for myself.

When I go skydiving, I want no responsibility past having fun and being a safe jumper.

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Nah...Steve needs a lemur.

I don't know why, but that really struck my funny, thanks DrunkMonkey... Is it the Lemur's face or what? Damn that was funny. (*Or am I just losing what little sanity I had left?)

No Problem. B| Sanity is highly overrated. Cut it away ASAP. :S

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I'd love to, don't have the ballz to do it.
Made me think of the following, though. Hope it's not a repost:

A Lifestyle Story

A highly successful and dynamic business leader was having a few days vacation in Mexico. Ever alert to commerce, he was fascinated to watch the local fishing boats at work. After three days it became apparent that one fisherman consistently seemed to out perform the rest. He didn't fish long but always returned with his boat laden with fish.

He approached the fisherman, whose name was Juan, and asked him about his consistently high catches. Juan said that it was a combination of local knowledge, fishing skill and a couple of family secrets that made him successful.

The businessman pointed out to Juan that he only seemed to fish until about noon, and asked what he did with the rest of the day. "I take a siesta, see my wife, play with the kids and have a drink with my friends in the plaza." The businessman then made Juan a proposition, he would fund Juan to oversee a fleet of ten boats and by working twelve hours a day could he generate some huge dollars.

Juan replied, "But why would I do that when I would have so little time for life's pleasures?" The businessman did some quick calculations and said, "Don't worry, in ten years you'll have made enough money to retire." "What would I do if I retired?" said Juan. The businessman thought, looked around at the picturesque village, and said, "You could take a siesta, spend time with your wife, play with your kids and have a few drinks with your friends in the plaza."


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That 7ft thang would eat my 4.5 lb Yorkie as a afternoon snack![:/]

Are we still talking about our pets? ;) Just kidding. I have actually considered the whole "Cutaway" thing quite profusely, but as you have pointed out, I would have a definite problem with the whole "Daughters" thing. [:/] I think that I am just ready for a whole new career/life change thingy! Any suggestions?
Unknowing attempting to take out all 4 wheeled vehicles remotely close to the landing area!

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There are times, it's a really tempting thought. Others, no way. **Shrug** Who knows what twists and turns life will provide? At least it's an entertaining ride.
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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Nah...Steve needs a lemur.

I don't know why, but that really struck my funny, thanks DrunkMonkey... Is it the Lemur's face or what? Damn that was funny. (*Or am I just losing what little sanity I had left?)

Did somebody say lemur?;)
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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At one point in my life I plan on selling everything I own besides my rig, and my clothing. I will use that money to move to Tahiti where I will be a bartender who sits waste deep in water serving drinks to people.

I will own a very old pedal bike, sandals, and a big straw hat and do nothing but work 3 days a week and chill on the beach the rest of the time. Does Tahiti have a DZ?

For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
Pedro Offers you his Protection.

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When a hobby moves to a job, the fun is taken away from it"

False. I still have fun and I'm at the DZ everyday. It helps to be somewhat removed from actual jumping.


what is "society"?

Its when we get hammered at the bombshelter and there are people around :)

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Society hasn't turned to shit quite badly enough for me to do it, but I answered that I will do it, because I would truly love living an independent, peaceful life.

One complicating factor is requiring corrective lenses to see clearly. (I didn't need them until I was 27.) As you get older, your prescription changes, and if you're just a hermit living out on your own, how do you get new contact lenses or glasses?

Reality always intrudes on even the best fantasies.

And that's to say nothing of those who have medical requirements for pharmaceuticals, etc. Fortunately I don't have that problem as yet in my life. (But I've learned to never say never, as I never thought I'd see my vision change to where I needed glasses, either.)

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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A job is a job, no matter where or what you do. The corporate world, the DZ they are all the same. Yep, they will all suck sooner or later.

Always enjoy what you do and do what you enjoy!

If you no longer enjoy your job and what you are doing then please go somewhere else.

No matter where you go and decide to work in the skydiving world, the corporate world, mcdonalds, flyding, scuba, flying, etc, etc, all jobs will be a pain in the ass sooner or later.

A job is a job no matter what field.

If you are unhappy with what you are doing, then please move on. Not just talking about skydiving, but any job you have and are unhappy with.

You must be happy with what you are doing in any profession or you will not be an asset to you or an company, either big or small.

Skies blue
SGC, nope

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That 7ft thang would eat my 4.5 lb Yorkie as a afternoon snack![:/]

Are we still talking about our pets? ;) Just kidding. I have actually considered the whole "Cutaway" thing quite profusely, but as you have pointed out, I would have a definite problem with the whole "Daughters" thing. [:/] I think that I am just ready for a whole new career/life change thingy! Any suggestions?

Damn sunflower seed stuck in my keyboard.;..ugh! Bugman..can you fix that?! Shuga-mama gotta thang goin on in Jax..y'up fur dat? LOL:D If you're handy 'round da house, Steve ya gotta place in FL! Da gals are welcome! We'll go git our nails and hair done while y'ur fixin' stuff..hehehehhe NAH! I know, they're tomboyz like me..so we'll go kick it 'round while y'ur fixin stuff..hehhehhehhe Deal?


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Well hell yeaaaahhh I just did!!!:D

I just quit my job to go to CO and be a DZ bum...
If anyone knows of any other jobs opening up at a DZ close to you, PM me for my #!


As jy dom is moet jy bloei!

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Yah I kno, but I had a packing job last summer that they asked me to return to. I gave it to a friend, thinking that I will be working hard this summer. Found out working and no time for skydiving sucks. So, I talked to him and we are going to share the load. He only needs a few hours to start flying for the DZ anyhow.

But if you all know of any jobs in those states, or how I go about getting one, then let me know!

As jy dom is moet jy bloei!

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After this week....F&%# it....let's go. My house is sold anyway.

Of course when life is calmer I'll think more rationally and say Hell no, but for now this sucks.>:(

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Just out of curiousity, was wondering where everyone stood on this topic. Post away, my friends!!!

been thinking of cutting away to the foreign legion lately. Always did want to see Djibouti.

Scars remind us that the past is real

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After my eyes degrade to the point that I could no longer be a machinery operator, I took my LTD insurance and pretty much lived at the DZ. Packed and jumped and lived it up. Did more jumps in three months than I had done in the previous 18. It was pretty much the happiest time in my life. I gave it up to get a transplant and chase a girl who transferred into a Colorado college. Didn't get the girl, but got new eyes and a BA in Management so I guess it balences.

"If you end up in an alligator's jaws, naked, you probably did something to deserve it."

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