
Living with epillepsy

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Personally, in my opinion, I find it difficult to believe that someone with these symptoms has not gotten herself to the doctor. Just the fact of having a seizure would scare me, let alone be driving around knowing I could have one at any time. If someone I loved was having seizures, I would definitely have taken them to the doctor or hospital. Please.....


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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I suffered from a seizure disorder growing up, until about the age of 17. Getting my driver's license was difficult, but rightfully so. Having a seizure while driving could have been deadly for me or anyone else on the road. Eventually I did get the doctors to sign off on me and I was licensed.

During the time, I was prescribed several medications, the only one that comes to mind right now is Ativan, an anti-anxiety, muscle relaxing drug. I was in-and-out of the hospital so much that the doctors knew me by first same. EEGs, EKGs, MRIs, catscans (?)... there are lots of tests to perform to determine the problem. Most of this is a blur for me since I was so young when it all went on.

There are things that can be done to help her. She would be crazy not to go to a doctor for this. The longer she goes without help, the more permanent damage she will cause.

Good luck with this. Be smart about it. Get help.

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Roy, as is obvious from most of the other replies, she HAS to see a doctor. To give another example, my sister-in-law's sister-in-law (?!) started having minor seizures, accompanied by severe neck pain. She tried treating this by visiting a chiropractor and an acupuncturist, but it didn't help. When they finally went to the hospital after a major seizure, it turned out to be a brain tumor (sorry, no details on type or location). She is now recovering after brain surgery, and it appears she may be able to regain almost all of her movement and faculties after extensive rehab.

I think most ofthe advice here is good: you don't really know the cause, so you'd better find out, and soon. Good luck and prayers to Lany.

Doctor I ain't gonna die,
Just write me an alibi! ---- Lemmy/Slash

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I don't know if this is here to help convince her.

It is not an option. Go to the doctor, Lany. Just go.

Everything else will work it's self out.

Just Go to the doc.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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...A couple of years ago, she took too much of a drug called Welbutrin which caused a seizure...

That's scary. I'm pretty familiar with Welbutrin. I was first introduced to it when I tried to quite smoking because it is a substitute for Zyban. My son has also taken it for ADHD. I do know that it mentions that it may cause seizures and recommends that if you're susceptible not to take it. Fortunately, it hasn't and didn't effect us that way. I wonder if she has an underlying condition that made her susceptible to seizures anyway.?. I would DEFINITELY go to the dr immediately.

Good luck and I hope things don't get worse, which they could if you don't get control of this condition as soon as possible.

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Roy -

At this time, Lany is not safe to wear high heels much less drive.
That is just the nature of the beast & Zero people want to have their independence taken away.

Medical conditions left untreated, are out of our control & mostly unpredictable.

I worked in Neuro for several years. She can get a cluster of attacks or individual episodes. Testing plus medical history & symptomology will lead to the proper treatment & there are many. She can start treatment today.

What everyone wants to see here, is for Lany to live a normal life.
She can do it, she wont give in & is strongly convicted to maintaining her lifestyle. You gotta stay positive & Fight -every single day, I know this well.

The first response to any condition is your basic fear of the unknown. Consult a Neuro. This is not an idication of the end of her productive life, happiness or future goals. Far from it. Medicine Men, Clergy, research scientists & Doctors have been working on this one since around 2000 years BC.

Dr. Chad likely meant Lamactil in her post. I have taken Lamactil for a year or more + an anticonvulsant for 13 years. I am good, my disease is different, but many of same meds.

Mentioned here is an Assistance Dog. This is an option if her situation is going to likely recur with a degree of frequency. It is too early to tell. Somewhere around 70-80% or more are helped with medications.

A prescription for a Seizure Response Dog is easily obtained. They warn her, go get help, push a panic button, get a blanket and /or remain with her. Funding is available for her dog, vet bills, etc.

An Epilepcy forum is good. Harvard Med has one-

Sweetheart, just like skydiving, our problems little or big we fight them. Indeed, we fight like hell all the way ... there are no stupid questions. ;)

My best and prayers, Ann


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Chop Chop and Plaything ... :(

I'm sorry to hear this. Just to put my .02 cents in ...

I think Plaything is an excellent driver and I will never forget how she saved us from the wrath of the Sketchy-Meister in the non descript white cargo van while we were all pretty deficient.

Plaything, go to the doc and get meds and please do whatever it takes to be safe.

You and ChopChop are missed
Roy Bacon: "Elvises, light your fires."

Sting: "Be yourself no matter what they say."

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Okay, you all.. thank you so much for the insights and information. Plaything will be seeing a doctor soon (probably kicking and screaming). She did see a doctor when they started a couple of years ago but hasn't been back since. Until she gets there, I will make sure she eats right, limits her alcohol and driving, and gets plenty of sleep. (We have linked alcohol, not eating, and lack of sleep each individually as triggers.) Again, thank you all for the info. It has given us a whole new grasp and understanding of the situation. If anyone else has personal experiences with these kinds of things, please post them. They are quite informative. I had never dealt with anything like this prior to 3 months ago and I am just starting to get it. :)
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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ya! Good to hear.

Its different for everyone, but the only time I've heard of alcohol being a problem is when someone is ALREADY on medication and the alcohol limits the effectiveness of the medication.

Don't let her drive if she's too tired - thats often a trigger for people. Also, that message board is AWESOME! I used to spend alot of time there.

Good Luck!

Arianna Frances

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Thank you everybody very much for your responses to this thread.... Thank you Roy, for posting it.... Sounds like I need to get busy with a couple of things. ;)

Love you guys!! :)
Lany G.
My mind is like a parachute...it functions only when open.

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and don't say you can't get an appointment for today. if you tell them you are having seizures, they will either:

1. see you immediately
2. refer you to someone else who will see you right now
3. refer you to the Emergency Room

regardless, GO. Please????? You have us all very worried.

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My mother had epilepsy her whole life until a couple months ago, she had brain surgery to correct that to make a long story short. Anyway, I'm familiar with it, and Lany, please, please, please, please go to a doctor IMMEDIATELY. Your brain is not something that's going to heal, grow back, or correct itself. When you damage the brain, or in this case let damage continue untreated, you're only asking for PERMANENT symptoms. Please, if not for your own sake, then for your man who cares very much for you, go see a doctor.

Oh and Roy, not to be an ass or anything, you could at least leave your sex life out of the serious threads dude.

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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Oh and Roy, not to be an ass or anything, you could at least leave your sex life out of the serious threads dude.

Sorry, Jason, if that offended you but I was just trying to illustrate how normal she was other than being able to talk. Those are the 3 things we did prior to her speaking again. BTW, I did not initiate it.
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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BTW, I did not initiate it.


No offense taken bro, just picking on ya. B|

Seriously though, tell her to go see a doctor, if not she could be seriously putting her life at risk.

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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My brother in law has epillepsy and my sister has forbidden him to drive. he works does alot of normal things. he is even a dept. mngr. at wally world.
He is on medication but still has the occasional seizure. on him not driving anymore he stopped after having a seizeure while driving and my neice was in the car at the time. the vehicle was moving slow enough for a bystandard to open the car door and stop it then call 911. it could of been alot worse.
dont play around with your condition get to a doctor NOW!
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Do I need to come out there and put my foot into your motivation? I will even buy new shoes for the motivational push!!! or buy Roy some new ones!!
Roy put your foot in her backside for me as she is on her way to the doctor!!!

Even if you don't feel like it go anyway!!!!
Now get up from the computer get on the phone or go to the hsopital and say "I need help. I have had several seizures and I feel really bad!!"
or something to that effect.

just remember guys,
We are all here for you!!!!


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When my heart decided to stop working a couple of months ago...... because of my lack of insurance, my bills have escalated to over $10,000.00! I really think I need to be on medical insurance before I see another doctor... I have had these brain test's before.. MRI, cat scan...etc. but that was a couple of years ago when I had insurance... Can I deal with the added stress of more huge medical bills?.. or do I try to take the best care of myself that I can and wait until my insurance kicks in?? :S[:/]
My mind is like a parachute...it functions only when open.

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