
Nashville Star

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Do any of you country/western fans watch this competition? For those of you who don't know what it is, just think American Idol but the country/western version. It's on the USA Network.

Being a yankee, I've never really been a big fan of country/western music. However, one of my best friend's nephew is competing and tonight made it into the top 3. I am totally psyched about this.



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neither had I. Neighbors wife approached me to shoot a short video about her husband for the show. She's got a heavy accent so it took a while to get the name of the show out of her. First running would have been after April of 2003.

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I'm not a big country music fan, but I think the people who compete/ perform on Nashville Star are far more talented than the singers on American Idol. They aren't just singers, they are also songwriters and musicians.

Which one is your friend's nephew?

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