
Pink Mafia pg.38 dz.com names

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How about a Pink Mafia calander ? Just think of the party money you could raise.

AND a video of the Making of the Pink Mafia Calender. The sleeve could read :-

"Watch in awe as the multitude of PMS Regional Delegates get together to fight over the 12 places for the 2005 Calendar year.

Go with the crew on the various photoshoots which including PLF practice on Honey Beach, Bathing in the Elsinore Swoop Pond and Partying around the Perris Valley Peas"

The DVD version could also include a Virtual Photoshoot where you can manipulate the pose and location background of one such Sister before taking the virtual shot.

If that doesn't make some serious money, nothing will.B|

I stir feelings in others they themselves don't understand. KA'CHOW !

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they're all ugly, what are you talking about?

sorry, i just wanted to disagree ;)

The pink mafia RULE. Everyone knows that.

I wish i was with the mafia again :(
Phoenix Fly - High performance wingsuits for skydiving and BASE
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The Pink Mafia Sisters are way more beautiful than any of those other females mentioned....just look at them? I hear they all have awesome personalities, humor, and they are always smiling. What could be better.

My theory in life: "If I marry a Pink Mafia Sister I undoubtly made the best decision of my life because they are all wonderful women."

For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
Pedro Offers you his Protection.

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Someone stole Alli's cowgirl hat that night!!!

Now who the hell would steal a girl's hat? That's like stealing someone's mojo, it just ain't right. You gals get cool points for wearing cowboy hats, but you get extra cool points for wearing it, as you said,....at home.:)
-There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.

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