
Best resturants to go to if your vegetarian

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Ok, I really enjoy cooking, but their are some days where i would rather have someone else cook or i want to go out with my bf so what are some good choices to go to if your a vegetarian?
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All the chinese resturants in town have at least one vegi dish - my sister was a pretty hardcore vegetarian and our family never had a hard time finding something for her.
Chinese Chef on Anderson Ave. has at least 3 or 4 really good vegi dishes....:)
=========Shaun ==========

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Well, that's going to depend on where you live, and whether you're really vegetarian or just don't eat animals. If you're not vegan, then Indian restaurants offer a lot of choices. If you don't mind a little animal in the broth/sauce, then there are a lot of dishes at Chinese and Thai restaurants. If you are vegan, gets a lot tougher. You can specify no chicken broth at Chinese places. There are also salad bars most everywhere. Ethiopian restaurants usually have some dishes. Sometimes you can get a truly Vegan burrito.

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Indian restaurants usually have a good selection of veggie stuff.

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You're in H-town still, right?

If you are in Houston. Try 'The Golden Room' ...Thai Cusine. Has a good number of vegi dishes. I have not tried any but the meat dishes are good so I know they got their sauces working.

Oh and don't forget the "Mango with sweet rice' for dessert.

Another good place to eat is Romano's Pizza. Their Baked Ziti is awesome.

You will find quite a few Vegitarian choices at Cafe Express as well.

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The Hobbit Hole has a huge selection of veggie sandwiches.
Yes, any Indian restaurant, and most Chinese, will have veggie selections.

Wendy W.
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