
Favorite logbook comments

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So, I needed to look through my logbook today for a few things...and had myself cracking up at some of the things I wrote.

#11 (first solo): Probably letting go with both hands from the bar at the same time is good.

21: Tanked landing. Forgot to use my feet and just fell over.

24: Bad set up for pattern. Was too long. But not too long. I don't know, but I landed way far away. I guess I was long.

31: Tanked landing. Maybe I should finish the flare?

63: Weird thermals - off on the landing pattern. Perhaps I couldn't tell where I was because I seem to have had my HEAD shoved up my ass...

80: Nearly killed Sparky. Horrible track. Deployed, flew, crashed. As usual. I'm never going to figure this shit out.

86: Good set up on canopy, in the right spot, slid in on my bottom. When will I ever learn feet are my friends???

Post Jump 88: Got my B. I missed three questions about pilots. Good thing I'm not flying the plane. I can't even fly myself well. At least I regularly land on the DZ now.

I got my B license!!

So what are your favorite comments from your logbook?


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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My favorite logbook comment wasn't even placed by me. At my old home DZ (Sussex), a guy named Robson would walk around the DZ and sneak into peoples logbooks. He usually focussed on the low-jump-numbered people (like me at the time).

He would skip ahead about 30 jumps and put a skull and crossbones on your page! And he put in large black letters:

>:( "This is your BLACK DEATH jump!!!" >:(

He's a funny guy. Still comes around to jump once in a while. Of course, we would all be terrified of jumping on the day that this page came up. So funny.

Someone actually had a MAL once on his black-death jump. LOL B| Ahhh, the good ole days.... [:/]

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Post Jump 88: Got my B. I missed three questions about pilots. Good thing I'm not flying the plane. I can't even fly myself well. At least I regularly land on the DZ now....and i didnt even have to wait for my OTHER friends that I was supposed to meet at the dropzone today and try to get in a 3 way even though he was there when he said he was going to be and had to leave work early to do it and rush rush to find I wasn't there even though i know he was counting on having fun but guess he really doesnt matter.:(:o:P

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Congrats on your B! :)
Lets see.....my logbook is pretty slim considering I only have 15 jumps, but I do recall after my first solo writing "Pull down harder to flare damnit!"

I haven't been so good at that. Working on that and almost stood up my last landing today. Almost that is because a gust of wind came and knocked me over. :P
I'm so funny I crack my head open!

P.M.S. #102

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Babies...Birthdays... B licenses...

whats next??

B. Hrm. 'B'.



Aubrey, I am sorry. I started to not feel well very quickly, and needed to come home (a two hour drive). Forgive me. The whole DZ is pissed at me, because I left and there wasn't enough people to make a load then...[:/]


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Congrats on the B Michele!

I have many many wierd entries in my log book, but the 2 that stand out, to me, the most were not written by me.

Jump 3: "...don't land in the corn next time." Tim Brunette C-25395
I was on radio. :S

Jump 4: "...also clear off radio...flew self no commands flared self." K. Olsen C-27264
In retaliation for the comments on jump 3.

So, yea, due to a joke comment, I've been off radio since jump 4. :)
Oh, another favorite,
Jump 19: "...signed off student status...he sit flys to get down..." Peanut D-23837/I-01
I was a floaty bastard. LMAO
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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Jump #7
Canopy Control Good (teehee, I didn't stand up a landing until jump 50 or so, so this cracks me up)
Please land on feet not rear end
Using brakes will help me flare
Whoohoo! I flew head down! (HAHA! the video is hilarious! Walk Like AN Egyptian)
3 way with danish guys, had no idea what was going on because they wouldn't speak english in the dirt dive. Let them spin me around in the air and smiled a lot.
Ate and peeled a banana in freefall by 7K. Messy, but fun.
14 way with pancake video, please remember when geeking camera to pull at a decent altitude.
It wasn't my fault
BOrrowed Dave's spectre. I like it, but should try harder not to land it in a tree.
Grope Fest
Eating popsicles in freefall in November is not a good idea. It's cold up there, but orange tasted good! Not poosicles.
So apparently, I can't launch a flower.
JUmped a cobalt. Look for the double diamonds and the screaming blond who can't slow them down to land...
First Roger Ponce load and I'm not in trouble yet!
Making pig noises on exit distracts the other people in teh base. oops.
ROdeo w/Derrek Thomas. Git over here, Byatch! If you show me your boobs, I'll give you a javelin!
I packed my main in under 5 minutes and it opened without a mal. Jimbo owes me a beer!
Team Jackass Wins the NSL Meet!
Thank God I'm Still Alive. THE PLAN:dancing spider. The DIVE:exit, unipod, evil look and funnel to the basement.
I funneled the entire KNights 8 way team at once. GO NAVY!
10 way speed GIrls team. Team Swallow Not Spit, ready set swallow!
8 way or 9 with teh invisible man who grabbed my leg i am not insane
cutaway!!! galen yelled at me for pulling low, but it's not fair since i had to pull twice. isn't it natural for the second one to be lower??

copies of my log books should be for sale.

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Congrats on your B ! :)

Jump #14.........(not my spot, but it was Skreamer-esque). My instructor wrote "Distance to target - 4 miles on the odometer."

Jump #19, my graduation jump. My Cessna DZ was shutting down, so our instructors took 4 of us students down to CSS to finish up. In my defense -- I had gone through S/L, and wasn't too hep on some of the "non-life threatening" hand signals (but knew "Arch" and "Pull" very well, thank you....) :)
We're falling. I nail the dive plan (360s and backloops), finish, and we're still high....my instructor makes eye contact and gives me the "toe-taps" sign. I have a puzzled look on my face. He makes eye contact again, looks forcefully at his hand, and gives the "toe-taps" sign again.....but I still have no idea what he wants. He makes eye contact AGAIN, looks forcefully at his hand AGAIN, and give me the "toe-taps" sign AGAIN. I finally decide he wants a backloop, so I give him a backloop. When I face him again......he's not there. Not up, not down....so I do a 360, and still don't see him....all of a sudden someone grabs both my ankles and slams them together. That's when the lightbulb over my head finally flickered. "Oh...." :)
That night, we all stop at Pizza Hut on the way back, and he fills out my logbook while we're drinking and waiting for our food. His entry was "....responds well to 'backloop' signal (looks like 'toe-taps')....."


"When in doubt I whip it out,
I got me a rock-and-roll band.
It's a free-for-all."

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LMAO! Thanks for this thread, Michele. It got me looking back, and found this one.

This jump is the "birth of Corcho (the cork) Rodriguez.

The log entry to me was so good that describing it wasn't good enough, it needed to be scanned and posted.
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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#9- landed on knees. feet work better. remember that for next time.

#26- green light good. red light bad.

#37- 6 way. went to shit. had a nice 2 way with heather, though.

#43- tube exit with Max. Fun! *BEER*. Lost contact lens in free fall. Flared 30 feet too high, then let up on toggles. no depth perception. canopy dove. *OUCH* found the lens, though. =)

#45 ok exit, spin, stop. 1 point. broke apart. went to shit, but fun anyway. nice home base slide on landing.

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Does this mean no more BLF's for you?

I am trying to not do any more Boobie/Bottom Landing falls, but you know...all good plans of mice and men oft go awry or whatever. And yes, beer will be bought and brought...it was sorta an unexpected thing, so I wasn't prepared with beer. I sat there, read the SIM for about 30 minutes, and then took the test.

LOL, these comments are great - Ron made it to Freefall after 340+ jumps, Stacy is still alive (awright, girl, gimme that story....), Revs cork...

These comments made me laugh! Keep 'em coming!


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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