
i don't know which is worse

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i have been diagnosed with a bone infection and i also have a lot of arthritis in one ankle due to a morotcycle accident in the 80s and the arthritis is infected as well.the 3 antibiotics i'm taking are kicking my butt.one of them has the following side effects."may cause urine,feces,saliva,sweat and tears to turn orange and red.this medicine may permanently stain soft contact linses." the other one says to stay out of the sun.may cause upset stomach but dont take anything for the upset stomach.i think the cure is worse than the illness.i feel tired run down and i didn't feel that bad before i took the medicine.only 13 more days worth of medicine to take.this sucks.hope you guys get to jump and have fun anyway.blues Layton***to officer who asks "sir have you been drinking?" have i been drinking? hell i was all over the road what are you new?

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What's worse is not treating something and letting it fester, and grow, and get so out of control you need to be hospitalized and maybe loose a foot or leg.

It does suck when meds have bad side effects, but it's temporary, and will do right by you in the long run.

And I am sorry you feel rotten. So here's a

~~~~~HUG~~~~~ for you. Hang tight.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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