
Do you believe in Multiple Personality Dosorder?

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Do you believe that there is SERIOUSLY a such thing as MPD? I just saw a story on Dateline about a guy that committed horrrific acts against women and claimed this defense.

Personally I agreed that there was till I I found out that he was convicted and sent to prison twice for said accounts.

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[ignoring the pms comment]

Yes, I do believe it is an honest diagnoses. HOWEVER! As with many other defenses (in a legal sense), that diagnoses is often misused, misunderstood, and misapplied.

Just because someone used the defense and wasn't actually an MPD (if I understood your original post) does not negate the diagnoses for others. Similarly, I don't think it's a complete defense without pleading also Insanity, which would carry a sentence itself in a mental health institute.


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Yes I do believe...

Shut up, no you don't...

leave him alone, if he believes then he believes,,

who side are you on anyway...

Hello, can I come out now?

No we're having a serious discussion here...
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I believe it exists.

I also believe it's -far- more rare than most people claim.

Before the book Sybil, it was almost unheard of . . . after . . . hmmm, one of the greatest "excuses" of all time.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I believe it exists.

I also believe it's -far- more rare than most people claim.

Before the book Sybil, it was almost unheard of . . . after . . . hmmm, one of the greatest "excuses" of all time.

That can also be explained by understanding vthat before Sybil, the diagnosis for a lot of people was WRONG, and consequently their treatments were also incorect.
Once the diagnosis for MDP was more readily identified people were being treated for it and alot of them were no longer held in psych facilites.
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However I think it's -far- more likely that people read the book and saw the movie and then decided, consiously or not, that somehow it applied to them as well.

It's a bit like the UFO phenomenon. Certain types of UFO and alien sighting just don't occur before a certain telling of the tale, then suddenly everyone is seeing the exact same type of UFO or aliens.

In the 1950's all aliens were basically humans from other planets, then years later one person tells a story about about "grey" aliens and suddenly all aliens are "greys". It's a facinating concept. Something I remember from a Psych 101 class.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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However I think it's -far- more likely that people read the book and saw the movie and then decided, consiously or not, that somehow it applied to them as well.

It's a bit like the UFO phenomenon. Certain types of UFO and alien sighting just don't occur before a certain telling of the tale, then suddenly everyone is seeing the exact same type of UFO or aliens.

In the 1950's all aliens were basically humans from other planets, then years later one person tells a story about about "grey" aliens and suddenly all aliens are "greys". It's a facinating concept. Something I remember from a Psych 101 class.

I didn't explicitly put it in my previous post. But I wasn't saying that people don't develop symptoms after seeing them depicted, but that it ALSO raised awarness of the disorder to a broader audience of "Experts" aswell, therefore allowing proper diagnosis of previously wrongly diagnosed
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It's pretty much bogus, here's a quote from the first link that popped up when I did a search on it:

"Most professional therapists believe that it is an iatrogenic (physician induced) disorder that either does not appear naturally, or is almost non-existent. However, belief in MPD/DID is still commonly found among conservative Christian counselors, perhaps because it meshes so well with their concept of Satan, demons, and demonic possession."

This quote is consistent with what I recall my abnormal psych professor telling me roughly 8 years ago.

I'd go a step further and note that a lot of "therapists" that diagnose this disorder aren't medically trained or otherwise particularly well qualified to be counselors.


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*Ron has accused me of plagiarizing this quote. He attributes it to Douglas Adams.

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It's pretty much bogus, here's a quote from the first link that popped up when I did a search on it:

Try this link:


While it is true that there are mental health professionals who reject what is now known as Dissociative Identity Disorder as a legitimate diagnosis, their credentials are more than matched by those who study and treat it.

That being said, many cases are bogus. Sybil is a case in point. She was not a multiple personality and much of her case file was fiction.

DID is an explantion, not an excuse. A lot of people forget things they have done, but we are all still accountable for the actions committed by our bodies.

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i voted "no" even though i dated a chick that had 6 or 7 personalities. she had names for all of them and the scariest part was that one of the personalities was a guy :S


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Absolutely. I'm 100% convinced that an ex-gf of mine from many moons ago had at least 3 separate distinct personailities. One of them was a child.

No, the relationship didn't last much longer after that...


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One of my professors in Grad School taught part- time and worked as a Clinical Psychologist full-time. He said that in his practice, he came across a few clients that could be diagnosed as having this disorder. He said it is more common than people believe. According to him, it often stems from severe cases of abuse at a young age. He told of one woman who had been sexually and physically abused by her father when she was about nine. She took on more than one personality to help her cope. It was kind of like a fantasy world she entered into. The woman was married and had a family. She did well most of the time, but there were times when she took on other personalities. He told of one time when she brought a loaded 357 into one of her sessions with this Dr. Her plan was to end it all in his office in front of the Dr. Luckily he talked her out of it. Interesting stuff....

I'm not very knowlegeable on the subject though. I'm sure lot's of people also fake this disorder in court....Steve1

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i have a daughter that has borderline personality disorder.and they are real hard to work with because they dont stay in one place very long.she has told me i love you i hate you get away from me dont leave me all in the same sentence.so yes i do believe.mental health gets a bad rap.and people make fun of people that are truly sick.pisses me off

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Yes. In fact, I was told by a psychologist that I have multiple personalities.

I told her, "You've got the wrong guy."

"Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I'm a schizophrenic,
And so am I.":D

Seriously, MPD is for real, and it's nothing to laugh about.

But if you're wondering whether somebody could pretend to be MPD in order to get away with murder, it's certainly possible (the perp would have to be a very, very convincing actor), but it isn't likely.


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Try this link:


While it is true that there are mental health professionals who reject what is now known as Dissociative Identity Disorder as a legitimate diagnosis, their credentials are more than matched by those who study and treat it.

that assertion is in direct conflict with the following quote from the same webpage I previously referenced:

Judging by:

the increasing numbers of malpractice suits against MPD specialists,
the increasing numbers of cancellations of MPD therapists' licenses to practice,
the recent drop in membership of their professional organization, the International Society for the Study of Dissociation (ISSD),
the decreasing numbers of books on MPD/DID therapeutic methods,
the closing of all 28 MPD/DID specialist clinics in North America,

the skeptics appear to be gaining acceptance in society.

At any rate, I'm not claiming to be especially well qualified to debate the issue, and a duel of web links accomplishes little.:|

Note that I don't dismiss MPD entirely, but I think it's a good bet that the vast majority of cases can be attributed to malingering of sorts, or inept therapists.
If you have time to panic, you have time to do something more productive. -Me*
*Ron has accused me of plagiarizing this quote. He attributes it to Douglas Adams.

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