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It dont matter how much you paid, or color or bottle. A 12-pack of beer will get the average male drunk.

Three beers would be enough to get me drunk. I start feeling a buzz (on an empty stomach) when I'm halfway through a pint of Guinness!

I'm a cheap date! :D

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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The "backward knee" on the rear legs is actually the ankle

er... you shot down your own correction. ;)

I stand by my statement that elephant's are the only animals with 4 knees. (If you like it can be modified it to "forward facing knees...")

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The Cessna 152 that I am training holds 24.5 useful gallons of fuel.

What have you trained it to do? :ph34r:

The 172 I'm training in holds 56 gal. Does this constitute tank-envy?

How long have you been flying and how is it going?

I've been flying now for less than 3 weeks. It is going great! I have 7.5 hours as of today and have another lesson tonight. I have pics/vid here:


Got my medical and I'm working on my presolo exam. I hope to go solo in the not-too-distant future.


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Spider monkeys have a prehensile tail,


can be more dangerous with their poop than chimps....:D:D:D (Hey, those crapflingers have pretty good aim...I saw one take a shot at a little kid...of course it hit the cage...but I almost laughed my ass off...:D:ph34r:)

~R+R:)...And yes, BTW...I am presently working at a zoo...B|...
Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~...

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Awesome news, man. I slacked off for a couple weeks, but I'm flying again on Saturday before heading out to the DZ to jump. Should be soloing soon, too.

Sounds good!! I got "winded out" today. It was gusting over 20kts. Blech.

Anyway, I have another lesson scheduled for Saturday morning. After that, I'm heading to the DZ to jump. It should be a great day!!


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CDs are actually more fragile on the label side then the underside.

Used to be, that wasn't so. The data used to be stored on a wafer sandwiched between two discs of plastic, if I'm not mistaken. I guess it's cheaper for them to make shittier-quality, less-durable discs and at $16.95 on average they increased their profit margins.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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>Horseshoe crabs' blood is blue, also.

Well, pale bluish-white. We used to have horseshoe crab epidemics. Fascinating creatures.

When I was a kid, if I saw them near me in the water at the beach, it freaked me out. When I was in high school, a friend of mine picked one up by the spike tail and held it upside-down and I could see the underside -- just little legs scrabbling in the air. I realized it was harmless. It turned cute in a microsecond. Now I love the things, and think they're really cool. I found out that they're one of those millions-of-years-old species, like alligators and sharks. How cool is that?!

The show I saw about their blood said that it was useful in some sort of medical application, but I don't remember what.
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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it takes 4 pounds of pressure to rip off a human ear.

Pressure is a force per area.

I can push my finger into my arm/leg etc as hard as I want; it won't pierce my skin. If I push a needle into aforementioned arm/leg as hard as I can....
Arching is overrated - Marlies

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