
Good Lord....this is out of control!!!!!

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Just think Clay in a few hundred years people will actually be able to go to Scenic places and by then MAYBE all the old cigarette butts that were thrown there MIGHT have degraded enough to not be able to tell what they are.>:(

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Just think Clay in a few hundred years people will actually be able to go to Scenic places and by then MAYBE all the old cigarette butts that were thrown there MIGHT have degraded enough to not be able to tell what they are.

Oh yes.....cig butts are the ONLY litter left on a beach. Might as well pass a law that all beaches are nude beaches and you can bring NOTHING with you JUST so no one can litter. (Well....that does sound interesting) but a bit rediculous don't you think. :D

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(Well....that does sound interesting) but a bit rediculous don't you think.

I think Jail time is appropriate for litters myself.

But as far as the nekkid beaches.... welllll we have those here..


Hows that for a dicotomy of an answer.. VERY conservative.. on one hand and VERY liberal...on the other.

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Why? I really have a hard time seeing how smoke bothers anyone on a beach.

Because the smoke travels. To a non-smoker it's annoying to be around smoke. I also hate when a group of smokers gathers around the front door of a building. I still have to walk through that nasty smell even though they're not allowed to smoke inside. One of my main reasons for wanting to move to CA is because of the non-smoking laws there.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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I gotta admit that despite the fact that I'm not a cancer stick devotee, I was pretty pissed off at all the regulations and laws when they started. It's out in beaches. Within a couple of years, someplace else. Soon, smoking on sidwalks will be banned. Eventually, smoking in a car and then on personal property (which has happened in many places, by the way).

It's the frog in hot water bit. SLowly creeping towards a ban on it.

While I like the smoke free bars and restaurants, I cannot help but feel saddened by the inevitable conclusion of this and what it says about the big picture.

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Personally I think this law is BS. If you want to keep the beaches clean then outlaw, soda cans, chip bags, etc. If its your health youre worried about I'm more worried about what's in the water. I agree with bans in restaurants and and bars where the second hand smoke is confined but this:S.

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Personally I think this law is BS. If you want to keep the beaches clean then outlaw, soda cans, chip bags, etc. If its your health youre worried about I'm more worried about what's in the water. I agree with bans in restaurants and and bars where the second hand smoke is confined but this:S.

I agree...I think that Cali has reached a whole new level of ridiculous...:SB|...I'm not a smoker, but for crying out loud...whatever happened to personal freedom...A beach is an open area...You would have to be practically standing right next to someone to smell smoke...Fruits and nuts...geeze...:|

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Hows that for a dicotomy of an answer.. VERY conservative.. on one hand and VERY liberal...on the other.

That's OK......I took a Government College course a few years ago. When I looked at the table that defined Conservative and Liberal.....I was 50/50 down each side. For guns but Pro choice..........etc etc etc. I like to think it's because I have SENSE!!!!!!! :S

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I really have a hard time seeing how smoke bothers anyone on a beach.

I know exactly how. I used to work at an outdoor pool, and even on windy days, you have to go around smelling the smoke all the time.
Cigarette smoking is something that most smokers find non-offensive, but to a non-smoker, even being near someone who has had a smoke recently smells really bad.
The city that I live in has recently banned smoking in any place that allows children under the age of 18. Soon to come, is a ban in all public places, coming into effect next summer. It is, in my opinion, the best thing they could do.

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They should ban fast food and fat people. Causes more deaths each year and costs society more money then smokers and smoking.

Before long, I won't be allowed to smoke in my own truck! (I won't say house, since I refuse to smoke in my house).
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Our City (Manhattan Kansas) Tired to Pass a "Clean Indoor Air Act" that basically banned smoking in public resturants unless the Smoking and nonsmoking sections were on seperate ventalation systems. It was a great Idea, and Almost everybody was for it, except for the Bar Owners, and in a College town like ours, alcohol carries a big weight. It Failed, but We are trying it agian here in the near future! A real excitment!! :)
=========Shaun ==========

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I'm not a smoker, and i too think this is kinda over the top. if they don't want cigeratte butts in the sand, just increase the fine for littering.

its not like a whole bunch of people are getting cancer because someone on the beach lit up.

MB 3528, RB 1182

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I also hate when a group of smokers gathers around the front door of a building. I still have to walk through that nasty smell even though they're not allowed to smoke inside.

Ugh, I hate that too! Couldn't they at least walk 50 yards away from the door? :S

I'm all for banning smoking on the beach too. When I go to the beach, I go to enjoy the great outdoors. I don't want to smell someone's smoke as I'm doing it, it ruins the experience. I'm sure the beaches in CA are as crowded as the ones in FL and people are packed in every few yards. You can most definitely smell the smoke if you are downwind of someone, and if you have kids with you it's a huge pain to pack all your stuff up and move to get away from it. In addition, I think people are more likely to pick up litter like soda cans and chip bags than cigarette butts. From the amout of butts I see in the sand, it seems as if they just try to bury them, like a cat in a litter box.
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because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Because the smoke travels.

Non-smoking sections are like having a non-peeing section of the pool. Either you allow it or you don't.

I'm a non-smoker. However, I think this is just another infringement on our rights.

I blame California for most of the Thought Police (political correctness) stuff too. The govt is telling you what to think, drink, smoke, etc... for your own good.

The overly protective parental government is getting pretty tiring.

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What will Cali come up with next? :S

They're getting ready to make it illegal for a parent to smoke in their car while driving with their children, because of the "danger of second hand smoke"...

And of course, after they pass that, then they'll take the next logical step, which is to make it illegal for parents to smoke in their own homes...

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I also hate when a group of smokers gathers around the front door of a building. I still have to walk through that nasty smell even though they're not allowed to smoke inside.

Ugh. One my biggest pet-peeves.

Especially when it rains and they're all huddled up next to the door. The humidity acts like glue and sticks the smell all over you!

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One of my main reasons for wanting to move to CA is because of the non-smoking laws there.

I miss bar smoke... I used to just walk into a bar, take a deep breath and get my nicotine fix. Once they banned bar smoking in California I actually had to take up smoking just to get my fix.

Talk about backfiring!


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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yeah all the smog and the state governments are after the smoker. when are they going to go after the booze companies.booze has killed more people than ciggarettes.just a pet peeve of mine.im one of them 12 step people and i can tell ya this i can have a amoke and then get in my car and drive and im pretty sure im not gonna kill anybody.the booze is what is what needs to go.just my own personal little rant.***no good deed goes unpunished

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