
Where's the FELINE Love?

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Yeah well my 30 lb boy would make quite the meal smothered in some sauce..:S

Why yes, yes he would... Seriously, I like cats, they just don't like me. I have the same reaction to cats that some people have to bee stings. Funny thing is I used to have a cat (~10 years ago) and had no problems then...?:S

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< ----------- check da avatar!:P

BTW....your cat on the left looks just like a cat I used to have named Pokie! She was nothing but hair!
~Porn Kitty
WARNING: Goldschlager causes extreme emotional outbursts!

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Oh my goodness??!! What a tiny little baby!
My boy would probably have eaten him for a snack. :D

Thanks to all who shared..I just love Kitties.

Hey Shimm if your out there...do you remember this?"Here Kitty Kitty"....:$

Do it Again!
P.M.S. #22
LaLa Gang #4

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< ----------- check da avatar!:P

***BTW....your cat on the left looks just like a cat I used to have named Pokie! She was nothing but hair!

That's Kali...he is 30 lbs of cat. He's very sensitve though so you can't call him fat..he's just big boned. :P

Do it Again!
P.M.S. #22
LaLa Gang #4

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I love cats. They're great with BBQ sauce. >:(

That's exactly what both my dogs used to think... probably without the BBQ sauce though. :ph34r::ph34r::D


I used to have a cat that chased the dogs in the neighborhood. If someone was walking a dog past our house he'd run out after them.

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I love cats. They're great with BBQ sauce. >:(

That's exactly what both my dogs used to think... probably without the BBQ sauce though. :ph34r::ph34r::D


***I used to have a cat that chased the dogs in the neighborhood. If someone was walking a dog past our house he'd run out after them.


Do it Again!
P.M.S. #22
LaLa Gang #4

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I love cats. They're great with BBQ sauce. >:(

That's exactly what both my dogs used to think... probably without the BBQ sauce though. :ph34r::ph34r::D


I used to have a cat that chased the dogs in the neighborhood. If someone was walking a dog past our house he'd run out after them.

My beautiful big labrador used to actually be terrified of cats after having had his nose scratched by a cat once when he went to sniff it to be friendly. :S Poor doggie...!


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We had to dogsit my aunt's labrador once, and all 5 of my cats just went to town on that poor canine. Every time it heard the bell that was on the collar of one of them, the doggy would jump and hide behind the sofa until it went away. The other ones didn't have bells on though, and kept sneaking up on it when it was asleep.

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