
Weekend Numbers...

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I had a great weekends jumping:)10K sit jump,
12K Rodeo jump
4K Hop n Pop
9 x 14K 10 way flat jumps
And 1 Bad taste party where some ppl (not me:):D Lots of cameras on the DZ nowadays;)
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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passed my 3,4 and 5th AFF this weekend after not passing 3 last weekend. i had such awesome fun this weekend, i'm so happy right now B| yay

And you shed not a single tear for the things that you didn't need
'Cause you knew you were finally free - Death Cab For Cutie

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2 on Fri in the cessna182 then :
4 on Sat. In the OTTER yay otter. Yay weegegirl for kickin it like a skygodess in the headdown in my face. She said i kissed her :), well i think she kissed me:). I just ... Anyway first head down "face" dock ( from the exit) which was too cool. Beer was bought and consumed rapily. Met AlanaB and Amanda too. Great weekend.

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She said i kissed her :), well i think she kissed me:). I just ... Anyway first head down "face" dock ( from the exit) which was too cool.

Oh, MCCARTY!!!! Kiss and tell!!! You SOOOO kissed me!!!! hahahahaha!!!! Those were some GREAT skydives!!! B|

:$ : 4 : 0

My sweetie was here! And I made 4 jumps from the Otter on Saturday!!! B|

AlanaB and Amanda are cool ass skychicks!! Thanks for the visit!! You are both getting your Hellfish #s. Make sure you come back... and hang out next time!!!

SkydiverBC visited again... which is always way cool! :)

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I'll be living in Ormond Beach and jumpin at DeLand. You're in Orlando right? We'll have to stay in touch so I can vist and party with you when I travel to some dz's or hit the tunnel.

We will be happy to give you the occasional lift to Sebastian as well.B|

If you need any tips about the Orman/Flagler area...

I'm open to suggestions, please send them my way. As you can tell, I can't even spell the name of the city. Just going from a broken up cell phone call and Ormond was what I got.

I'm all about going to Sebastian!

You can spell just fine -- my fault for not proofing my post.:$

I'm usually always the bad speller
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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Saturday - a couple of 4-way jumps, a 55-way, a 3pt 37-way.
Sunday - 3-pt 37-way, another 37-way that was very close to 4-pts B|, 3-pt 40-way, 18-way, and a cool 3-pt 16-way.

Our last jump was the 16-way. 4-way donut base with open accordians. Then, the 4-way acc. pieces would rotate. The outside people became the ones in the donut. Did that twice, 3 points B|.

I is a tired chil'. :)

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nearly 21 hours on the phone:0:not yet

Phone calls are fun when someone is on a road trip...specailly if they are on that road trip to come and see you!!

No jumps...stupid wind....at least i got a lot of stuff on my A card signed off...now i jsut have to do the skydiving part:S

No beer owed...well not yet...I got to step into a 182 for the first time, but i haven't gotten to jump it yet...so until then, no beer:P


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This weekend rocked at Byron! I'm fuckin' beat!!

I'll second that... The Mad John loads were a BLAST!!!! Thanks Mad John!!!


2 days wasted trying to install Win2k3 before trying the ole "make the system partition less than 8 gigs". I'm 2 tests from my MCSE 2003.

1 tracking
1 freefly
3 mad john RW loads

best part was docking on the 11 way, looking across the base and seeing Geno giving me the peace sign. FUN FUN FUN...

Beer owed for doing RW all weekend and making my slot (yeah). I also owe a 6 pack for going low on the sunset no jumpsuit no show 14 way speedstar. I was in 4th but was taken out somehow. I also managed to kick Connie in the head as I tumbled out, Sorry Connie!!!
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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Slow weekend, with clouds hanging out around 4 grand both days.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me.
Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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I'll be living in Ormond Beach and jumpin at DeLand. You're in Orlando right? We'll have to stay in touch so I can vist and party with you when I travel to some dz's or hit the tunnel.

Ormond is a nice area. I used to live in Daytona, and kept an airplane at Ormond Beach airport. I assume you know somebody there, and that's why you've nailed it down as Ormond specifically? I don't know what the job market is like in that area right now...or what you even do...but it wasn't the greatest 2 years ago. Then again, just depends on what you do I guess..

I'm in Orlando, about an hour from Deland and Daytona. I'm up in Daytona occasionally...Deland not so often, but now and then...mostly Sebastian and Lake Wales. For several months I was just on the boogie circuit...and didn't even jump at any of the local DZ's...but that's winding down until WFFC.


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*** 1st dock in a sit (YES!!! it was my first time trying to dock on someone else too!)

i see you don't count the sit fly we did in eloy as a dock.. so i sorta ran into you and all but we were bboth in a sit and all i counted it as dock........lol.............

i have been docked on before, but never tried to dock on someone else.... so this was MY first:)

my numbers

:( : 2 : 0

it was like the wizard of oz the last few days....... wind was way up there.............

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Did ExCel 2-way camp at Elsinore on Friday and 2-Way skills camp at Perris on Saturday. An AWESOME weekend of jumping. . .Woo Hoo. . .
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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