Brains 2 #26 April 16, 2004 QuoteDead fish...tied to a portion of the exhaust manifold/system right under or in front of the passenger compartment. Find some gay and lesbian magazine and order a subscription in his name.....probably best to send it to his home, but work may be funny if you won't get in trouble for it.. Take the valve stem out of one, or all 4, tires.. Mike Hey these are good ideas, where do you work again?? Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eeneR 3 #27 April 16, 2004 I heard this one from my ex hubby. The boss pretty much had a normal schedule of when he went to the bathroom...break time after a huge cup of coffee, everyone but the boss knew about they knew which stall to stay out of.... Take 2 ketchup packets, or 2 TacoBell taco sauce packets...fold them in half, place them under the feet on the toilet seat, fold facing out.... Ever try and clean up ketchup or hot sauce with toilet paper???? She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway." eeneR TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
souleh 0 #28 April 16, 2004 That is a great one, I'm so gonna try that Cheers! 'buttplugs? where?' - geno Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
livendive 8 #29 April 16, 2004 A couple ideas: One day of pain - Put an ad in the local newspaper advertising a yard sale at his house starting at say 7 AM on a Saturday. Throw a couple big ticket items in and be sure to include his phone number. More extended pain - Go to a local magazine store and take the little subscription postcards out of several gay/fetish/fat chick/swinging mags (whatever he won't like) and maybe some knitting or quilt-making mags just for good measure. Sign him up with the "bill me later" box checked. He'll get a few issues of each before he'll be able to convince them he didn't order the subscription and will not be paying for it, and he'll be getting junk mail from those types of business for years to come. Blues, Dave"I AM A PROFESSIONAL EXTREME ATHLETE!" (drink Mountain Dew) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lawrocket 3 #30 April 16, 2004 Actually, a dead fish isn't necessary. Even something like a little pancake batter will do. Crawl under the car and drop some pancake batter, bread dough, something like that, on the manifold or another hot part. You'd be amazed how much that can smell up a car. If you are really nasty, hunting lure cannot be beat as far as foul-smelling stuff. Someone else mentioned windshield washers. For the spray nozzles on the hood, why not turn them sideways. A thin coating of vegetable oil on the windshield will also create some fun. I've also heard that you can wire a spark plug to the exhaust pipe. Little detonations coming from the back will be kinda strange. My wife is hotter than your wife. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kennedy 0 #31 April 16, 2004 My personal favorite: "Some guys I know" were just fed up with this one mommas boy/narc/pain in the ass. So "they" waited until he was going to be out of town for a weekend. They proceeded to dismantle his car and reassembled it in his room. The SOB had to have a wall removed to get it out, and they never saw him again. Yeah, "they" were some evil bastards. witty subliminal message Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards. 1* Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lawrocket 3 #32 April 16, 2004 I had a freind from Buffalo, NY. I hear it gets cold there. Anyway, some SPC4 was being a pain. He had gotten some car that he went on about. Thought he was all cool because of his ride (his folks got it for him). He was apparently one of those real high school assholes. We all know the type. So late one night my friend and some of his buddies went out in the bitter cold to his place with a garden hose and a couple shovels. After making some nice troughs around the tires, there were four little lakes surrounding them. A large quantity of water also carefully sealed the doors as well. I guess his folks gave him a ride to school that day. It's a little tough to drive cars with 100 pound blocks of ice securely attached to each wheel. My wife is hotter than your wife. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orchid 0 #33 April 17, 2004 Find a pet snake (un-poisoned) and put it in his car."Love is doing small things with great love." Lacrosse: Legally beating men with sticks since 1492 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jumpinfarmer 0 #34 April 17, 2004 Wait till winter and go out and wet his windshield, then put newspaper on it. It will freez on as tight as wallpaper. Use limburger cheese on the exaust pipe, it smells like cow shit when it gets hot and lasts for weeks. Get a dead skunk and tie it to the underside of his car. Put any dead animal near his car, in the sun on a hot day. Wait till it's ready to pop open so it does and he either has to move it or step in it to get in. Jack up the car and set it on blocks of wood so when he goes to leave he just spinns his wheels. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AggieDave 6 #35 April 17, 2004 You can do any of the "bad smell" type things with many many things from a grociery store. My favorites include variaties of fish. A babbo bomb is awsome. Babbo or Comet or any other powder cleaner that comes in a light cardboard can. You need something like a cherry bomb to carry it out, though. Cut a small hole, just large enough for the bomb, put in the bomb, put a little duct tape over it with the fuse exposed. Light fuse and roll into office. It will get white powder EVERY where. Another fun one to use is put flour on the fan blades of a ceiling fan. Put the fan to high and turn off the wall switch (works best with single switch to operate light and fan). When he walks in, BAM, flour every where. Buy/use a lot of gay porn mags, cut out a shitload of the porn images, put them EVERY where, in all of his shit, in reams of paper, in desk drawers, random files, etc. It'll take him a month atleast to find them all. Change out one of his tires with the donut spare. Do you have a friend that's a cop? Have him put up crime scene tape all around the guys car near quiting time. Have the cop over and tell him his car was used in a crime, yada yada and he can't have it back until the end of the investigation. Make sure no one else is near when this happens. After he finds a ride home, remove all the tape/evidence. Act surprised/like he's crazy when he talks about it. Rewire the light switches for his office, if he has more then one that does more things then just turn on the lights, like fans and stuff. Oh, the list could go on and on and on.--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites