
What do you do when your rig is down...as in back to the factory? And I will do what the poll mandates!

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Damn...Damn...Damn...I 'm depressed. My rigger calls me today & sez that my container needs a factory fix. It may be gone for two weeks.....SHIT!

And I will do what the poll sez....I promise!

Go to the DZ and demo new gear!! he he..

Or try to borrow someones rig.

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There's no such thing as "Two weeks " in skydiving ship out repairs. Unless they said it would take "2 days".
There is no such thing as a rich skydiver. Only rich with experience and friendships.
Yes we all need multiple rigs. I'm behind schedule for owning a spare. Slacker. Spent it all on jumpin. so .... I 'm that much richer with experience and ummmm friendships.

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You didn't have enough options. How about:

"Grab one of 15 other airworthy rigs I have hanging in my rig room and go to the DZ."

Blue skies,


Holy Moly........15 rigs?

You must be RICH!

I probably would be if I didn't have an airplane.

As far as rigs go, I'm not talking brand new CYPRES-equipped Voodoos with Xaos mains and 21st century technology reserves. I said "airworthy." As a rigger, I wind up collecting and maintaining orphan gear.

Mostly I have Racers of various vintages, from SST to Elite. I also have a Vector, a Javelin, a Mirage and a Corsair.

My smallest reserve is a Swift 177 and I have a lot of Raven IIs (they open and fly GREAT!). My largest reserve is a G3R (figure Wizard) Golden Knights cast-off.

Mains include a couple of EXTreme FX 99s, two Blue Track BT-50s, a BT-60, a Cruis Air, a Bogy 9, a Pursuit 215, a couple of Cruis Lites, a Laser, a couple of Raven IVs and a Laser 9.

For serious fun I have a couple of Mini Systems with ParaCommander MK-1s, a couple of WonderHogs with one each Lightweight RW ParaCommander and Sierra mains. The Wonderhogs have 26' LoPo type reserves.

It's all fun, and the ParaCommanders are every bit as much fun as the FX99s. The EXTremes are, however, a lot easier to pack.

Some people are too cool to jump a 282 square foot F-111 7-cell, but I find that it is anything but boring.

I don't jump them all regularly, but I do jump all of it.

Blue skies,


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