
Pink Mafia pg.38 dz.com names

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AllisonJr, KatieatASC, Brie(non-DZ.commer?), Amazon, BKdice, Vanillaskygirl, MsDeva are standing.

Katiebear, Laurel, Flysister, Melstarr are kneeling.

Thanks, Skymama! :)
Edited: Our real names are (back row) Allison, Katie, Brie, Jeanne, Bettina, Rosa, Deva...

(Front row) Katie, Laurel, Brooke, Melanie :)

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Hotties all, but there is something extra hot about a cowgirl in a hat.:)

Alli a cowgirl? Well...I totally agree that Alli DOES look sooo incredibly cute in that hat, doesn't she? I have one at home myself...I just never wear it out...:)
You know what though? Someone stole Alli's cowgirl hat that night!!! >:( I wonder what happened to it. I was shocked that someone would do that.

Also, about Dove, I hear that she is an AWESOME flyer. I KNOW that she will be on some FF record someday...maybe soon. :)
And Cocheese ~ You're welcome. :)

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You aint that Tall DD, you ony look 1.5 feet taller than the rest

Hey now.. at least you know I am the Pink Mafia BIG sister:$

Dont ya just love the sunburn... one nice sunny day down there in the SOUTH and VOILA...light skin and freckles.. I burn really easy. But it sure is good to escape to sunny climes in the winter.

Here in Seattle in the winter the sun is not a real common sight... It makes it really hard to get a tan here.. so we just RUST.

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The first time I flipped through the magazine and I saw that picture I was short of breath. Beautiful group of ladies.

I do have to admit this though....my eye was taken right to the bottom right hand corner, Melanie, Melstarr....is by far the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.:o Beautiful smile.......:)
Pink Mafia Sisters rule....rock on girls.
For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
Pedro Offers you his Protection.

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