
So, what's your Easter plans?

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Usual Sunday run at Buffalo Park. Maybe church. If church, hope Holly is there so I can regale her with skydiving stories, and maybe get her back in the air. Then Easter buffet at Little America with hubby.

Later, pack for my trip to Eloy for as many days of skydiving as I can get in.

Imelda Marcos just wanted some cute shoes that didn't make her feet hurt. Why's that so hard to understand?

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My easter plans were pretty dull.....

Came home from work tonight to a awaiting PM from a friend at my home DZ....asking where I was...seems my DZ has opened early :)
The forcast looks good...my alarm is set..my bag is packed...and I am soo stoked that sleep may not be possible...

A 7 month drought may be quenched tommorrw :)

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Didn't have a choice..the exhusband is the one who really drug his feet on this one:S He's planning to file an extension because he wants to make sure he doesn't have to pay.
Usually if I have $$ coming or if I'm even, I file EARLY, and if I have to pay, I wait until the last minute.


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