
What's your five?

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OK, little game because I'm bored. This is an easy one. I post a topic, and you list five answers. Here's an easy one:

Five movies you could enjoy watching any time.

here's mine:

1. Field of Dreams
2. Any of the first three Star Wars movies
3. Either (soon to be three) of the LOTR extended editions
4. Better Off Dead
5. Office Space
Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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1. Usual Suspects
2. Dazed and Confused
3. 28 days (the Sandra Bullok one not the more recent one)
4. Princess Bride
5. Office Space (it inspired me to start wearing flip flops to work)

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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I have never enjoyed watching the same movies over and over because I feel like I am missing out on those quality films that I have not yet seen. I tend to like indepedent, obscure, artsy or foreign films, however, these are some more mainstream ones that I enjoy...

*Dangerous Liaisons (used to be my favorite film for many, many years)
*Austin Powers (first one)
*Meet the parents
*Interview with the Vampire

Plus Foreign-
*Like Chocolate for Water (Como Agua para Chocolate)

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I have never enjoyed watching the same movies over and over because I feel like I am missing out on those quality films that I have not yet seen. I tend to like indepedent, obscure, artsy or foreign films, however, these are some more mainstream ones that I enjoy...

You should check out "Raise the Red Lantern." Awesome movie, yet a little depressing.

"Excuse me while I kiss the sky..." - Jimi Hendrix

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Cool thread! Here goes:

1. Alien
2. Secrets and Lies
3. Any of the first three Star Wars mvies
4. Any of the LOTR movies
5. Lilo and Stitch (I know, I know...don't know what it is, but love that damn movie...)
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You should check out "Raise the Red Lantern." Awesome movie, yet a little depressing.

Thank you. I believe that I have seen that film. Some of my FAVORITE films, like say "Requiem for a Dream" are a little dark or depressing, and I have usually not watched more than once (not for any particular reason, though). However, I adore watching dark or depressing films if they are well-made and would watch them again when in the mood.

Anyway, thank you for the recommendation. I tried to start a thread once HERE about film or video recommendations, but the thread died. My film choices are not mainstream, but these movies can be quite thought provoking. :)

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I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Basquiat...VERY good film. Good choice, Yoshi

jean michelle basquiat is my absolutely favorite artist... hell you gotta be cool to hang with andy warhol and date modonna right???

can you see any influence in my avatar?? its a painting of mine...
(sorry to hi-jack)
this space for rent.

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