
Things you loved but quit for skydiving

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Its not really things I quit because of skydiving, its things I lost intrest in because jumping was more fun.

Mt. Biking
survival camping

There are others, but those are the big ones.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I stopped rollerblading cause I was scared I would get hurt and couldn't skydive.

I wanted to be Martha Stewart before I started skydiving, so I gave up wanting to be all domestic and crafty and stuff.

I also gave up cleaning (as often).

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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Well I havent quit it... but instead of saving money for a new motorcycle, I spend it all on skydiving.

Oh and snowboarding. I didnt make it up to the mountains at all this season. Why? Becuase I either was at the dz or I didnt want to spend the money on the mtn, when I could spend it skydiving.

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Ooh good post!

Skateboarding- was afraid I'd hurt myself and wouldn't be able to skydive
Going out on Friday nights-always have to get up early to drive out to the DZ
Street fairs- San Francisco has so many but I haven't spent a weekend in the city in 2 years (unless it's raining)
Heavy drinking on week nights.. ok I didn't really love this but was doing it every night until I started skydiving.


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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All the money that I had saved up to buy a beautiful new car (most likely an Audi) went towards skydiving. I gave up designer clothing...well, most of the time. I also gave up jewelry, accessories, shoes, purses. I am selling everything that I can sell to pay for gear. I gave up any kinds of beauty treatments. I gave up my retirement $$$ (I know that's bad). I gave up any extras...movies, dinners, etc. Also, I am not buying any home furnishings, anymore, at all. "Real" work, as opposed to what I have been doing lately, in order to have time to skydive...I need to get back to my career, though. Seeing my loved ones as much as I should...again, something that I need to change.

*Beautiful new car
*Designer clothing, shoes, jewelry
*Beauty treatments
*Retirement money
*Movies, dinners, etc.
*Home furnishings
*Active career in design
*Time spent with loved ones

It is worth it to me...right now...to give up these things in order to skydive more because it brings me such happiness.

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My ex-girlfriend. Once she laid down the ultimatum of skydiving or her, I opted for jumping.

Pickup basketball, softball leagues, and a fun little game called Warhammer.

I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it.
- Voltaire

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collecting DVD's
school grades.... ok so i am working on this....
my old band.... so sad i built it from the start....
spending money without worrying if i could jump on saturday.
Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

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"I gave up any kinds of beauty treatments."


Wow! You need beauty treatments? I'm not so sure about that.;)

Okay. . . . .so it's a cheesy pick up line!!:$

For me it would have to be:

oh and general boredom!!


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i didn't give much *good stuff* up.... lets see...

i gave up going out and blowing money shooting pool during the week

i gave up a relationship that was going downhill anyways

i gave up most of my whuffo friends

i also had to put off buying a nice new car for about 2.5 years, but ....

...i gained a nice gear collection ;)

an amazing boyfriend

some incredible friends

much more exciting weekends

and a lust for life i didn't have before

good trades imo :)

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