
Leaving for the Peace Corps...

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Probably June 3rd.

I haven't accepted the invitation yet, but I probably will next week.

It's to go to Cameroon (I'd better brush up my French!) and teach (drum roll, please) computer science!

For those of you who know me, don't worry, I won't be trying to teach mathematicians how to program. I'll be teaching secondary students how to use a computer.

I'm happy and extremely stressed. There are so many things I want to do before I go, not just to get ready, but to tie things up here. First things first, though: I'm skydiving all weekend. :ph34r:

Has anyone here been to Cameroon? What did you think?

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Good luck and thank you for doing a great thing.

As third world countries go, Cameroon doesn't look too bad. Any civil wars going on?

Don't drink the water. Or, drink the water, get sick, and then get over it, so you can drink the water from then on...

Again, congrats and good luck!

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Congratulations, Jennifer! Glad it finally came through, you've been waiting for this for a long time.

Now, only two questions:

1) When to have your going away party, so we can get out Old Blue, the trampolines, and order extra tequila...and,

2) How are we going to start Skydive Cameroon so you can stay current? ;)

See you this weekend, and again, congratulations.

Doctor I ain't gonna die,
Just write me an alibi! ---- Lemmy/Slash

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The CIA factbook has a nice summary to start with, if you're just getting started.


I'm sure the Peace Corps will provide plenty of in-depth info from DoS too. Stay clear of AIDS too!

Best wishes.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Wow! I just barely go to meet you :(. Well it's a good thing you're doing and I definitely want to be part of the going away party. You do realize you'll be the one on the roof looking down at the trampoline right?


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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I'm not leaving yet! We still have some time. :)

You do realize you'll be the one on the roof looking down at the trampoline right?

Since I don't usually double-fist it with straight tequila, I think that's a little less likely to happen this time... :P

Although if Andy's in a good mood, he may be willing to arm wrestle me again. ;)

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Said it in PM, say it again here...

That is hecka cool and congrats!

Funny, you laughed about your eligibility to teach computer stuff and that ends up being your assignment.

I know you will kick ass over there and take no prisoners. KILL 'EM, STAB 'EM!!

oh wait, sorry... wrong Corps...

I know you will do great over there. TEACH 'EM, EDUCATE 'EM!!!!

What would Vic Mackey do?

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That's amazing! Congratulations. Wow! That is quite impressive. :)I had a friend in the Peace Corp stationed somewhere in Africa...but sadly enough, he returned due to the praticed voo-doo that went on there??? Still won't talk about it to this day. :S Cameron sounds a little more safe, but you will be with French people, which could be of some concern!! ;) he he he!!

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Aw Jen I'm going to miss my skydiving buddy. Who will I carpool with? I have to get working on my A so we can get lots of jumps in before you leave ;)

We definitely need to figure out when we are having a going away party for you. I was thinking about planning a trip back to NY around that time, but your party is more important :)

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:D:D:DThat's right Jen! Stay away from Andy! He's MY bitch! :D :D:D:D:D:DHe only lap dances for me!....er...wait a minute...uhhh...OK...on second thought...uhh...er...DAMMIT! Busted again!:S

One of tequila's greatest benefits (after taste) is its ability to remove periods of time from the memory of the consumer...

Cameroon sounds cool as hell. Never been there, but would like to go. Congrats.
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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