
Bad 80's memories

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I thought you were going to post something about Duran Duran, or some equally bad band from back in the day.

Skydivers don't knock on Death's door. They ring the bell and runaway... It really pisses him off.
-The World Famous Tink. (I never heard of you either!!)
AA #2069 ASA#33 POPS#8808 Swooo 1717

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See, I just don't remember this stuff. I thought the early 90's were much scarier - and I'm afraid That I might be stuck in them. I was informed by BCH773 yesterday that it is no longer in to say "bad" in the contex of "cool." I'm not even 21 and I feel so old.....[:/]
=========Shaun ==========

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LOL.....is that a little girl or little boy. I can't tell, both mom & dad have the same hairstyle:P

Things are remember in the 80's:

BIG hair
zipper pants
rubber bracelets/rings
BIG hoop earrings
valleygirl talk (for sure):P
rolling up the sleeves on your shirt
pulling your pants tight to one side & rolling them up
strawberry shortcake
~Porn Kitty
WARNING: Goldschlager causes extreme emotional outbursts!

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LOL.....is that a little girl or little boy. I can't tell, both mom & dad have the same hairstyle:P

Things are remember in the 80's:

BIG hair

I actually miss the big hair! My hair is so thin and straight... but in the 80s it was permed and I had the big winged-out sides and big bangs... scary I know, but I thought I looked cool! :D. That straight look is in now, but my hair can never achieve that smooth look :P.
"If the Bible has taught us nothing else, and it hasn't, it's that girls should stick to girl's sports such as hot oil wrestling and foxy boxing." - Homer Simpson

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the pictures from that era shall NEVER resurface.


Attention Everyone!! Money may be paid for Stacy's 80's pic's;)
I'm sorry, I don't know Stacy, but if she's that dead set against them showing up, they must be worth seeing.
I am not the man. But the man knows my name...and he's worried

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