
Last of the charges dismissed......but......

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I think Its pretty safe thing to say that i never want to live in Pennsylvania........EVER!! fucking phyco women and shitty justice system. :S

Did I ever tell you about the psycho I went out with from LA? She wasn't mean to me or anything, but I had to have her commited when her alternate personalities took over. And as far as the justice system, the magazines for my gun would have been enough to lock me up in California.

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the magazines for my gun would have been enough to lock me up in California.

lemme guess pre-ban hi capaciity?
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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Close....pre-ban standard capacity. :P

You're allowed to possess those in California. You just couldn't buy them after Jan 1, 2001 (or was it 2000?), nor buy them elsewhere and bring them into the state. I'm not sure how they would enforce the latter, other than to suggest you only get them for ones you owned prior to the changeover.

OEM ones sure aren't cheap though. Hopefully that will change soon.

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He said his main concern was keeping guns out of my hands and that if I agreed to the 18 month order that the charges would be dismissed and there would be no finding of fault against me on my record. If he hadn't shown such an obvious bias and gone out of his way to get her to come to court I wouldn't have agreed but I think I would have lost a hearing since the burden of proof is just a preponderance of the evidence and he was already on her side. So I agreed to it.

Goddamn liberal judges. ;)

Glad it's over. Sad that you have to give up your guns. :(

Let's head out to the range sometime, it won't kill you to rent.

"Like" - The modern day comma
Good bye, my friends. You are missed.

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Let's head out to the range sometime, it won't kill you to rent.

ooh ooh! I'll go too. We can all go shooting when I'm up at Cross Keys. I have pretty good aim!!! I've learned not to point loaded guns at people in teh range too... :ph34r:


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By "posess" does that mean own or does that mean use? Can you still go to the range and rent a weapon to shoot in the mean time?

No I can still go to the range and rent or borrow. The exact order is "Must relenquish all firearms currently owned to the custody of the Philadelphia police department and not purchase any firearms for 18 months."

That doesn't sound like the interpretations of "possess" that I've read about in the law. You better be darned sure of that...

"Possess" usually means you own them, have them in your home, or even so much as touch a gun, even if it is not your gun.

Recall the well-publicized case a few years ago of a female former drug felon, who posed semi-nude in internet photos while holding guns. Some law officer recognized her, and realized that as a felon, she was not allowed to "possess" a gun. For simply posing in a photo holding one, that belonged to her boyfriend, her parole was revoked and she went back to prison.

Don't let that happen to you.

This bullshit order from the judge, barring you from your own guns, even though you haven't been convicted of anything, sets you up for an even bigger problem, should you violate this order.

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I think Its pretty safe thing to say that i never want to live in Pennsylvania........EVER!! fucking phyco women and shitty justice system. :S

No shit! And I bet William Penn doesn't even know this kinda crap is going on in his state!:P

"Some call it heavenly in it's brilliance,
others mean and rueful of the western dream"

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I've been following your story from the beginning and I'm relieved to read that everything is working out for ya.
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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So, if I hear you right - you would voluntarily give up your constitutional right to avoid jail?

That was how I read it too:S.

Would you give up your right to free speech to avoid jail too?

Philly Kev- Dude glad it is coming to a close without you doing jail time but there has got to be soemthing you can do to get the system to work for you. If not remind me never to go to PA again.:S

So much for innocent till PROVEN guilty.

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Philly Kev- Dude glad it is coming to a close without you doing jail time but there has got to be soemthing you can do to get the system to work for you.

Well, I could have not agreed to that and gone forward with the hearing. But my assessment of the judges inclination was that I would have lost anyway. My lawyer basically said that judges don't consider a PFA to be a hardship or adversely affect you so they have a propensity to grant them because it "couldn't hurt".

If I had unlimited funds, I'd fight it. But my lawyer fees were getting up there. I had to cut my losses at some point.

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So, if I hear you right - you would voluntarily give up your constitutional right to avoid jail?


That was how I read it too.

Would you give up your right to free speech to avoid jail too?

Isn't that like saying, "Dude, you'd pay an insurance company to avoid paying?"

Kev made a smart choice - give something now so I don't risk losing even more.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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There's right, there's wrong, and then there's legal. ;)



A lawyer has told a court in the Philippines that drugs found in a rooster's cage belonged by the bird and not his client.


Urbina said: "The drugs were in the possession of a rooster and two hens and the law is very clear that whoever is in possession of the drugs is the one who should be accused."

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Philly Kev- Dude glad it is coming to a close without you doing jail time but there has got to be soemthing you can do to get the system to work for you.

Well, I could have not agreed to that and gone forward with the hearing. But my assessment of the judges inclination was that I would have lost anyway. My lawyer basically said that judges don't consider a PFA to be a hardship or adversely affect you so they have a propensity to grant them because it "couldn't hurt".

If I had unlimited funds, I'd fight it. But my lawyer fees were getting up there. I had to cut my losses at some point.

Smart move. Get out of the system anyway you can.

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So, if I hear you right - you would voluntarily give up your constitutional right to avoid jail?

You give up your constitutional right every time you sign a traffic ticket, also called a "Promise to Appear". You forfiet your right to a speedy trial and to be taken forthwith to the magistrate.

Where I feel bad for Philly is that he is apparently admitting to something he didn't do in order to eliminate the record of being accused of something he didn't do.

I'm going to punch the next person who tells me that "Everything happens for a reason". Life is arbitrary and capricious. Sorry you got bit.

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so does that mean that you will get your guns back from the cops?or will you get a bunch of shit that they have grabbed from people off the streets?i dont know what kind of guns you have but some of mine are expensive.***no good deed goes unpunished

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I think Its pretty safe thing to say that i never want to live in Pennsylvania........EVER!! fucking psycho women and shitty justice system. :S


You are sooooooooooo right! When I got divorced in PA, she got the mine and I got the shaft. PA judges seem to hate husbands, maybe men in general. Don't know why.


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PA judges seem to hate husbands, maybe men in general. Don't know why.

because they are more liberal than Klinton ^2

I am so glad I'm not in the north anymore. lord bless the south.

i am drunk and going to bed.

kev, sorry you had to deal on this BS to get out of it

maybe someday 'innocent until proven guilty' will mean something again.

good luck, my friend
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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