
Cash/Paypal donations to Elsinore

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Hi, all.

As you know, Elsinore is hurting right now. Let's spread the love....here's a paypal account to make cash donations.
The account is called "elsinoreappeal@hotmail.com".

Instrustions are:
To register for an account, have your personal details and your email address handy. Then click on the 'Sign up for your FREE paypal account' button (or use this link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_registration-run). Fill in all the required fields (anything that doesnt have 'optional' next to it), and make sure you have a valid email address.

Then click next/register. PayPal will send you an email with a link in it - click that link to activate your account - you can then login and use it.

To be of any use, you can then associate the account with a bank account (debit) and/or a credit card. When you do this, PP takes out a random small amount (<$1), which you then have to type back in from your statement to authorise the card. This takes a few days, but dont worry!

Thats why the credit card is good; even before it's authorised, you can draw up to $20 on it. So it's usable instantly.

Then when you're all signed up and ready to go with funds in your account, you can send money. Log in, and click the big white 'Send Money' button (dark blue background) right at the top, second from the left. Enter the amount, and the email address that i've set up (elsinoreappeal@hotmail.com), and click send.

I have never used Paypal. But it's here, and waiting to get used by all of us. The password and all other details will go to the folks at Elsinore as soon as they are not swamped with things.

Additionally, Souleh has offered to take credit card donations if you don't want to set up an account. Contact him via pm for this. He will then forward everything to Elsinore, as well.

Also, if you prefer, donations can be sent via regular mail to:

Skydive Elsinore
20701 Cereal Road
Lake Elsinore, CA 92350

Send in one jump ticket cost...send in 10 bucks. It doesn't matter. What matters is that we show support for our family, and spread the love.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Currently me, with a new hotmail account set up for it, but I'm just giving the details to Hammo, who will change the password etc.

All your messages sent with the donations will be passed on too.

Edit: I understand what you mean.. I'd feel the same way with sending money to someone I don't know. I can let you know when everything's been changed if you like.


'buttplugs? where?' - geno

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Okay, it's all transfered over now and the details changed.

Thankyou to everyone who's sent a donation so far.. I'm sure I'm not wrong in saying that those guys must really appreciate it - every penny!


'buttplugs? where?' - geno

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hey guys...just got off the phone with hammo (john hamilton). he's going to try to post an update for everyone tomorrow once things have settled out a bit. this should also answer any questions folks may have about where the money will go, what gear they need, etc.

he did want me to pass along skydive elsinore's gratitude for everything everyone is trying to do to help the instuctors out during this time. he is very grateful to everyone for their outpouring of support.

we just need to keep in mind that as much as we want to help right now, they really need to logistically get their ducks in a row so they will know what to ask for. then, it's game on. :)

BTW, the paypal account is up and running and accepting donations...regardless of size.

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I have a merchant account set up with paypal. What it lets me do is accept credit cards via a website, and use a "shopping cart" type thing.

To get money out of a paypal account, you have to link it to a regular bank account, which can take a while. Mine is already all set up, and I would be happy to accept donations for Elsinore through this website.


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I know its been said, but I'm very thankful that I can send money to help replace what was lost in the fire. Money can replace things, not flesh and blood. I'm very glad nobody was hurt.

Best of luck to everyone at Elsinore. From seeing the responses just here in our little community, I have a feeling that you will all recover just fine!

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Who should I call? Hammo? Lob?

Right now, they are putting the pieces together. I hope to have a list of things needed soon.

How about emailing Betsy? I think she's handling all gear inquiries and matching up people with stuff. Here's her email: betsy@skydiveelsinore.com.

And thanks sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo very much to all who have donated, and all who will. The money will come in handy, but the gesture - the way knowing people care will make those in need feel - that is priceless. Thank you all so much (and thanks, HH, for letting this stay sticky!)


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Donation sent.

Come on, people! Sacrifice a jump, it's for a good cause.

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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Thanks, Sparky....

And huge thanks to everyone who has already donated. I know there is no way we can ever replace all the personal gear lost, but we can start to make a difference, and every little bit helps.

And it's more than the amount sent in...it's about letting those folks at Elsinore who feel as if they've lost everything that they haven't lost everything - we are still here, we are thinking of them, and we are supporting them.

Because we are, no doubt, a family. And in times like these, family makes the difference between dispair and hope, failure and success.

~~Elsinore is not alone!~~


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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