
Whats a good raise?

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like Blahr said, does it make a difference in finances? if your general expenses haven't changed much recently, any raise = profit. B|

do you rent? have your lease rate gone up? have jump ticket prices changed at your dropzone recently? has...

well okay that's pretty much the only expenses I worry about...

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But I do not believe that the market for my skills is so bad that I shouldn't be doing research on the market VALUE of my skills.

This is the perfect attitude. You are in a good industry with growth potential.

We've had many owners, consultants and advisors in my line of work. Because we know what it takes to do what we do in our area and the going rate, it is very hard to be lied to about our compensation. They still try though.[:/] We say " pay us now or pay later", and it never gets cheaper. Not just wages but in operating and maintenance cost as well. As time goes on down the road they learn. And they pay!

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I just recently received a raise. 3.25% of salary. It was considered to be one of the highest in my department.

I guess you really have to know how the company is doing to judge how good it is but I would say that 4-5% is a great raise.

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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I just gave an employee a 20% raise after two weeks on the job. He is obviously vastly smarter and more useful than I predicted. I doubt that is the last one he'll get, too.

Our policy is that employees are money machines. If an employee is fed $1.00, they should be able to create (for instance) $1.50. By that logic, it's in our best interest to feed them as much money as their capacity can support. If they are capable of turning $10 into $15, or $10,000 into $15,000, or $1million into $1.5million, then that's how much they should get.

The first time I can get an employee earning $1million, I will be a happy business owner :)

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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A raise? What's that? I haven't seen one of those in years.

According to Gary350:
"Oh, about six to eight inches?"


So if I stand on my tippy-toes, then I've just given myself a raise? Or do I need to start wearing platform shoes? ;)

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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I love your attitude. You think like my boss. I just got a 25% raise in my base salary, plus my bonus structure has changed in my favor. My boss is still making out because I've taken on the duties of 2 people who recently left the company, allowing him to erase over 100K a year from the payroll. So, everyone wins, including the bottom line of the company.B|

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Well, I just got a 3.78% raise and I'm upset. My role has completely changed since I started at this place a year ago, (giant corporation), yet they refuse to create a new title/position for what I'm doing, so I'm stuck with the old title and the old pay range.

I could put forth a proposal for a new title and pay, but it will only draw attention to myself, and they won't create a new official position for me anyhow.

I'm trying not to go postal.

If I was currently doing what I was hired to do, I wouldn't complain about the % increase, but I've been doing completely different work for at least the last 6 months and this work takes a lot more effort and knowledge/creativity than what I was hired to do. Yes, they "promoted" me into this new role, but where's the dough??

I know....unemployed people, starving children in Somalia, etc., but I'm ranting anyhow!

I need a sugar daddy!

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I would have to say that a 3% raise is not bad in the current economic environment. Many corporations are not only giving smaller amounts compared to 10 years ago, but they are also delaying raises or providing lump sum "bonus" payments in lieu of an annual raise. (read no future compounding). There are also a few corporations I am aware of that are reducing salaries.

It is good to have a decent job right now. A 3% raise is acceptable.


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Well, I just got a 3.78% raise and I'm upset

I know we have already talked about this, but here is some more info for you about my last rasie.

I got a 6.7 review out of a possible 7.0. I had two sick days and that really smacked my review in the ass.

For being what my boss said a "Top performer" (AND a DZ.com post whore)...I only got a 2% raise.

Now to be honest I am a topped out employee and they didn't have to give me anything...But they wanted to so they bumped up my top of scale.

If I was not "top of Scale" I would have gotten a 4.6% raise.

Like I said, I can't complain...I do OK.

You are doing better than last year, and doing MUCH better than the year before that.

Given that info...I would be OK about that raise.

However....Like I said last night..Create a "Good Job" File at work...Keep a copy of ALL atta girls...Take them into your next review and fight for a better one.

Your issue is not the raise, but your job title. Use this job as a pring board to move up...They saw the fact that you had skills in an area...So get more skills and move up, or get the skills and move out to a job that pays you what you think you are worth.


I need a sugar daddy!

How YOU doin?

Of course I live in a trailer on a DZ..So I am betting I don't count as a"Sugar Daddy"...So keep looking.;)
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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4 or 5% is excellent nowadays (even with the generally low level of unemployment now), but it really depends on what salary you came in with. So the best way to see if you are paid fairly is to interview similar jobs and see what they would offer. If you are getting more than the market will bear, then a 0% raise is fair. If you are way underpaid, then 4-5% is poor.

Most managers have x dollars for raises, so if you get more, someone gets less, so if you are stellar and everyone else is also stellar, you won't get much. You are in competition with your co-workers.

Supply and Demand - they need to know that you can go elsewhere, so they must be competitive - but you must be ready to go if you aren't compensated fairly.

That said, if you want to stay and want big kicks, you need to move up in the business. Promotions will get it faster.

Edit: Talking about 'it' with your co-workers is one of the most terrible things you can do for your relationships with the co-workers and also for your managers. It only ever leads to someone being angry and resentful - NO ONE WINS

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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