
this just sucks

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well i have had a bone scan,complete with radioactive dye injected.a mri with some other kind of injection and today i find out that i have a bone infection or the arthiritis in my ankle is infected.so ive been off for a week and now i will be off for 2 more weeks.im opn some high powered antibiotics and stuck at home.now the real heart breaker.my new canopy arrived yesterday.my dr. knows i jump and he grounded me as well.this really sucks.***no good deed goes unpunished

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I hope you feel better soon. I've had more than one friend cause some very permanent damage by jumping when their "landing gear" was less than sound, so don't push things until you are 98%. Anyway, you need to put a hundred jumps on that friend's 150 before moving to yours.

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Feel fortunate. It took my mom years of all that testing to find out she has rheumatoid arthritis. They still haven't found drugs to make her feel better and its been years; close to 4 I think.

Think positively and I hope your situation improves. At least you can be mobile at some point. Keep things in perspective and try to stay upbeat. I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis, I am sure things will improve if you take time and good care of yourself.

Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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Not sure what kind of accident(if any) you had, but I took an 80 foot fall in a CRW wrap onto pavement and suffered a compund fracture of tib fib... It took 30 surgeries, 3 titanium rods, and two serious bone infections which were dealt with via a semi permanant pic line from my arm all the way to my heart. Hardcore antibiotics via IV 3 times a day for 8 weeks. Told I might not jump again or walk straight... That was in 2000, I had about 1400 jumps. I now have 4500, with little or no pain, so dont get too bummed, youll be back in the air in no time. Positive attirude, physical therapy and a serious drive will get you thru this. Good luck, stay strong, see you in the air soon,
"Bad spot...High winds...No outs..."

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i had a really nasty motorcycle accident in 82.ripped the foot off ground off the end of the fibule did all kinds of damage to the ligaments and tendons.i was in the navy at the time and they just wanted to take the foot off and be done with it.well i wouldnt allow them to do that.i didnt think 20 some odd years later that i would be having these kind of problems.if i look around me i can find someone who is worse off than myself.

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if i look around me i can find someone who is worse off than myself.

Hang in there bud, I can remember how much it sucked when I was down for my transplants so you have my sympathy. Better to take the time to heal than to risk injuring yourself. When I blew out my knee landing on that creek bank you told me to take it easy but I didn't and now that knee doesn't work right anymore. Listen to your own advice and you'll be back in the air in no time.

"If you end up in an alligator's jaws, naked, you probably did something to deserve it."

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