
1.1 million

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I know, I've been sorta not around the last week or so.

I know, I owe about a bazillion pm's to various pm'rs (I really am sorry...I'll work on getting back to you soon....forgive me, please...)

But know what?

Tomorrow I open escrow on a house that I listed. Asking price? $539K. First offer came in at $540k, and there were three more offers higher than that. The open house had more than 83 groups, totalling over 200 people (or thereabouts) in a 4 hour period on Sunday. My feet were sore...

Someone who came through the open house called me yesterday and asked me to write an offer and represent them. This can be an extremely dicey situation, because when you represent both sides of a transaction, you are the repository of tons of things each side doesn't want you to share. You are in a position of "undue influence", and it is vital that everything goes according to Hoyle and all ethics are upheld and personal benefit is left aside.

I had the sellers agree to it, the buyers agree to it, and then got the offer written.

My sellers chose my buyers out of all the other offers. I am beyond pleased.

Tomorrow I open the first escrow of 2004 - for a total dollar amount of 1.1 million (550K each side).

Happy? Oh damned skippy.

Tired? Oh damned skippy...



~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Tomorrow I open the first escrow of 2004 - for a total dollar amount of 1.1 million (550K each side).

Happy? Oh damned skippy.

Tired? Oh damned skippy...



Party at the Bombshelter. Michele's buyin'!

You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Tomorrow I open the first escrow of 2004 - for a total dollar amount of 1.1 million (550K each side).

YAYAYAYAY!!!!! Michele is AWESOME!!! B| I'm so happy for you, swootie!


I know, I owe about a bazillion pm's to various pm'rs (I really am sorry...I'll work on getting back to you soon....forgive me, please...)

I forgive you. If you still feel bad, you can make it up to me by buying me some tunnel time or a jump or two. :)
Just kidding, girl (...or AM I?:))

Congrats, again, Michele! Now, you must come to the DZ & celebrate in the sky...:)

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cool beans!!! glad things are lookingup for ya this year.. as they say.. ya got to start somewhere and damn you got a good start............ guess i don't need to start shipping the ramnen just yet....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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Wow - a commission that's healthy

after federal, state and local tax, california 'you are bad because you're wealthy' additional tax, energy penalty, road fee, mandatory deduction to pay for other people's livelihood tax, the 'we should have social health care' tax, forced envirnmental support fee, vet bills, deductions, forced union contribution to your group and then forced sympathy union contributions to no-related industries, etc. that's like a cool $110.11 take home :P

actually, nice going I bet the competition for that business was fierce.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Awesome -
Is this a :D occasion?

Would you say that you might just owe :D?

Great Job Girl!! Now go get us some :D!!!
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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only why is the escrow acct.. for twice the price of the house??? what am I missing...?I don't think I understand the "550K each side "...(i'm not in real estate or law. )

It is great to assume responsibilities... as you now do for both your clients. The real work is only just beginning.. :o and for sure you will EARN every dollar of the commission..:ph34r:
May this success be followed by many others.. :)

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